Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2667: The wayward little princess (four more finished)

In Ling Han's opinion, he does not want to have a general knowledge of a woman. In Wang Jiayue's view, Ling Han's attitude is too arrogant.

Who is she?

Wang Jiaxuan, the little princess, is also the most loved descendant of the Wang family ancestors. Who is the ancestor of the Wang family? Three steps Tianzun!

As soon as she said her words, she should be as law-abiding. This kid is not scared, but it is disrespectful to swindle in front of her. Is the attitude so careless?

Damn, too odious.

"Ling Han, you are too much, don't know if this is Miss Wang Jiada?" Someone jumped out and rushed to Wang Jiayue.

Wang Jiayue is not only beautiful, but also has a genius of martial arts. There is also a three-step ancestor of the ancestors. These three elements are concentrated on a woman, can not let countless men become flower idiots?

"That is, this is the site of the Wang family!" Some people also shouted.

For a time, many people are scolding Ling Han. This is an opportunity for performance. If you can get on the king's house, there may be a big change.

Of course, there are also many people sitting on the wall, because there are always people with eyes and ears, and it is Zhou Heng who has specially reserved a plane transmitter to be able to come from Xianyu.

Maybe Zhou Heng is just a love talent, maybe there is a plan to accept Ling Han as an apprentice?

You must know that Zhou Heng is a six-step Tianzun, and his master is the strongest presence in heaven and earth.

Seven steps Tianzun, Lin Luo!

What is the ratio of the Wang family? Anyway, it has nothing to do with yourself, why bother to join in the fun, don't bother to get both ends.

Ling Han brow wrinkled, he does not know people generally do not mean he is bullied. His eyes swept over and faintly said: "If I remember correctly, here is the world's first military court. Why did you come to the Wang family site? What are you, and when you open your mouth, you will assign the site of the martial arts to the royal family?"

Asked by him, the person who spoke up was speechless.

It is really not a royal family here, but the Wang family is holding a banquet here. In a sense, is the territory of the Wang family?

"In short, you must plead guilty to Wang Xianzi!" The man seized this.

Ling Han did not mean nonsense, directly shot.

Although the man is also the Sixth Heavenly King, but even if it is the Emperor, how can you stop the cold and a half-style?

Hey, he was directly smashed by Ling Han’s slap, and his blood was splashing. Like Zhuo Kai, he was also half-faced and was unbearable.

Everyone is chilling, only to feel that Ling Han is too ferocious, but really does not sell the face of the Wang family.

Wang Jiayue was even more angry, his embroidered fists were tight, and his eyes were about to spurt fire.

Ling Han is a long way: "I suggest that you be cautious, don't even think about it. Although I don't like to beat a woman, I don't feel soft when I meet a shrew."

Wang Jiayue was half-small with a small mouth and almost fainted.

Splashing, shrewing?

She is a grandson of the king's family, and the most beloved descendant of the three-step Tianzun is actually said to be a shrew!

But she really had to be scared by Ling Han, she was not stupid, the six-person Tianxian Wang was knocked over by a slap, and her singer who had just broken through was nothing. Don't look at the cold wind and the light, but the suffocating in the eyes shows that his words are not a joke.

She is very expensive and needs to be added to a Lu man.

Wang Jiayue quickly retired, she did not want to fight the cold, it does not matter, is there so many people here, who can not help the cold? After all, it’s just a Seventh Heavenly King.

"Who has suppressed this evil person for me!" she exclaimed.

A word fell, the audience quietly, even the people who just shouted for her flag was only heard.


Wang Jiayue was shocked. When she wanted to come, she dropped a word, and surely there will be countless people who will immediately rush out and contribute to her. Now this situation is what she did not expect, how can it be like this, it seems that these people are very afraid of the cold.

Who is this person, and is the Seven Heavenly King so fierce?

"Monthly, what happened?" A soft voice came, and I saw a Tsing Yi man striding in. He had eight colorful entanglements, and he was full of heroic, step by step, and leaping.

"Hai Ge!" Wang Jiayue saw it, and suddenly showed a happy color, as if he had met the heart of the heart, and quickly pointed to Ling Han, "This guy is hurting at my Wang family banquet, and wants to hit me!"

She has been wronged. Has she been treated like this since she was young?

"Ma Yuhai!" someone whispered immediately.

"This is also a personal thing!"

"He is the leader of the last class of students, it seems to be a level star."

"More than that, his father is Ma Feng!"

"Hey, wasp?"

"Hey, just ridicule you like this, it may be slaughtered and white death! Ma Feng adults are a half-step Tianzun!"


The people whispered and unveiled the identity of this Tsing Yi man.

"Look at Wang Jiayue's attitude, the two seem to be a relationship?"

"It is no wonder that Miss Wang Jia is not eyeing anyone. It turns out that there have been people who are interested."

"Hey, Ma Yuhai, no wonder, no wonder."

Many people are exposed to the color of envy, but Wang Jiayue is not only beautiful, but also the most favored descendant of a three-step Tianzun. If she marries her, she will be able to get a full-scale training of a three-step Tianzun.

Ma Yuhai strode over. He stopped at Wang Jiayue's side, his eyes were tender and petting. He said: "Don't be afraid of the moon, there is a sea brother here, and you will never let you suffer a little wrong."

"Yeah!" Wang Jiayue nodded and looked at Ma Yuhai's eyes full of worship.

She knew Ma Yuhai a long time ago, and no matter how good the family came out, compared with him, Ma Yuhai was eclipsed, so in her mind, Ma Yuhai is also invincible.

No matter what, as long as Ma Yuhai said that he can solve it, it will certainly be able to solve it.

Ma Yuhai took back his gaze, then looked at Ling Han and said faintly: "You can afford to sin, I can consider only abolishing you!"

As early as a few million years ago, he began to pursue Wang Jiayue, and he was very talented.

His purpose is very clear, that is, to embrace the thigh of the king's family, of course, Wang Jiayue is like a fairy, the martial arts talent is extraordinary, he also likes it very much.

Ling Hanhe smiled and shook his head: "I will rush you, I will interrupt your limbs!"

These people have repeatedly provoked him again and again, so that he can't bear it.

"Haha, dare to be so arrogant in front of my Ma Yuhai, you are the first one!" Ma Yuhai sneered, and he reached out and grabbed Ling Han. "Just... you have such qualifications, let me lie down!"

The king of the celestial kings is sure to be extremely destructive. It is generally impossible to carry out indoors. Ma Yuhai is self-sufficient in crushing the cold. As long as he can take down Ling Han with one shot, what about the indoor war?

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