Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3275: Hong Tianbu second? (four more finished)

If you change someone, you can't capture the attack frequency of Populus euphratica so quickly.

Who is Ling Han?

Invincible Supreme in the Yuan world, how many battles have he experienced in large and small, who can compare this world?

Hu Yang is very depressed. Although his slap force is violent, he can smash in the past. Ling Han is moving in the wind. It seems like a boat, letting you wave the waves, he can follow the waves and fight the sky.

He did not have a little bit of reservation, and he fully exerted the power of three million pounds.

Even if you add 400,000 pounds of strength, Ling Han is still very calm, and the wind is not enough.

Hu Yang bites his teeth, his opponent is very weak. If he is facing the bang, Ling Han can't resist him. It will be lightly wounded when he is not good. But the problem is that Ling Han seems to have a layer of oil, too slippery. Not at all.

If you go on like this, he will run out of power sooner or later.

Populus is very anxious, he is thinking about whether to use tricks or boil.

Ling Han seems to be chic, but the brain has been kept at high speed. The current strength is extremely complicated. If he makes a mistake, he will definitely be in a chaotic position and withdraw from the state of fluttering.

But this feeling is really good, as if everything is in control, above the dust.

Hu Yang couldn't bear it anymore. He screamed and banged, and the blood rose from the body and turned into a villain.

He is a five-variety, **** person.

He broke out, and his secret power increased by two to six times, coupled with physical strength, reaching a huge force of seven million pounds.

Ling Han suddenly became awkward and unable to borrow.

Without him, this power is far beyond the limits he can control.

Absolute power to crush!

"Hey, how can he hide here?"

"Yang Ge's explosive power can reach seven million jins, which is the first step of the extreme bones. This is absolutely rolling."

"Even if it is swept by a powerful force, it is terrible."

Hu Jiabang people have said that in their view, this is the power that Ling Han can never match.

Ling Han really can't dodge again. Hu Yang's attack is not only powerful, but also too fast, and can reach the distance of three feet. He even has difficulty capturing the opponent's shots. It is impossible to make a response in advance.

So now Ling Han only has a way to meet, otherwise it is beaten, there is no other possibility.

This is the result of the crushing of power, making all the skills become clouds.

Seven million pounds of strength?


Ling Han had already prepared, and he punched out and confronted him.


Everyone is shocked and can't believe it.

Everyone has a cognition, that is, unless your strength has an advantage, you will have to avoid the front when you encounter a **** bloody explosion.

Can Ling Han actually face it?

Is this looking for death?

But think again, Ling Han has no other choice, this can not avoid, it is better to fight the front, at least lose a bit of bone.


The speed of the attack between the two men is so fast. There is only one thought in the minds of the people. The strength of the two has already met head-on.

The strength of Populus euphratica is like a mountain, which can crush everything. However, the attack of Ling Han is like a hammer. The Shandong is knocked and twisted, and all the stable nodes are broken.

Therefore, this fist hit, the original strength of seven million pounds was divided and opened up, turned into a myriad of millions of pounds of power, power suddenly dropped, and then can not pose a threat to Ling Han.

A blow and a bang, Ling Han and Populus are all nothing.


Seeing this scene, everyone has a feeling of being crazy.

This must be a joke?

It is that Hu Yang himself can't accept it. He has blasted out seven million kilograms of Wei Li. How could this be resolved?

Ling Han was in a state of turmoil. Before he fought with Hu Yang for so long, he had already figured out the frequency of the other boxing. Just now there was another 20-power force. This was the only way to resolve Hu Yang’s attack.

And this is because Hu Yang does not use the power superimposed relationship, otherwise the power comes heavily, and the explosive power of Ling Han can persist to the next few?

However, other people do not know, they only see that Populus euphratica is boiling blood, but still failed to suppress Ling Han, and even the two sides are still tied.

It’s so amazing, are they really going to witness the rise of the second Hong Tianbu?

Hu Yang is also lost, and he has more powerful tricks that have not been made. For example, power stacking, such as special martial arts, can make his combat strength improve again.

However, he had to hesitate. If this is going to be a dead-end with Ling Han, then when the other party moves into a blood-changing situation and truly becomes the second of Hong Tianbu, what a terrible blow to the Hu family?

Everyone had to breathe the breath of the day, and this memory is not far away.

Are you guilty?

Therefore, Hu Yang dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to fight and stopped his hand. It was only an uninterruptible process of blood gas boiling, which was only wasted.

"Haha, Ling Shidi's strength is amazing!" He could afford to let it go, and immediately laughed. "Don't know each other, make friends."

"That should look at how much sincerity you have." Ling Han said faintly.

"Everything is good to say." Hu Yang saw the situation, could not help but overjoyed.

If he can make a good relationship with Ling Han, then when Ling Han really becomes the second Hong Tianbu, Hu Jiabang can also become the top force in the college.

He said, he said that he could take care of him when he was still weak and provide him with a lot of resources for cultivation.

Ling Han is basically just listening, rarely speaking.

Takuya is also on the side, and his face is getting more and more ugly.

The same genius, is also recruited, but how much worse is his treatment with Ling Han?

Nothing compares.

He said, he was the first genius of Huyu City at the beginning. Even if he was later robbed of this title by Ling Han, in fact, he was not much worse than Ling Han.

But now?

In the eyes of Populus euphratica, one is a tile and the other is a brick. There is no comparability at all.

Around for a long time, but Ling Han has never loosened, neither said to join the Hu family, nor did he say that he and Hu Yang joined forces.

Hu Yang mouth dried his tongue and said: "Ling Shidi, what are your requirements?"

Yan Hanzhan Yan Yixiao: "It's very simple. If Hu Shixiong is willing to let the sisters play a meal, we will make a friend."

Hu Yang couldn't help but stay for a long time. You are playing me!

"Ling Shidi, you are too much!" He snorted heavily.

Ling Han is a long way: "Hu Shixiong, this is almost ten minutes?"


Populus suddenly jumped up.

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