Yu Yi, you are too much.

This sentence is exported, and everyone is shocked.

Who is Yu Yi? The main city of Jining City, the strongest of the five bones level, is you a small person who can call his name?

This is killing.

"Let, let go!" Yushan immediately shouted.

Hu Yuemei is even more disdain: "Old, look, what is this, too uncultivated!"

"I thought that I was a great teacher?" Yu Hai jumped out. He already knew from Yu Yi that Ling Han was just a circumstance, so he was naturally not afraid.

"Hurry down and apologize!" Yushan also jumped out. It is rare for the opponent to have a circumstance. He naturally has to seize the opportunity to perform and directly hit the cold with a punch.

Ling Han reached out, hey, Yu Shan’s wrist was caught by him.

"Ah, it hurts!" Yushan immediately screamed.

"Small animals, let go!" Hu Yuemei distressed his son and immediately shouted.

Ling Han naturally will not listen, his anger has come up.

This is really a good person to be deceived. If he showed the change of blood in the beginning and even the ultimate bones of the fighting power, these three brothers dare to drink five for him?

Since he shot, he did not intend to show mercy.

"Let's let go?" Ling Han snorted. "I am a senior strategist. I am afraid to take the initiative to send me a small pass. This is a big rebellion, and it is damned by law!"

"Far fart, if you can be a senior actor, then I am still on the holy day!" Hu Yuemei said without a cover. "Don't think that you can crack a high-level strategist by cracking a formation. You are just lucky." And, the array is not really broken yet!"

Ling Han did not pay attention, just put the five fingers slightly hard.

"Ah" Yushan screamed again.

"Quickly let go!" Yu Hai screamed and punched him.

Ling Han gently reached out and Yu Hai’s wrist fell into his palm.

"Ah!" Yu Hai is also screaming, and Yushan is one high and one low, one should be one and one, seems to be a duet.

"Hemad!" Yudong couldn't sit still. The two younger brothers were ugly in public. They couldn't hang on their faces. They immediately jumped out and rushed toward Ling Han.

He is a **** change, but his strength is better than that of his two younger brothers.

Hum, he slammed his heavy leg and slammed the top of Ling Han’s head.

Ling Han’s eyes were cold and he kicked out and headed for the east.

"Not good!" Yu Yi exclaimed, wanting to shoot, but it is already late.


Ling Han's foot was sent first, kicked on Yudong's calf, and the crisp bones shattered, and the east's left leg suddenly turned into a scary arc.

Yu Dongyi fell to the ground and screamed with the broken leg.

Pain, it hurts to get into the bones.

Ling Han hands up, will be out in the mountains, Yu Haidu, and then faintly said: "Want to die, good, to fulfill you!"

"Wang Ba Gu, small animals!" Hu Yuemei's tears will flow out, and all three sons were injured by the little wicked in front of her, let her hate Ling cold.

She also rushed out, banging, bloody, and rushing toward the cold is a palm.

At the beginning, she was a woman of the giants. Yu Yi was also greedy for her family's power to marry her. Therefore, even if the strength of Yu Yi became stronger and the position was getting higher and higher, she was still afraid of her.

She used to be a bully, and now someone dares to bully her son in front of her face, and there are three, how can she bear it?

Go to hell!

Boom, a wave of the wave, the momentum is amazing.

She is a five-variety. She reached this realm as early as twenty years ago, but she has never been able to break through the extreme bones, but her combat power is much stronger than the general five changes.

Ling Han looked at Yi Yi and the other side did not stop.

He murdered and violently slammed out.


Hu Yuemei was suddenly shaken out. She quickly climbed up and wanted to continue to rush forward, but she only felt the pain in her chest. Looking down, she was utterly desperate.

Her chest has a hole in it, and she can clearly see the scenery behind.


Hey, she hasn't turned a thought, the whole person is soft, lying down on the ground, no more breath.

Everyone is in vain, one is the strength of Ling Han, the other is his courage, actually dare to kill in the face of benefit.

"Niang!" Yudong's three brothers are exclaimed, how can they not think of it, just for a moment, their niece's aging mother hangs.

Boom, Yu Yi’s body has a horrible momentum, his face is extremely strange, and he has been changing.

Seeing that his wife was being killed on the spot, he was actually mixed for a while.

There is a little sadness. After all, this is a wife, but I am a little happy and glad. Because Hu Yuemei’s vinegar is so great, he has not let him be jealous. Now that this murderer is dead, who else can stop him from looking for young beauty? woman?

Of course, the wife was killed in public and killed in front of him. He must kill Ling Han, or will he still see someone in the future?

"Hello big courage!" Yu Yisen said, but looking at Ling Han's eyes is full of doubts.

He can be sure that when he saw Ling Han, the other party was absolutely fluent, but now it is less than half a year. How can the other party have the power to kill Hu Yuemei?

Although this murderous mother is only a five-variation, but stayed at this level for many years, the combat power is far stronger than the general five changes.

Is this kid a very bone?

Impossible, even a few hours across the two steps, it is the imperial enchantment of the emperor is not so exaggerated.

Because of such scruples, he did not immediately shoot.

Ling Han is a faint saying: "In the city, your family has repeatedly insulted me and bullied me, will you not allow me to resist?"

"Dare to kill in front of this seat, you must pay blood and blood!" Yu Yi took a breath, took out a rusty knife, some strange lines on it, but it has worn out a lot.

This is a musical instrument, showing that the importance of the cold to the cold, directly to the most powerful killer sacrifice.

No way, he just used up his blood and lacked explosive means in a short time.

Ling Han spread his hand and said: "If that's the case, then let's come over."

Yu Yi's right hand spurred, the pattern on the short knife suddenly glowed, and the knives exude a terrible suffocation, as if a fierce beast suddenly recovered.

Brush, he waved out with a knife, and suddenly there was a knife that smashed toward Ling Han.

Ling Han raised the boxing, banged, oh, this knife suddenly collapsed, but under the impetus of great power, he still slipped a long way.

The gap in power is a hard injury, and it is revealed in the frontal confrontation.

"One bone?" Yu Yi frowned, and then shook his head, the strength of Ling Han should not have reached a bone, but far more than five changes, the end is strange.

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