Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3348: Come forward

After a long time, the basement finally couldn’t hold back.

Boom, the entire battlefield crashed down, all scattered dust.

嘭, 嘭, 嘭, but a master broke out immediately, and his life broke out from the ruins.

Dare to stay here, how is the exchange of blood, the level of the bones of the master, breaking the ruins and not a problem.

Just the underground battlefield collapsed, the whole street was also inconspicuous, at least affected half of the street, and the car just passed, unfortunately fell into the pit, but fortunately, just fell in, not buried.

The people of the Tigers and the Seas naturally rushed out, and they swept through them, looking for the whereabouts of Ling Han.

But Ling Han seems to be missing, how can I not find it.

This is of course, Ling Han's mask fell in the process of breaking through, and everyone's clothing is similar, how can he recognize him at a glance.

"That man, give me out!" The tiger screamed in the sea, and the power of the imprint was lifted. He was very overbearing.

The smashing of Ling Han is naturally to restore the prestige of the Yaozu, but he is still the enchanting technique of Ling Han, he has a feeling, if you can get it, it may not be a demon.

Therefore, he must find out the cold and win the secret.

Ling Han thought for a moment, since these people of the Yaozu did not recognize him, he simply did not show up.

He is not stupid, and the imprinting world is by no means comparable to him.

He is confident, but not arrogant, across two big realms?

If you want to win, it is not normal.

He has done enough, and even defeated the four strong men of the demon, and there are even two extreme bones.

Enough, now this burden is handed over to Yang Bai and Hong Taishi.

Even if he can really beat the tigers, then he will run a prince who is in a dilemma. Do you want him to take it?

"Don't you come out?" Tigers sneer out, "I will start killing, kill you until you come out!"

Everyone could not help but be angry and shocked. This demon is really ruthless, and this is the emperor, how dare you?

Can people be in the imprint of the territory, the emperor is also Yang Bai and Hong Taishi can compete, if these two are not, how to block? Moreover, there is a prince who is open to the embarrassment above the demon tiger. That is the most terrifying.

"I thought I didn't dare?" The tiger's eyes swept over and condensed in Xuanyuan Dingguo. This is the person who came with Ling Han. Since Ling Han is gone, take this person to open the knife.

Xuanyuan decided to change the country and said: "I am the son of Xuanyuan, you dare to move me, my father will kill you!"

"I really laughed at me, but the original pattern, the same level as me." Tigers laughed, "The same level of war, who can defeat me?"

In this sentence, he said confidently flying.

"The Terran, can't you come out?" The tiger said again, "I count to three. If you still come out, you are ready to take the corpse for your friend!"


"Don't come out!" Xuanyuan Dingguo is a big man, but he is the son of Xuanyuan's coach. This is still a bit of a bone, and he is roaring with the tigers. "The Holy Emperor is going out, you are waiting to cry!"

"Two!" Tigers and the sea are not moved, but the opening of the dilemma, the five emperors can be suppressed.

Ling Han sighed, he naturally could not watch the Xuanyuan Dingguo being smashed, and immediately jumped out, said: "Kitten, you can not be a bit of a break?"

"Ling cold!"

"It's actually cold!"

"The original person is Ling Han!"

"It’s not the second step of Hong Tianbu, even the law will be!"

"Unfortunately, he forcibly broke through in the hunting competition. There is no life treasure to make up for the source. At most, it is to achieve five changes in blood transfusion, and it is impossible to enter the country again."

"Hey, people dare to stand up and work with the Yaozu, even if he is repaired to fall into the context, I am also convinced of him!"

"I am also convinced!"

Everyone said, some people look down on Ling Han, others are very admired, think that Ling Han can just stand out is a man, and defeat the four masters of the Yaozu, it is a man among men.

The tiger looked at the past and could not help but sneer: "You are the cold!"

"Yes, it is your grandfather." Ling Han is completely polite, not required for these animals.

"Can you block me a few tricks?" The tiger's four-faced disdain, step by step toward Ling Han.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Every step falls, it makes a huge sound, as if it is knocking on people's hearts.

He is deliberately giving Ling cold pressure.

Ling Han took a deep breath, his current state can not be considered good, poisoned, and used blood, how can he leave an inscription?

"You can pick me up, I will spare you not to die!" Tiger Sihai laughed, completely did not care that this is the Terran of the Terran, not the territory of the Yaozu.

"You can pick me up, I will spare you not to die." A plain voice sounded, but it was a heartbreaking.

"Brother!" Hong Tianquan immediately shouted, full of surprises.

brother? Hong Tianliang's brother... Hong Tianbu!

That enchanting?

It’s the tiger’s four seas that are exposed to a cautious color. These days, he doesn’t know how many times he heard about Hong Tianbu’s name. He originally thought that the human race’s vision was too low, and any strong point would be crowned. The title of the enchanting.

But after seeing the strength of Ling Han, he saw several steps on Hong Tian Biao.

"Hong Tianbu!" Everyone is looking for a sight. Many people have only heard of the name of Hong Tianbu, but they have never seen this person.

I saw a white man striding over, the moonlight was like water, and it was sprinkled on his body, emitting Qinghui.

This seems to be a beautiful man who should not exist in the world. It is gentle and elegant, and there is no smoldering fire. People will feel ethereal and even flutter like a fairy.

Hong Tianbu, the enchanting martial arts, the martial arts genius, the genius of the martyrdom, a hundred years, even a thousand years is rare.

"Hong Tianbu?" Tiger Sihai looked at the past, his eyes glimpsed.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, Hong Tianbu is now just like the sun, and he has to be right.

Moreover, he has a strong feeling that the man who is coming is extremely terrible, even if he has a kind of chill that he does not want to face.

Hey, I haven’t shot yet, just because of this, there is such a power. What is the strength of this Hongtian step?

"District people, but also dare to challenge the orthodox orthodox?" Hong Tianbu said in a loud voice.

This sentence instantly ignited the emotions of all people, and it was too deflated, too long morale.

Tiger Sihai suddenly became furious, and he was afraid that Hong Tianbu was the same thing, but now it involves the general trend of the Terran and the Yaozu, and he can never show weakness.

"Hong Tianbu, your tone is too big, you don't know how many powerful Tianjiao my demon!" He said coldly, "You, nothing at all!" rw

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