Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2672: Self-respect

This is fatal for the other Seven Heavenly Kings.

The reason why the king of the king is strong is that he stands at the height of the rules, and can directly call the rules to represent the world. Why is there a saying that the king of the king is a golden sky and one step at a time?

Also because of the rules.

As Qin Shuang is doing now, he directly breaks up the nearby rules. Of course, he can extract a wider range of rules of the world from his higher realm, but Ling Han does not.

A fairy king who has been deprived of the rules... can it be stronger than the dust?

"Ha ha ha ha!" Qin Frost laughed, waving a saw blade, Ren Ling Han secret law is strong and there are birds, as long as the other party has no rules to call, it is a dead crab.

A blow can kill!

Ling Han was not moved, the fairy magic sword waved and greeted Qin Hushuang.


Two pieces of fairy smashed together, and suddenly caused a sharp wave, and Qin Shuang was shaking his body and was shaken out.

He was eclipsed, but he couldn’t understand it at all. He actually fell in the wind with strength.

how can that be possible!

You must know that in the previous bombardment, Ling Han simply did not match him. The gap is not a star and a half. How did he get here, but he was not defeated?

The strength of Ling Han has soared?


Qin Shuang immediately said in his heart that his eyesight can of course be judged immediately. In fact, the power of Ling Han has not improved. On the contrary, it has dropped a little. The change is him.

His power has fallen too much.

Very normal, although he can extract the rules, but after all, it comes from a place far away from the distant area. Originally, there is nothing, even if he can only extract 10% of the rules, but on the zero of the cold, It is still endlessly crushed.

The problem now is that Ling Han didn't lose power because he couldn't draw the rules, but he was weak because of the few rules he extracted. In contrast, he was actually less powerful than the cold.


Thinking about this, Qin Shuang was both shocked and regretted.

He was shocked, Ling Han must have a physical skill, so it can still be so fierce in the case that the rules can not be mobilized, but this kid's body skills are too overbearing, can actually stand at the same height as the rules, and even stronger some.

What regrets is that he broke the space nearby and broke the rules.

He pushed himself into the mud, is he not an idiot?

"Thank you!" Ling Han also said a word of frost.

Qin Shuang couldn't help but get old-fashioned. This is really ironic. Before he was ashamed and arrogant, he was confident in the overall situation. He thought that if he had a trick, he would get rid of Ling Han, but the result is exactly the opposite, let alone When you get rid of the cold, you have eaten some small losses.

He roared and pointed the knife in his hand to Ling Han: "Small little, dare to ridicule the old, big courage!"

"Why, you come to kill me, I want to respect you? Is that stupid, or are you guilty?" Linghan mouth is not forgiving, but he is practicing with the **** dog, the skill of the person. Not weaker than his fighting power.

Qin Frost was so full of gray flying, he did not talk nonsense with Ling Han, and it was a knife.

Ling Han fearless, not only waved the magic sword to meet, but the left hand was condensed into a fist, against the Qin Frost bombing.

During this time, he was in an absolutely strong period and could completely press Qin Frost.

Qin Shuang is extremely depressed, his strength is far above the cold, but because he did not think that Ling Han actually has a horrible body technique, the result is wrong, full disk loss, now can only be beaten, they are going to marry I don't know anymore. But after all, he is the emperor star of the Nine Heavens Peak, and he is in control of this big array, and is changing the space here.

The space has been changed, and the rules have naturally returned to their original state. At that time, he is still the top nine tyrants, and Ling Han will be returned to the original shape.

With the help of the fairy, Qin Shuang could barely support. After paying the price of the three punches in Ling Han Bing, he finally extracted the other side of the world to change, and suddenly, the frenzied rules restored calm.

"Right, you have to pay the price!" Qin Frost roared, he licked Ling Han three punches, Rao is his strength is broken a rib, arm bones and shoulder bones, can not be restored for a long time. But now that the rules have returned, his injuries are immediately restored, and there is a fierce light in his eyes: "You have completely angered me!"

Before he was still "old and old", now he is out of anger, naturally he can't take it.

He only had one thought, took the cold, tortured enough, and then killed.

Ling Han haha ​​laughed: "The little man who hides his head and tails will only sneak into the plot. If it is a battle with the same realm, I can kill you with one finger! Now, it will cost some hands and feet."

Qin Shuang suppressed the fire, and the right hand swung the knife. The left hand grabbed a boulevard and turned into a giant stick, and went to Ling Han.

This is his true manifestation of combat power.

Ling Han faint smile, his current combat power has also entered the nine heavens, even if it is not worthy of the Emperor's star of the Nine Heavens Peak, but everyone is within this level, and then the above is the quasi-tianzun, the level is the same, he is even weaker What about it?

boom! boom! boom!

The two strong players fight, the cold is not at all, every move is to fight with Qin Frost.

In terms of combat power, Ling Han is indeed not defeated, but also has to eat a lot of losses, but in the body, Ling Han is a strong and sloppy, the realm of Xian Wang can surpass him is also born, the **** dog also counts One, after all, it has also cultivated the immortal.

Therefore, the strength is not lost, but Ling Han is almost harmless, as long as the saw blade, with the strength of Qin Frost itself want to hurt Ling Han?


Even if Ling Han is in a state of incompetence, he can hardly smash the fairy, but he can't live in it for a long time.

Ten strokes, hundreds of moves, thousands of moves, Ling Han is tenacious.

"I have to admit that you are the strongest seven heavens I have ever seen." Qin Frost suddenly stopped the attack and seemed to appreciate the cold.

Ling Han is shaking his head: "In the nine heavens I have seen, you can not enter the top ten."

For example, the **** dog, Du eleven, A Mu, Yu Xuan Xian Wang, etc., which is stronger than Qin Frost.

Qin Shuang is not convulsed by the corner of his mouth. He commented this way because of the identity of a superior, with a condescending trend, but Ling Han opened his mouth and directly dragged him into the ditch, so that he can keep high. deportment?

The mouth of this kid... is even more terrible than his fighting power.

"The little boy, you really irritated me!" Qin Shuang was trembling, and the golden light in his eyes, like tears, continually falling down, not only that, his hair also from gray to gold, skin from The pines became tight and turned into gold, and the stature was restored.

Now, he seems to have changed from a 60-70-year-old man to a young man.

Ling Han’s eyes flashed in the cold: “Is it necessary to come up with all the strengths?”

To reach the king of the king, which one is not the infinite life, no longer afraid of the grace of the heavens, how can it look like Qin Shuang, so he is either sick, deliberately disguised as this, or is practicing something weird Gongfa, this is caused by the practice.

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