Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 2681: Wrath of the husband

This is the second time Lin Fengxue has said the same thing.

For the first time, He Yufeng was only curious and had some jealousy, but when he said this sentence for the second time, his heart was raised with chill.

Although it was only a move, he has already seen the gap between himself and Lin Bingxue.

He is not.

Because he relied on the accumulation of resources and long-term retreats to break through the quasi-tianzun, of course, his talent is also placed there, otherwise no amount of resources, no longer bitterness is no good. But the other party is breaking through in the **** battle. The martial arts will not be faked, full of iron and blood and killing.

In contrast, he is the flower seedling in the greenhouse, while the other is a tree that has experienced a storm. If they fight, they will be defeated.

He is lacking in experience. If he can play more with the quasi-tianzun, his combat power will be able to rise quickly and will not lose to the other side.

But now, he can't beat it.

Therefore, he must also give this face.

Just like before, he can ignore the rules of the martial arts, whoever he wants to deal with, and even openly want to kill Ling Han. Why can he be so horizontal? strength! The same is true now. His strength is not as good as Lin Xingxue, so he must think about it. Otherwise, Lin Bingxue’s shot, how can he be embarrassed?

Quasi-Tianzun is only a quasi-tianzun. In the presence of the same level of existence, he must also be jealous and even bow.

"Look at Lin's sake, the deity will spare this kid once!" His eyes swept over the cold, his eyes flashing in the cold.

This person is so bad that his face is completely lost, naturally let his heart anger, this time he can not kill, but the next time... Lin Fengxue can not always stay with Ling Han?

He will kill people tomorrow!

"Roll!" He waved his hand at Ling Han, and his eyes were not clear.

Everyone is feeling, Ling Han is really a good star, the first Wang family to take photos, and then a black dog such as a master, and finally there is a mysterious quasi-tianzun help, ask which seven-day Tianxian Wang has this face?

No one felt that Ling Han was wronged.

Are you wronged?

A quasi-tianzun is forced to close his hand, and your face is really going to be heaven.

After this incident, Ling Han’s fame will definitely have to go one step further, although this is because of the relationship of others.

Ling Han moved, but beyond everyone's expectations, he did not turn around. Instead, he strode to He Yufeng and walked over until the two were only one foot apart. He stopped and said: "Under the next Although it is only a seven-day day, it is impossible to be an opponent of the quasi-tianzun, but the husband is angry and still splashes three feet!"

In this case, he said very low, and he swayed his backlog of anger for a long time, so that everyone could not help moving.

But... what do you want to do?

Is it a board for a quasi-day lord?

Ling Han paused and said: "I want to ask for advice from He Tianzun!"

When this was said, everyone was amazed. Many people doubted whether their ears were out of order and they would hear such incredible words.

A seven-day Tianxian Wang actually challenged Zhun Tianzun?


However, giants such as Du XI and A Mu have exposed their appreciation.

As Ling Han said, the husband was angry and could still splash three feet.

If Ling Han is so swallowing, it is certainly a wise move, but it will be classified as inferior, although it will not be underestimated, but it will not be cited as knowing.

Ask for ten tricks, throwing the floor!

I am a seven-day, nature can not be the opponent of the quasi-tianzun, but I have arrogance, it is not that you can deceive me and insult me.

Lin Fengfeng is also a beautiful show. Although she helped out to help Ling Han, it was only a father's life. It does not have any good feelings for Ling Han. Of course, there is no bad feeling. It is the person who sees a street. There is no feeling.

But now she understands a bit, why a strong person like a father will value Ling Han.

Just rushing this courage, it is definitely worth her to run this way.

She is very interested. She wants to know that Ling Han is really only the anger of the husband, and she is blinded by anger. Only then does she try her best to challenge herself, or he really has the confidence to support the ten strokes under He Yufeng’s hands.

Of course, the most angry is He Yufeng.

The quasi-tianzun is actually challenged by a seven-day fairy king!

Of course, he can kill the cold with a slap in the face, but a fairy king dares to challenge the quasi-those, for his dignity, it is worthy of being smashed and scratched.

He took a deep breath and said: "It's really a guy who doesn't know what it is! Well, the deity will let you even out nine tricks, when the tenth trick... The deity will let you know the fear!" He made up his mind It is necessary to kill the cold in the tenth move, and not give Lin Fengxue a chance to rescue.

No way, who wants this kid to challenge the quasi-tianzun?

The power of heaven is not to be sinned!

Ling Han faint smile, he did not sacrifice the fairy sword, but his hands swayed, pinched into a fist, Jiuhua Tianjing operation, his combat power is rising.

His current conventional strength has reached the peak of the nine heavens, and then the nine-dimensional Tianjing is magnified. At least for such a short period of time, his combat power can rival the super-stars of the Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and even stronger.


He rushed out and roared with his fists.

Even if he is only a Seventh Heaven King, there is no temper, can you be humiliated?

There are also two strong men of the Wang family. In order for him to be injured by He Yufeng, the **** dog was almost hit hard. Why are innocent people involved?

Just because you are strong?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Ling Han double fists furious, huge force.

Everyone is in vain, is this really a Seven Heavenly King, how do you feel stronger than the Nine Heavenly King?

However, what is even more terrifying is He Yufeng. He put his hands behind him, and what is the anger of the cold, he is desperate if he does not move the rock.

This is the quasi-tianzun, from the level of the immortal king, from the level of the rules, rose to a height that the king can only look up.

"Is this strength?" He Yufeng sneered.

Lin Fengxue secretly shook his head. Ling Han’s current combat power is indeed extraordinary. If he is a repair of Jiuzhongtian, then it is really possible to hurt Zhunzun after running this secret technique. However, after all, Ling Han is only a seven-day day. Such an attack can make any one of the nine-day kings jealous, and even dare not slap it. It is still far worse to deal with a quasi-tianzun.

Seven strokes, eight strokes, nine strokes!

He Yufeng smiled faintly and waved his hand at Ling Han: "蝼 蝼, you also eat the deity!"

Boom, this blows, the world will be cracked.

Lin Fengxue is also not good at shooting. It is Ling Han who wants to play ten strokes. If he is killed by He Yufeng, that is what he asked for.

Heavenly grace is provocative?

Ling Han did not have the idea of ​​retreating. He screamed, his eyes flashed through the fierce color, his face was full of perseverance, his right fist was palm, and his anger was thriving.

Hey, this palm is thrown out, his right arm begins to burst, the blood vessels all blast at the same time, flesh and blood fly, leaving only the bones, no return.

The wrath of the man.

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