Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3360: Entering the medicine garden

Although Yu Yi has seen the cold side, how can he put the cold of the Tongjing context at the heart?

Moreover, he is not a special trip to see Ling Han, naturally he will not put a passerby in his heart. Updates are fast and no ads.

But after all, he is extremely boned, and his memory is stronger than the average person. He always feels that Ling Han seems to have known each other.

Ling Han smiled slightly and said: "In the city, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Listening to Ling Han said so, Yu Yi is certainly more sure that he and Ling Han have seen, but Ling Han did not understand, he still can not think of it.

Forget it, it may be just the descendants of the family. As the elders have seen themselves, he is a bit familiar but has no impressions.

When Yu Yidun was a little bit unhappy, because Ling Han’s tone of voice was like saying hello to the peers. It was not an attitude that a younger should have.

Very rude.

"Dare to talk to my father so much?" Yushan immediately shouted.

"Mountain, retreat." Yu Yi gently screamed, and everyone was embarrassed, he was also embarrassed to have a general knowledge of a younger generation.

"Yes, hehe." Yushan quickly retired.

"Mountains have not done anything wrong. Why are you blaming him?" Hu Yuemei was not happy. She was very fond of her son. Naturally, she could not help her son to reprimand. "This kind of unruly boy should be a good lesson." ”

Yu Yi’s face could not be hanged. He did have a little fear of his wife. He could be said by his wife in the public. He was a little angry and angry.

Ling Han did not pay attention to it. His right hand was shaken, and the three bases had already been thrown out, and the world was blocked in an instant.

He then slammed his right hand and threw the fat pig out.

"Hey!" In the scream of the color pig, it has already flown through the wall gap and entered the medicine garden.

Everyone was a glimpse first, and then immediately became hot.

The formation was broken.

Hey, Ling Han has no hesitation, and his body shape has jumped into the medicine garden.

This blockade will not last long, and once he is sure to open the channel, it is safe, then naturally the first time to enter, anyway, he prepared a lot of blocks to block the array, and then lost it.

Hey, people who are quick to respond have jumped in.

Yu Yi’s reaction was also very fast. Brushing the brush, first lost the three sons, and then joined Hu Yuemei to jump in.

He is five bones, who can fight with him, and the person who is in front of him is suddenly shocked by him.

Ling Han glanced at it and said: "If you don't want to die, don't come in."

No one cares about him, this is a medicine garden, the value is amazing, who does not want to mix a foot?

"Yes, the people behind you don't come in!" Yushan sneered, the more people come in, the more people who compete.

"Who dares to go in and kill innocent!" Yu Dong shouted.

But the people outside are still squeezing in. Yu Yi is a strong bone. What are these three?

Ling Han shook his head. He told others not to come in. It was not because he wanted to monopolize it, but that he saw that the base that blocked the battle would be destroyed.

"Ah!" Someone screamed, and he just rushed in half of his body, but it was suddenly cut in half!

Hey, hey, the people behind him didn't have time to take over, they were all bounced back, but fortunately, they were only shaken back and did not hurt.

The blockade has been destroyed, and the big battle has recovered. The unlucky one happened to be worn halfway through, and naturally it was only cut in half.

Everyone looked at Ling Han, and then I realized that the meaning of the sentence before Ling Han was not chilly, but it was too dangerous.

"The original little friend is still a mage." Yu Yi smiled and looked very polite.

There are arrays of monuments everywhere. Therefore, if there is a team of wizards to join, then the chances of safety and harvesting treasures will increase a lot. Moreover, when going out, I also have to rely on Ling Han.

"With this seat, there is nothing to gain from you," he said.

"I don't want to thank you very much!" Yu Hai quickly said, "I am the fifth strongest person in the bones, the first master of Jining City, he protects you, you are absolutely safe here."

Ling Han smiled slightly and said: "Then I should really thank the city owner."

"That is, hurry up and **** down!" Yu Shan said, he was very upset and cold. Before being squandered by Yu Yi, it was because of Ling Han. Now this kid actually climbed his father. He naturally wants to brush his face. A sense of existence.

You haven't gotten it, you know, this is my embarrassment, I told you to **** you have to hoe.

Ling Han shook his head. Relatively speaking, although the emperor is not lacking in the second ancestor, it is not overbearing in the East and Yushan.

He smiled and said: "My bones are hard and I can't keep going, so I can only refuse the ‘good intentions' of the city owner.” He accented the good intentions, and naturally denied that it was a good intention.

"Hey, you don't want to know how to lift!" Yu Dong immediately shouted. "I am the master of Jining City. I am even more powerful. You dare to reject my kindness. This shelf is too high." ”

"Don't think that you are a squad, you can see everything!" Yu Hai said.

"I advise you, think about it again!" Yushan is a yin and yang.

Ling Han could not help but shake his head, like this two ancestors in Jining City is okay, anyway, no one dares to provoke them, but out of Jining City is still so arrogant, is this not to give benefits to black?

However, if you think about it, the only thing that can win the victory is the inscription, and how many such strong people are in Xuanbei?

No wonder the three men did not converge.

"In the city?" Ling Han looked at Yuyi.

Yu Yi looked at Ling Han and suddenly thought about it. He said, "You are the friend of Ruo Xian!"

When he first saw Ling Han, he was actually full of suspicion, because Ling Han was only a circumstance, and naturally it was impossible to get out of the Tiger City alone. It must have been brought out by Feng Ruoxian.

Before, he always thought that Ling Han was a little white face, and he would be fascinated by Feng Ruoxian, and he would not give up in such a dangerous situation. He is also strange, isn't he saying that Feng Zisheng always wanted to marry his daughter into the royal family?

But now he knows that the original Ling Han is a strategist, and the rumor is not too shallow, will be valued by Feng Ruoxian.

"Little friends, although you are a strategist, your position is detached, but in this monument, the crisis is four, the monsters will not care if you are a strategist." Yu Yi laughed, "So, still with this seat. ""

Since he knows that Ling Han is a strategist, he certainly can't leave the cold. This monument has not yet been developed. If a strategist helps, it will reduce a lot of dangers and also enter places that could not be entered.

In his mind, he has made up his mind. If Ling Han refuses him again, then he will make a tough means and force Ling Han to obey.

Ling Han sighed, you see, he is already very polite, how can someone always be ignorant?

"Yu Yi, you are too much!"

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