Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3103: Black market rules

The man was sneer, saying: "The black market only talks about buying and selling, you can't use force, do you want to die?"

Nie Yang could not help but look at it. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones.

After the development of the black market, there are also various rules. It is strictly forbidden to fight and make troubles. If anyone does not comply, they will be attacked by groups.

Although Nie Yang is a seven-vibration, he has a grandfather of the eleven veins, but he does not dare to be so chaotic.

He can only pick up the bag on the ground with hatred. Since the other party knows that it is the pulse, he obviously can't get it back.

"You count!" The man said coldly.

Ling Han took out the third bottle and placed it in front of him.

"Hey, what is this medicine?" the man asked.

"Introduction of pulse."

"Sell me!" The man was pleasantly surprised, only one hundred and five, even if he didn't use it himself, he could sell it at a high price.

A fool is really a big fool.

Ling Han shook his head: "Every person is limited to buy one."

"Hey, is this person a fool? Anyway, you are selling medicine, who is not the same?" the man called.

Ling Han glanced at him and said: "Since it is my medicine, who do I want to sell to, who do you need to gesticulate?"

"You" was furious, pointing to Ling Han, could not help but want to shoot.

Ling Han smiled faintly: "Do you dare to start here, want to die?"

The man suddenly looked at it. This is what he had just taught Nie Yang before. He did not expect to be retributed so quickly.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Nie Yang is laughing, this is really too deflated.

The man looked at Ling Han coldly and said: "You really don't want to sell?"

Ling Han smiled and said: "You really need medicine, but it is not a pulse, but an ear. Your hearing is obviously problematic."

"The brain is also a bit problematic." Nie Yang said, and made up the knife.

The man was trembling and coldly said: "Good, good, good, you are so courageous! I have already remembered your voice. Just let me find it elsewhere, I will teach you to be a good person!"

Ling Han deliberately embraced his arms: "I am so scared!"

He has not been so threatened for many years, which has given him a sense of freshness.

"You wait!" The man turned and left.

Ling Han shook his head, and he only bought a pulse, but how big is the gap?

"What, here is the pulse?" Before the noise was a little big, it suddenly attracted people from all around.

"sell it to me!"

"No, sell it to me!"

There were a lot of porridge, and suddenly it caused a rush.

"First come, come, each person is limited to buy one." Ling Han said.

"I am the first, I am the first."

Because the black market has the rules of the black market, no one dares to come. This is a long-standing formation, and no one dares to break.

Therefore, although the pulse is full of temptation, no one dares to break the rules, cut the queue or use force.

After selling a total of six bottles, Ling Han took out the seventh bottle and said: "This is the last one."

"I have one hundred and sixty jade seeds, sell me!" Someone took the initiative to increase the price.

"I am out of one hundred seven!"

"One hundred eight!"

This seems to have become an auction, and everyone is increasing the price.

Ling Han shook his head: "My medicine, how much to sell, how much to sell, no counter-offer, no increase in price."

He sold the seventh pulsar to the next person in the queue, one hundred and five, no more.

Someone secretly said that Ling Han is stupid. Isn’t this not going to be with money? Some people admire the cold, and there are not many people who can stick to the principle.

Ling Han patted his **** and got up. He has already earned enough jade seeds. It is time to spend it.

He swept through one booth after another, and there were really a lot of weird things here.

Most of them are incomplete weapons. They are said to have been dug up from ancient ruins. They used to have unpredictable power. But now, because they are broken, they can no longer exert their power.

It can be said that it is sharp, but it is a lot stronger than the current technology, and the sturdiness is far beyond the localization of the iron.

Ling cold depressed curiosity, he must first find a gathering.

If the strength of one's own strength is insufficient, then what about taking advantage of the weapon of the gods?

Ling Han has always believed that his power is the king, it is fundamental.

There is really a gathering of spirits here, Ling Han asked the price, asking for 20 jade seeds.

Is it cheap?

Not cheap at all.

A jade seed can buy a slave. Twenty jade seeds are definitely a huge sum of money. Moreover, this Gathering array has a total of seven bases. If the materials are... very crude, they are engraved with ordinary steel.

However, it is not unsurprisingly that Ling Han has sensed a faint energy on the base, from the patterns depicted above.

According to the seller, each set of Gatherings can be used for about three times, after which the base will collapse.

When using it, each time you need to fill in ten to hundreds of jade seeds, the more the number of jade seeds, the better the effect.

Ling Han thought about it and bought nine sets of Gatherings. It is not that he does not want to buy more sets, but only nine sets in the other hand.

The mission is completed and the cold is withdrawn.

He still has a lot of jade seeds in his hand, but it needs to be used in cultivation, but it can't be wasted.

Back in Zong, he found a place to change clothes and then turn the house.

Just a little rest, it was time to rise.

Ling Han got up and started practicing boxing.

Calling snow is also very early, she wants to prepare breakfast for Ling Han.

After she was busy, she went to the yard to see Ling Han and practice boxing.

After half an hour, Ling Han received a fist, the sun has risen, and practice has no effect.

However, he still has a Gathering.

Ling Han began to arrange the base and saw that the snow was standing aside. He asked: "Call the snow, do you want to practice?"

"Ah?" Calling the snow, first revealing the color of the cockroach, then shook his head. "I am not a material for training."

Ling Han smiled and said: "As long as there is perseverance, perseverance, and a little chance, nothing is impossible."

"In the future, I will prepare a few pulse veins for you."

"Thank you for the young master." Calling the snow road, but she only thought that it was Ling Han casually saying that it was a joke to make fun of herself. It is so precious that the pulse is good, how many she can buy one.

Ling Han looked in his eyes, but did not say that this girl did not know that he was the emperor of Dandao, alchemy? Oh, little meaning.

"Young master, have breakfast."

Ling Han nodded. After eating breakfast, he opened the Gathering and continued to practice boxing.

Hey, the array works, only on each base, the pattern is bright, and the jade seeds on the edge of the base are rising, seemingly burning.

This array does not lead to the terrain or Tianwei, so, do not pay attention to where to arrange, the energy source is completely from jade seeds.

Ling Han started the boxing method and immediately felt that there was power coming into his body.


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