Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3274: New insight

Ling Han smiled slightly and said: "If you don't have a few pounds or two, don't you have to eat bones from all of you? How can you beat the dog?"

He has no mercy in his mouth, and his words are really poisonous.

What face?

The other party was bullied to the door, and even Lian Xuerong was beaten. This is not going to be good.

Hu Yang’s face is even more ugly, although he also knows that genius is arrogant, proud and proud, and which one is like Ling Han’s mouth?

Too much attention.

"Hey, the mouth is unobstructed, let me take care of you!" He stood up and killed the past.

This time, his strength has increased to 1.5 million jin.

What is the suppression of a change? Pooh.

Ling Han greeted, hey, the two once again slammed a note, a force turned into a visible cockroach, shaking away in all directions.

Populus euphratica swayed, and three steps back, while Ling Han was steady.

This time, Populus is really moving.

By relying on, the power of one hundred and fifty thousand kilograms can not hold down the cold?

The power of this kid is probably one hundred and six hundred thousand.

so horrible.

He suddenly raised an idea, will this person become the second Hong Tianbu?

At that time, the man reached a huge force of two million pounds in Tongjing, and thus opened his legend and became a nightmare for everyone in the same period with him.

Fortunately, that person was too enchanting, and only stayed in the college for a few years.

If Ling Han will become the second Hong Tianbu, then is it not to live in an endless shadow again?

No, no, the enchanting world like Hong Tianbu can only appear once, there will be no second one, or it will not make people live.

The second limit of the context, only Hong Tianbu can be reached.

Hu Yang screamed and raised his strength again.

Two million pounds of force.

This will definitely be able to crush it.


The two men once again clashed, this time Ling Han really did not, the body swayed, and retreated, but it was not a half injury.

The strength of Ling Han is almost one hundred and six hundred thousand kilograms. Then, under the blast, he still has to eat 400,000 kilograms of strength, but this is not too much load for his current body. Take it down.

At least a few bombardments are completely out of the question.

"Yang Ge is good!"

"Compared with our Yang Ge, you are just slag."

Hu Jiabang people shouted and shouted for Hu Yang. Before Hu Yang suffered losses, their mood was very depressed.

Now, they can finally cheer.

Ge Qiuling was strange, saying: "A change of blood has changed a vein, what is good?"

He is a straight boy, and he has to ask questions immediately.

Suddenly, the shouts disappeared.

Yes, what is the prevailing trend, what is the glory?

Five changes have been bullied.

Hu Yang bit his teeth, anyway, has been shameless, then what is the good scruples?

He no longer keeps and goes all out.

In the context of the veins, he opened up 20 veins, the mystery of up to 400,000 jin, plus the cultivation of physical skills, the limit of force is 600,000 jin, it is not very simple.

Now that he has made five changes, his secret power is as high as 2.5 million jins. Although his physical strength is not improved, the materials needed for physical repair are too expensive, and he can reach as much as 600,000 jin.

The combination of the two, although unable to reach the perfect level, is still as high as 2.9 million jin, almost five more than the ordinary five changes.

This is still not bloody, otherwise, his strength can reach about seven million pounds of physical strength can not double the blood, but under the pressure of seven million pounds, he punched out, Ling Han There must be only a bombardment.

Of course, he did not dare to kill Ling Han. There was no such deep enmity between the two. In the second place, he had to recruit Ling Han. If he killed him in the third place, the college would severely punish him.

Two million pounds of strength is enough.

"Kid, don't be too arrogant, you need to know someone outside, there are mountains outside the mountains!" He laughed happily, his fists banged like a gongs and drums, rushing toward Ling Han.

Ling Han does not fight hard with the other side, and moves under his feet. He is only familiar with the strength of Populus euphratica, capturing the frequency of it, and occasionally slamming a punch. The strength of more than one million kilograms is shocked, that is, Populus euphratica does not dare to eat hard.

Looking at Ling Han and Hu Yang playing back and forth, think again that he was only defeated by Hu Yang in fifty strokes. The face of the wilderness is dark and black. Every time he looks at it, he will feel his confidence. Something was cut.

One hundred strokes and two hundred strokes, the battle between the two continued, and Hu Yang gradually lost patience.

He is a five-variety. After a long time, he can't take a pass-through, and he has no face on his face.

He began to work harder, 2.5 million pounds.

Ling Han suddenly felt the pressure, so the violent force bombardment, the wind that was brought up was extremely terrible, and it affected his vacillation.

He intends to fight back, because after so long, he has captured the attack frequency of Populus euphratica.

When he was thinking of punching, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

This is about the shuttle step.

He has mastered this footwork for a long time, but there are a few words that always feel a little weird. It seems that something is wrong or even redundant. But now that he has a flash of light, he has captured the inspiration.

It turned out to be the case.

He laughed violently. People were like the lotus in the wind, swaying and swaying. The whole person even flew up and stepped on the air like a flying fairy.


Everyone is stunned. Have they seen such a fight, can someone actually fly empty?

Hu Yang is also shocked, can Ling Han fly?

Rely on, how can I fight? People can't fight directly to the sky, how to chase?

But after all, he was a master of five changes, and immediately captured the mystery. It turned out that Ling Han was not really flying, but like a kite, he used his power to achieve "flying."

The strength of two hundred and five thousand kilograms is of course large enough to fully support one's weight.

It is as if the violent waves can even overturn the big ship, but only a surfboard is needed, but humans may conquer the waves and control the journey.

Now, Ling Han stepped on his "strength" wave and realized the flying.

The problem is that even if he knows this, he can't copy it. Because the power is chaotic, it seems that there are many waves that are beaten and it is easy to be photographed.

Therefore, he has to borrow a force, but it is completely impossible to borrow ten or one hundred.

"Give me down!" Hu Yang shouted, and the punch became irregular. He wanted to destroy the rhythm of the cold and let him fall from the air.

Can be cold and smooth, "wind" and still fluttering.

It seems that he has become a paper, even if the wind is whistling again, you can scrape the house, but you can not tear a piece of paper.

For the control of power, Ling Han has reached the peak of its peak.

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