Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2671: Ambush (four more)

"French, you have entered a misunderstanding when you think about it." Li Si said, "We all know your specific strength, but Ma Yuhai does not know."

Shui Yanyu immediately nodded: "Yes! Although Ma Yuhai is not an opponent of Fu Jun, but from his point of view to push the strength of the husband, it may be considered that the husband is equivalent to the nine peaks."

The soft demon woman picks up: "But when encountering the emperor star of the Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak or even the emperor star, Nafujun is not an opponent."

"So, Ma Yuhai must have moved such a strong!" The women reached a consensus.

Ling Hanhehe smiled: "My regular combat power is really only the appearance of the late nine heavens. However, whether it is the Jiuhua or the five elements of the thunderstorm, it is the level of the Emperor who has encountered the Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. What's more, I still have no cure for the classics. Once I work, my body is comparable to Xianjin. It is not difficult to get away."

"Do you want to go to the covenant?" The girls all looked at Ling Han, but the Queen also stopped practicing and looked at him with a good look.

Ling Han nodded: "I also want to take this opportunity to solve Ma Yuhai, save me from getting into trouble again."

"He is a student of the martial arts, if it is passed out," He Lian searched for snow and hesitated.

The martial arts institute does not oppose the benign competition between the trainees, and even the bullies are not related, as long as the realm is not two heavens, whatever you want to play. But there is a limit, that is, it must not be murdered and disabled. The people here may be the main force to resist the frenzy in the future. How can it hurt the infighting?

Ling Han thought for a moment: "I will see the situation, can kill and kill, can not kill ... and then kill!"

He is sure that Ma Yuhai will send him out of the martial arts, that is, holding the idea of ​​killing him. For such a person, Ling Han naturally also sentenced the other party to death.

It is of course best to be able to get rid of this time. If you can’t, you should first keep your account and never let go.

Three days later, Ling Han came out and went to Da Yanshan.

Da Yanshan is in the west of the martial arts school. It is almost an hour's journey. Of course, it is calculated by the footsteps of Ling Han. The ordinary fairy king can not only run this time. If you want to go to the appointment on time, it must be earlier. Out.

Ling Han leisurely, pedaling space rules, one step is infinity.

He seems to be careless, but all the moves around him are under his control, and a little bit of wind and grass can't escape his eyes.


Ling Han gave a surprised low-pitched voice. It was originally very clear on this day, but it suddenly turned into a dark night, and it was black and lacquered everywhere.

Not only is the environment darker, but the gods seem to be limited. It can only be released hundreds of miles away. It is as far away as if it hit a dam and immediately bounces back.

Ling Han stopped, his hands were behind him, no hurry, no surprise.

Hey, the applause sounded, and I saw an old man coming out. A pair of people who were not far from death, but Ling Han did not dare to marry him. I felt that this old man seemed to be an ancient fierce, suffocating. Ling Tian is terrible.

"The sudden change in the encounter can be so calm, the old is really only seen in life." The old man said.

Ling Han smiled faintly: "Why do you have the strength and need to be nervous? Let you change everything, I broke it."

"Ha ha ha, well!" The old man laughed and then coughed up sharply. "But, guys, do you think your strength is strong enough?"

"It should be almost worse than the old man, but everyone has their own tricks, and it’s not necessarily the case." Ling Han smiled. "What do the elderly call?"

"Qin Frost." The old man stared at Ling Han, his eyes gradually became radiant, and the pressure was getting stronger.

"Ma Yuhai asked you to shoot?" Ling Han asked, idle is also idle.

"Yes, a Tianzun Dan, so the old is very satisfied." Qin Frost did not hide, " Guy, are you committing suicide, or let the old shot?"

"Oh, why do I have to commit suicide?" Ling Han smiled.

"Because the old ruin is shot, you will die... very miserable!" Qin Shuangsen said, the eyes burst out of the cold, the yin bursts, full of anger.

Ling Han didn't care: "I just did it. I am not as strong as the elderly, but once I fight, it is not necessary to make a trick."

"It seems that you have to let the old shots!" Qin Shuang's body shape, swaying toward Ling Han, one hand to explore, turned into a heavenly black giant palm, scattered metal-like cold light, a rune Appeared, scattered to high pressure.

This is a hegemon of the nine heavens!

Ling Han has the heart to try the strength of the other side, then he will force himself and swing a fist to welcome.


In a big bang, Ling Han rushed out like a cannonball. Hey, he broke several mountain peaks and finally stopped. But it was not the castration, but he ran into an invisible The wall was so strong that he was forcibly blocked.

"This is a big battle for Tianyuan. As long as it is a fairy king, it is impossible to leave if you are trapped inside." Qin Frost stepped away from a distance, and he took the absolute advantage in this attack. "Only the old master This core stone in the middle can open a big array, so you will break the idea of ​​escaping."

"Right, this space is isolated, and it is a world. It is impossible for people outside to fight here."

Qin Frost slowly said, with a brutal color on his face, like a cat and a mouse.

A long time ago, he was a big comet, the strong man who died in his hands, and the number of arrogance. In recent trillions of years, although he has been self-cultivating, it is difficult to change his nature. Now his killing Has started.

According to the information he obtained, the person named Ling Han was a enchanting champion with an evolutionary index of 12, but only seven days of cultivation, only a seven-day attack by a certain secret method, he defeated Ma Yuhai, although he was a little curious. But not too much in my heart.

Because he is the emperor star of the Jiuzhong Tianfeng!

Ling Han sacrificed the magic sword, the opponent's strength is too strong, he does not have to meet the enemy's short.

"Imperial!" Qin frost brows, but even stretched out, because he also has a fairy.

He also took out his own fairy, but it was a saw blade. He could see the blood of the orangutans on the top, the glare, some of them are like ice, some are like flames, others are flashing. Thunder.

This is that he killed too many powerful kings, and the essence of the immortal condensed with the immortal blood.

"Dead!" Qin Shuang attacked again, and the foot of the cross has already arrived in front of Ling Han, wielding a knife.

The fierce murderous, a knife in hand, Qin Shuang seems to have changed a person, full of gray dancing, there is still a trace of old.

Ling Han waved his sword to meet.

boom! boom! boom!

The fairy weapon slammed and raised a boundless storm. Under such a big killer, the rules around it were all broken and smashed.

Qin Shuang haha ​​laughed, he is the Nine Heavenly King, the ability to control the rules is far above the cold, reaching out and grasping, the rules of endless distance suddenly picked him up, directly let Ling Han no rules can be called.

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