Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2680: Give a face

The purpose of the **** dog is very simple, that is, to introduce the rain and wind to leave, to create a chance to escape from Ling Han.

Unfortunately, He Yufeng is not fooled.

He shot a blank shot, and he retracted his hand at random, his eyes still staring at Ling Han.

The **** dog saw it and immediately ran back. He shouted at the door: "The kid of the dead fisheye, why don't you chase the dog? Are you afraid? Come here, the dog does not bully you, let How about your hands and feet?" It has a front paw and a rear paw, and the black dog is free-standing.

This is very ridiculous, so that He Yufeng couldn’t help but twitch, and couldn’t help but patted the **** dog.

Boom, power rolling, terrible.

"The dog is gone again." Brush, the **** dog ran away, very fast.

It is known for its speed before it is completed, and this is its true life-saving skill.

He Yufeng slammed into the air and did not speak yet. The **** dog appeared again.

It probed at the door: "Have you missed the dog? The dog is back!"

He Yufeng’s eyes jumped into the fire. He insisted that the fight against Ling Han could not only be the relationship of being killed, but also because he wanted to stand up. The so-called new official took up three fires. , announce his rise to everyone.

The king wants to stop him. He does not hesitate to push it down. A **** dog wants to stop him. He immediately kills him. The problem is that he didn't succeed.

How fast is this dead dog?

He Yufeng decided not to pay attention to it. Although Ling Han’s cultivation was the lowest, he had already released his words before, or he was surrendered to be a slave, or he was killed. The sacred sacred sacred opening, do you have a reason to speak without words?

He stared at Ling Han, and his murder flashed in his eyes.

"Dead fisheye, bullying a seven-day kid is a skill, there are three hundred rounds with the dog fight?" The **** dog quickly called.

This time, He Yufeng was completely ignored. He shot and pressed the past to Ling Han.

Quasi-tianzun shot, even if the speed of Ling Han is faster than the ordinary nine-dimensional Tianxian Wang, how can he hide?

Boom, this palm just appeared in front of Ling Han, the big blue hand is like a grinding disc, can wipe out all the fairy king.

Ling Han shouted and did not destroy the scriptures. He had already cultivated Dacheng’s immortal king body, so that he could confidently take the shot.


When a palm presses, the entire Dongfu is suddenly trembled.

The King of the Kings can destroy this cave, and let’s take it. Fortunately, He Yufeng certainly will not ruin his own Dongfu, followed by a left hand, and annihilated the aftermath in time, only to let Dongfu tremble.

The dust dissipated, and I saw a golden figure in front of Ling Han. When the golden light was extinguished, the figure of the **** dog appeared.

It just rushed out in time, blocking the blow of He Yufeng.

Niu, the Nine Heavenly Kings can actually block the Quasi-Zhen.

"It hurts and hurts the dog!" When the crowd was still sighing, the **** dog was sitting on the ground with a big butt, yelling and hurting, and immediately let the impression that everyone just changed again fell into the thief. In the abyss.

This is a hyena, can't be changed.

The **** dog is not as terrible as it is. It also cultivated the immortal king body, and actively operated the immortal scripture. It was run out of its nine-day repair, and its power definitely exceeded that of Ling Han.

This blow, at most, makes it sway inside.

He Yufeng’s face is finally ugly, he wants to kill a Seven Heavenly King... Is it so difficult?

He just broke through the quasi-tianzun, it is the time when there is a lot of sentiment, why do so many people want to do it right?

Ling Han must die, must die!

He snorted, the **** dog can stop him once, but can it block one hundred times and one thousand times? Is it possible for a Jiuzhong Tianxian King to stop killing people?

"I also want to ask my brother to give a face, how to stop it?" A sweet voice suddenly sounded, and immediately like the spring breeze of March, melting the ice, making people all comfortable.

He Yufeng is even more uncomfortable. He just wants to kill a seven-day king. Why is there any objection?

He looked at the person who opened the mouth, his eyes swept over, and the blind man suddenly tightened.

This is a young girl, looks elegant, can't talk about how to be beautiful, but it makes people feel comfortable, like the same strain of daisy, it is worthy of careful taste. But this is not the point. The key is that he did not find the existence of this woman before.

He is so arrogant, how powerful is God, and he will miss a person?

"How does the girl call it?" He Yufeng asked quietly. Although this girl did not show any breath, it made his heart rise to avoid jealousy.

The woman smiled softly: "Lin, Lin drifting snow."

Lin drifting snow?

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads and did not hear the name.

"Small Hanzi, we don't have to run, this girl looks like a very powerful look." The **** dog leaned over and whispered.

Ling Han nodded, although the woman did not show the breath, but gave him a feeling of incomparable danger.

He Yufeng's brows are slightly wrinkled. This woman only reports her name, but she does not say that she was born or repaired. He hesitated and said: "Why should Lin girl protect this person?"

"Oh, I am more optimistic about this person, let me go on a trip, take him home to see, help him to help, will be repaired to upgrade some." Lin Hun Xue said, very casual.

It can be heard in the eyes of everyone, but they are all shocked.

Ling Han is already a seven-day-old, and then it’s easy to “make it up for improvement”. But Lin Bing Xue is like saying that eating bowls of rice, relying on, what is your home doing? Who is your son?

Let's brag.

He Yufeng did not believe it. He said faintly: "Who is the Father?"

Lin Fengxue smiled softly: "Now is my face to talk to my brother, and has nothing to do with my family."

"That depends on whether you have this strength!" He Yufeng finally decided to take the shot. After he became a quasi-tianzun, the first thing he said could not be done, which hurt his face too much.

Boom, he still explored it with one hand and turned it into a bluestone mill.

Lin Bingxue is not a **** dog. She naturally does not hide, but sticks out a jade finger and points to the sky.

A black light flashed, hehe, the disk in the sky immediately shattered.

Hum, this shot, her breath can no longer be hidden, like a tsunami.

"Quasi-day respect!"

"Oh my God, it’s a quasi-nature!"

"How can such a person never see it in the military court?"

"And, she is not just a breakthrough in the quasi-tianzun, there is a domineering iron and blood."

"She broke through in the field battlefield, or has been **** there for countless years."

Everyone is shocked, this is also a quasi-thousand, and probably more powerful than He Yufeng.

Lin Fangxue’s face is full of soft smiles, and his manners are graceful: "He brother, can you give a face?"

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