Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3102: competition

"Introduction of pulse Dan." Ling Han said faintly.

"Really?" The man wearing a sheep's head mask, can't see the appearance, but as long as you look at the body shape, this is a slender man.

What expression he is now is not a love, but judging from the tone, it should be full of surprise.

You should know that this kind of thing can be said to be absolutely popular. It is said that some forces do not even use jade seeds when trading, but use Yinmai.

This also needs to get a black market to sell?

He will be suspicious, everyone knows that there are many fakes on the black market. How can we guarantee that this is genuine?

"I see," he asked.

Ling Han nodded: "Yes."

The sheep mask man picked up the bottle, unplugged the cork, and after smelling it, he could not help but show his excitement.

It seems to be real!

He immediately looked around and looked like a thief.

Want to get the pulse in the ancient Taoist? difficult.

Even if it is a genius like Li Changdan, it is only two years before it can be assigned to a pulse. Others are even more difficult. Many people may not have a pulse after entering the door.

And the pulse of Dan is even more rare, because... no one will be alchemy.

It’s not that no one has tried it, but under the tempering of heaven and earth energy, it just turned into black charcoal.

Alchemy, you need talent.

The sheep mask male also has some identities. When he was practicing outside, he also used a high price to buy a pulsating dan, smelling and eating.

So, he can be sure that this smell is true.

Of course, it is also possible for Ling Han to lie to him with a bottle of yin dan. He did not immediately say that he wanted to buy it, but he was afraid of being discovered by others. Therefore, he seems to be a thief.

He pours out the pill, which has only a blue-green medicinal herb, which gives off a hint of bitterness.

Really, absolutely true.

The sheep mask man can now conclude that this must be the real thing.

“How much?” he asked, his voice trembled slightly.

Ling Han faint smile: "150 seeds of jade."

He wanted to offer two hundred jade seeds, but he thought about it. The people here are not expected to have such a family, so let the price go down a bit. Anyway, he is also earning a lot of money.

Who made him the emperor of Dandao, in the Yuan world, and here too.

"Buy!" The sheep mask man listened to the big joy. The pulse he had purchased before took more than two hundred jade seeds and dried all his belongings. This is because he had a great harvest in the monuments. , in exchange for an ancient piece of excavated.

One hundred and five, it’s really a big deal.

"You can only take it yourself. If you fake your hand and sell it to others, you won't have to buy medicine with me in the future." Ling Han said faintly, he is not a fool, and people can earn a fly when they turn their hands.

A sheep mask man glimpsed: "Brother, will you alchemy?"

Ling Han nodded: "My name is Han Lin, and later... Every month, No. 1, No. 11, No. 21, it is possible to come here. If you want to buy a drug, you can come and see."

"Women's trip." The sheep mask man nodded quickly and made a small voice. "My name is Nie Yang. If I have any troubles in Zongmen, I will come to me."

He wants to make a relationship with Ling Han, but the Dan teacher is extremely rare. Otherwise, how can he report his real name?

However, he knows that the Ling Han newspaper must be a pseudonym. If the ancient Daozong had a Dan teacher named Han Lin, how could he not hear it?

"Good." Ling Han nodded, he took Nie Yang's jade seeds.

Nie Yang just wanted to leave, but found that Ling Han took out another bottle and put it on the ground.

He was curious, saying: "Han brother, what is this medicine?"

"Introduction of pulse Dan." Ling Han said faintly.


Nie Yang suddenly spewed out, what, and the pulse?

No one dislikes the vasculature, that is, the same is true for those who are the eleven veins, because the more meridians there are, the more difficult it is to sense new meridians.

Don't say that a pulse is Dan, that is, ten or twenty are not too much.

He is only seven veins, and he is still five veins away from the twelve veins. Even if he is lucky, he needs five pulsed dan to make him reach the peak. Therefore, he immediately became jealous.

"I bought it!" he said categorically, not at all to distinguish the authenticity of the drug.

Ling Han is shaking his head: "Every person is limited to buy one."

Nie Yang is crazy, how is there such a rule?

It’s hard for him to catch such an opportunity. The people around him didn’t notice this. Can Ling Han still have a limited supply?

"I will buy two!" he pleaded.

Ling Han is not moved, since it is the emperor of Dandao, of course, he must have his rules.

Nie Yang thought about it and decided to find someone to help him buy this medicine.

He really did this, went to the side and said to one person: "Brother, I will give you one hundred and sixty jade seeds. You go there to buy the bottle, as long as one hundred and five, the extra ten jade seeds. What is your benefit fee, how?"

Ten jade seeds are already big, naturally let the person move, turning his head to look at him.

Isn't this a conspiracy?

"The man has some old complaints with me. I am afraid that he will recognize my voice, so I will trouble you." Nieyang said, this lie is really a mouthful.

"Okay." The man promised, and he did not suffer anyway.

The man used to say, "One hundred and fifty jade seeds?"

"Not bad." Ling Han nodded.

"Buy." The man said, looking at Nie Yang.

Nie Yang quickly took out a bag and handed it over. His heart was full of sorrows, and he was afraid that Ling Han refused.

Ling Han received the bag. He didn't mind Nie Yang playing some cleverness. However, he threw the Dan bottle to the person who purchased it. The rules were fixed by him. Of course, he could not be broken.

"You can only take it yourself, you can't resell others." He said, stressed it.

The man took the Dan bottle and originally wanted to hand it over to Nie, but he had an extra heart and asked, "What is this Dan?"

"Introduction of pulse Dan." Ling Han said casually.

On the one side, Nie Yang almost jumped, and he really wanted to block the cold mouth.

"What!" The man was shocked and quickly unplugged the bottle. Immediately, he was excited. This is really a pulse.

"Give me!" Nie Yang quickly reached out.

The man was on the side and let the past.

"Do you not speak credit?" Nie Yang said.

"This is the pulse of Dan, do you bully me first, but also tell me credit?" The man sneered, oh, throwing a bag, "Hey, you jade seeds!"

As long as it does not reach the twelve veins, who does not need to lead the pulse?

Ten jade seeds wanted him to let go, it was a big joke.

"This is not our agreement!" Nie Yang said coldly. "Hand over things, otherwise I will be welcome."

This is the pulse of Dan, he can give up!

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