Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3049: Set of words

"The will of the previous generation of the world, as if it had communicated with you?" Ling Han said, "I want to know, what did it say to you?"

The five most supreme and the face changed, this is their biggest secret.

"Hey, you don't want to know!" Inflammation immediately said, even if they were suppressed under the pit, Ling Han must also stand there, always add strength, otherwise how could they trap them?

But in contrast, they are even more reluctant to reveal the secrets of their hearts. Once Ling Han is also involved in the competition, can they still get the creation?

Ling Han moved his **** and sat more comfortable: "You don't have any meaning when you come and go. After all, I have also been exposed to the will of the world."


The appearance of the five people of the inflammatory dynasty has obviously changed, but the seven-step supreme is impossible without the point of the city, and it is very calm.

Ling Han continues to fish, and if you want people to confide in secrets, sometimes you have to reveal some information first.

"I not only touched the will of the world, but also talked for a while, and it also made me see a scene, and planted many life marks in your body." He said faintly, stopped and waited for the inflammatory five. Human expression.

Sure enough, these five people once again changed their expressions.

"What about that?" Beidou Tianzun also said faintly, a look that completely ignored.

Ling Han shook his head: "You really don't cooperate! But it doesn't matter, I love this person most."

He showed his meditation and said: "You are already a seven-step peak, and there are not many things that can touch you."

"First, the improvement of strength."

"Second, the threat of life."

"In theory, you have entered nowhere to enter, and you will not die. This is impossible."

"But when the Huangsha Tianzun was murdered and the extinction was broken, it proved that even the seven-step supreme immortality has a premise. If the frenzied really swallowed up the Yuan world, you will not escape."

"But this in turn leads to another problem. Since you will also be in danger of life, why should you get out of the field?"

"This is back to the original topic. Maybe your strength can be improved, so that you can get rid of this threat."

The words of Ling Han are slightly rounded, but the reason is very clear.

Therefore, although there is no substantive information disclosed, it is to let the five people continue to change their faces.

According to this guess, Ling Han may have guessed something.

Ling Han looked at the five people and decided to throw a blockbuster.

"The nuclear of the world!"


Suddenly, the five people were unable to maintain their calmness, and they blurted out. It was incredible to look at Ling Han’s expression.

How can such a secret be known by Ling Han?

Ling Han haha ​​laughed: "How about, everyone is open and honest, exchange it?"

After all, the five people who were inflamed were old foxes, and soon they all stabilized.

"You first say, know how much the secret of the nuclear world." asked Qian.

Rely on, where do you know that all the world will say that he missed his mouth and let him capture the word.

Ling Han will not admit it, said: "Oh, how much do you know? Don't know anything, but come to me."

"If this is the case, then there is nothing to communicate." How can the five people be mad, and the mouths of each one are very strict.

"Don't you say that?" Ling Han smiled faintly. "Do you want to suppress 10,000 years under the pit?"

"Haha, anyway, I will not die, the law will not touch, where is not detached?" Beidou Tianzun sneered.

Ling Han frowned in his heart. It seems that he can only humiliate these five old goods now, but if he wants the other party to be really scared, it is still worse.

Unless he steps into seven steps and builds a super-high plane in his body, he has the ability to kill seven steps. Then, I believe that there will be compromises among the five.

"Forget it, too lazy to play with you." Ling Han shook his head, grabbed the five great supreme, and then flew toward the field battlefield.

This time, send them five together on the battlefield.

It was only ten days of hard work. Ling Han came to the place and raised his hand. The five supremes were thrown into the channel of the main battlefield.

"Do what you should do, if I get caught outside, you really have to go to the pit for more than 10,000 years!" Ling cold said coldly.

The five people who are inflamed are staring at him. The heart is called a anger, but there is no way to do it.

Forget it.

The five people turned around and walked toward the depths of the main battlefield.

When they came to the sense of Lin Luo's several people, it naturally caused the surprise of Lin Luo and others.

What is the situation, how come these five people come again?

Especially the broken Yue, did you run away last time, how come back?

The five supreme naturals were ashamed to explain, immediately joined the battle group, and vented their anger to the frantic head.


Ling Han thought about it and walked into the passage of the battlefield.

It has been a long time since he left the field battlefield. He should also go and see, and some old accounts have not been liquidated.

When he reached the front line, he happened to encounter an attack by the mad army, and the black pressure was like a mountain.

On the side of Xuan Mo, everyone is very nervous. The mad army is stronger than once, and their number is decreasing. How can this go?

After this war, how many people will never see tomorrow?


At this moment, they saw a glory coming from a distance, passing through the wall, and then did not enter the wild army.

Let the scene of their scalp numb appear, Guanghua flashes, the mad army one after another burst, turned into blood and rain.

We must know that the composition of the Frenzy Army is very complicated. From the next to the Quasi-Zengzun, up to six steps, but where the Guanghua flashes, whether it is a quasi-tianzun or a six-step, it is all turned into a **** rain.

A single blow, the entire mad corps can almost be said that the entire army is not, the rest are awkward, but a dozen.


Which one is this big shot, too horrible?

They looked at the distance and saw that a young man was coming in the sky. The slender body seemed to contain the power to suppress the ancient sky, and people wanted to worship.

"That is……"

"Ling cold!"

"He is back."

Everyone is both excited and scared. When Ling Han hit a blow, he will destroy the frenzied army by 90%. Now the king returns, and the strength is even higher, and all the direct strikes are all done.

Such a helper is certainly exciting, but it is also scary, too strong, can someone balance him?

However, more people still hold optimistic thoughts. When Ling Han was forced to leave by five people, he can still come back now. Is there such a feeling, how can it harm others?


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