The poisonous mist gradually dissipated, and everyone looked at it, only to see that Ling Han was proud, but the snake girl was lying on the ground, and there was an obvious punch on the pretty face.

No one has said anything, a powerful three bones, and still cultivated a high level of energy, with the existence of talented supernatural powers, just lie down.

Like a dream.

Ling Han is suffering from self-knowledge. Although he is shocked by the snake woman, he can be beaten by the other side. It is the energy of the stone that can't completely protect him. The back of his hand has been bloody.

This alone, it is only a matter of pain at most, but when the flesh is open, and the toxins also follow the body, this is the real life.

He quickly took out a few Baihua Dan, but it didn't have a good effect on snake venom. The toxin was only temporarily suppressed and did not dissipate.

Hey, the solitary applause sounded, and I saw a cloak man coming out and said: "You can beat the snake girl. You are a very powerful person. But, where did you learn the method of my demon? ?"

"Hand over this law, this is my demon!"

Ling Han could not help but sneer, what is the reason?

The demon monkey boxing is the method that the monkey brother passed on him. What is the relationship with these people?

"The red eyes are red, don't pull any big flags!" He disdainfully.

"Then I had to take it!" The cloaker slammed his arms and the cloak immediately left the body. A bird came out and two huge wings were opened. long.

Ling Han was amazed and said: "I didn't expect you to be a bird!"

The birdman was furious and said: "I am an eagle, and the eagle is me!"

Damn, I dare to say that he is a bird, you are a bird, and the whole family is a bird.

Ling Han oh, said: "That is to say, you are not only a bird, but also a fighter in the bird."

The face of the eagle's sky became more and more ugly, but in the end it was sneer: "I am the cultivation of the four bones. In the extreme bones, each difference is a small realm. The power gap is about 10 million jins."

"While you are enchanting, the original strength is only about 10 million pounds, and it has already been used up. I just can't stop it."

This is the truth, the power of the extreme bones is too strong, otherwise, it is a genius that has the ability to fight across borders.

Ling Han is not moving, he still has a killer, although he does not want to be exposed in public, but now, he can not lose in any case.

Now, he is not only representing the Xuanbei Kingdom, but also representing the Terran!

Although he said that he is weak in a big realm, even if he loses, there is nothing, but since Hong Tianbu can cross a big realm opponent, why can't he?

"Come on!" He just hooked his fingers.

"Ignorance and stupidity." The eagle sneered in the sky, his wings fluttering, and the whole person volleyed.

The space here is very narrow and not suitable for him to play, but the other side is too weak, and he does not need to use the flying ability, so it is only to enhance the momentum.

Huh, under the giant wings, raised a powerful hurricane, this is a strong four-bone, plus the place here was beaten enough, the entire basement is shaking, and it is getting closer and closer. .

Ling Lingran, slanting the eagle in the sky, said: "Birds, within three strokes, I will let you kneel down to sing and conquer."

"Haha!" The eagle sneered in the sky, then shouted, "Do not call me a bird!"

He fanned his wings and swooped toward Ling Han.

Ling Han will leave his hands behind him. I am a big master. As long as you rush over, I will be able to handle your ease with a punch.

This is forced to install.

"Looking for death!" The demon family on the side of Hu Shao said coldly.

The eagle sky has already rushed, but immediately found that something is wrong, how cold?

A thought has not turned around, and I saw an ice arrow shot over, and the speed is amazing.

Where is this?

The eagle quickly evaded the sky, but the speed of the ice arrow reached the level of the inscription, and where did he hide?

Hey, his wings are already in the middle of an arrow. The goal is too big. Suddenly, the frost spread and instantly swept his entire wings.

If this is the case, the strength of the eagle's sky will not fall down, but then there will be new ice arrows, one after the other, without stopping.

After the eagle’s long shot was shot in the first arrow, it meant that he could no longer hide the ice arrow.

Hey, he has been continually recruiting, not only on the wings, but also on the body is covered with frost, the whole person is frozen, and it is impossible to move a finger.

Ling Han closed the disc array with his mental power and then grabbed it back.

Seeing this scene, everyone can't help but be shocked, taking things out of the air. How is this like a myth?

"Mental strength!"

"It's very powerful, otherwise it can't be intangible and tangible."

"Hey, this guy is still a strategist. He just launched the formation and will kill the bird!"

"This... Hong Tianbu is not proficient in the formation? It is said that it was a senior strategist. Now this guy is actually."

"God, who is this guy?"

The eagle did not die in the sky, Ling Han stopped the formation in time, otherwise he would definitely be killed by the ice cold, so that he is now only the ice sculpture, can not slow down.

Ling Han smiled faintly and said: "I have lost you within three strokes, still don't believe?"

The tiger was finally unable to sit still. The eagle sky was his most powerful man. This man was defeated, and whoever sent it was the same.

He is the imprint of the environment, if it is shot, of course, you can easily defeat Ling Han.

It’s so bullying, there’s no light on his face.

However, the dignity of the Yaozu must be pulled back, can it be weaker than the human race?

"District people!" Tigers faintly said, "I will steal the law of my demon, I will take you first, then go to your chairman to ask!"

He slammed and said that Ling Han was stealing the law of the Yaozu, so he took it for granted, not to bully and bully.

Ling Han could not help but shake his head, who said that the demon family is straight? This can be spent around.

He laughed and said, "What do you mean by saying this self-deception? Come, let go of a fight, can I fear you?"

His killer is a disc, but the opponent is in the imprinting environment, it is difficult to play a miraculous effect, so this time he needs to use the flying sword, double-integrated, maybe it can have an effect.

It is only possible that the imprint is too strong.

"Let's relax!" Tigers strode forward and forced the past to Ling Han. "Remember my name, Tigers!"

He released the unique pressure of the inscription, and his body is a demon tiger. The fierceness is terrible, and the pressure is naturally terrible. Everyone is stunned, as if facing a wild beast.


At this moment, the wall at the top of the head suddenly broke open, and the entire underground battlefield suddenly collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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