Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3048: Repression of the five supreme


Broken Yue could not help but take a breath.

The seven-step body is not bad, so this bullet is only broken by the force of the broken force, not his entity, but the cold is too easy, just a little shot, it will His attack has resolved.

Moreover, although his hand was not injured, it was a vague feeling.

This is too terrible.

Looking at Ling Han, Duan Yue could not help but raise the illusion of facing extinction and now facing frenzy, because only these two existences can make him suffer.

Ling Han, will the future become the second extinction and the second frenzy?

He has an inexplicable chill and a regret.

What I regret is that I didn't kill the cold in the past, or, at the beginning, there is no need to avenge each other.

Unfortunately, it is already late.

"Old thief, how come you are back?" Ling Han said faintly.

Of course, the broken mountain will not lose its arrogance, and faintly said: "I need to report to you, do you want to report it to you?"

Ling Hanhe smiled and said: "No way, I have to send you into the extraterritorial battlefield."

"Let's relax!" Breaking the screams, the sky suddenly appeared rolling and angry, seven steps of supreme, angered and eclipsed.

"Older, today completely suppress you!" Ling Han killed the past.

Although the mouth of the broken Yue is very hard, you can see that Ling Han killed, his first reaction is actually turning, body, and running.


Seeing this scene, the fairy kings in the dojo are shocked and numb, only completely unbelievable.

Strong as a seven-step supreme like Shuo Yue, even if you don’t even dare to pick up the cold?

Ling Han shouted, it was already chasing the past.

The seven steps are supreme, the speed is supposed to be the best in the world, no one can surpass.

The horrible thing happened, and Ling Han is rapidly shortening the distance between it and the broken mountain.

If you don't have to look back, you can sense the coldness of the cold, and he can't help but feel cold.

How long has it been before, has Ling Han been fully crushed?

He is on his way to the road, and he must fight the five strongest forces to fight against the cold.

Even if they are still unable to suppress the five people, I believe that if the five people join forces, they will at least be able to resist the cold.

However, the speed of Ling Han also quickly dropped, as if the explosive force passed, it has been weak.

This is the case, he is still slightly faster than the break of the Yue, is approaching.

Ten days later, the broken Yue came to the dojo of the inflammatory.

"Inflammatory, come out quickly!" Broken Yuetian Zun issued a long scream, turned into a shock wave that can destroy the land.

Hey, the sound is flowing, everything is gone.

When you see it on the dojo, a big hand shoots it, grabs it, slams it, and the sound is suddenly annihilated, rushing from both sides.

When the inflammation appeared, he stood in the sky and saw that the broken Yue Wolf was so eager to run to himself that he could not open his mouth.

He was so surprised that the seven steps of the grandeur were so miserable?

Of course, he did not know that before the break of Yue, he was suppressed by Ling Han and thrown into the battlefield outside the field. Otherwise, he can now understand why the broken Yue is so embarrassed, and even Ling Han’s move is not dare to pick up.

Shocked to shock, rushing into the fire or quickly shot, can not always look at the old man being chilled as a dog abuse.

Seeing the rushing shot, the end of the broken Yue is a big increase in the gas, but also turned back, a bombardment to Ling Han.

Ling Han faintly smiled, punched out, oh, he was the only two supreme, and under the shock of a huge force, the sky was torn open, and the void energy turned into a waterfall, falling from the endless height.

Both the inflammatory and the broken mountains were shaken out, and they were not the enemy of Linghan.


The incredible face is incredible. Although the five great supremes have joined forces against Ling Han, they have not been able to gain the upper hand. But where can this be the case?

Broken Yue did not eat too much surprise, after all, many years ago was smashed through the cold, but did not think that Ling Han than that time is more powerful than ten times.

Even if he has made four planes, he is still far from being able to compare with Ling Han.

Ling Han killed the past, hey, a mess.

The combination of breaking Yue and rushing is also far from being defeated. Fortunately, the seven steps are invincible. After they are defeated, they can still escape and go to find a new seven steps to deal with Ling Han.

They found the Beidou, but they could join the three great supremes or be easily abused by Ling Han. They had to continue to go and went there for half a month.

The result is still the same, not good.

Finally, the four great supremes found Xuan Yu Tian Zun.

The five most supreme, and once again face the cold.

At the last time, they were full of meal. In seven steps, this is a shameful shame.

This time, they were full of confidence, not only the number of planes, but also reached the upper level, one person can be more than the previous two.

Five people can be compared to twelve or even seven or seven steps.

However, their current confidence is even worse than the previous one, because Ling Han has become more powerful.

Yan Hanzhan Yan Yixiao: "People are all together, and save me from running back and forth several times."

He shot a strong shot, and his power was soaring.

The five most supreme and dumbfounded, they thought that Ling Han was strong enough, but now it was discovered that the original Ling Han did not use all efforts.

how can that be possible?

Seven steps of supreme should not be strong enough, but Ling Han is only six steps, six steps.

"You used to use all your strength deliberately, just want to take me to the net?" The incredible face is incredible.

Once upon a time, the seven-step supreme has fallen to such a point?

"Not bad." Ling Han said faintly, he began to collect the net, to grab all five Supreme.

They are full of resistance, but what is the use?

When Ling Han met them, they only had to escape. Even a move was not dare to pick up. Now the strength of Ling Han has reached the point of crushing, and it is only the five people who have no choice but to help.

The better part of them than Ling Han is that they are seven steps, and they don’t have to worry about being killed by the cold.

Ling Han will pile up the five great supremes like the pyramids, with a strong force to suppress, so that the five people can not move.

He sat on the heap of human flesh and lifted his legs and looked very relaxed.

If this scene is to be seen, it is estimated that one of them will burst into the eyes.

That is seven steps, and it is still five.

“How to deal with it?” Ling Han murmured. “Is it an era under the crack of Maokeng, or is it an epoch at the entrance of the latrine?”

What is the difference?

The five most supreme are in the spit, can be suppressed by Ling Han, can only wow scream.

Ling Han smiled slightly: "You answered me a few questions. If I am satisfied, I can consider sending you to the extraterrestrial battlefield."

The five most supreme silences for a while, said: "What do you want to know?"

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