Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3371: Perfect array

Last time, the Yaozu came to make Xuanbeiguo a minister, and he was attached to the Yue Dynasty and became a subsidiary of the Yaozu.

They came to the forefront, and the leader of the emperor reached the cultivation of the opening sect. He thought that he could sweep the Xuanbei country, but what could be the result? Chen Fengyan has not yet appeared, and the Yaozu is being squandered and left the emperor.

Now it’s time to come back?

After eating a loss, the Yaozu must know that Ling Han, especially Hong Tianbu, is so powerful, then send someone to come... absolutely more difficult than the last time.

Ling Han fearless, as long as the realm is quite equal, he is confident and invincible, and he is already the peak of the five changes, and only one step away from the extreme bones. If you can advance into the six changes, it is believed that the first order of the inscription can compete, even Dry over.

If the Yaozu is to show their power, is it a good idea to send someone who is two levels higher than him?

What can you say when you win?

Besides, Xuanbeiguo will not allow such a thing to happen. After all, the earliest princes like the Seven Emperors have already entered the opening situation, and there may be a stronger existence, but it is not revealed.

He quietly returned to the college, did not expect Niu Hua has been waiting for a long time early in the morning.

"Kid, where are you going?" The old man complained, but when he saw Ling Han followed by a batch of milk, he couldn't help but stunned. What happened?

When you go out for a trip, you have five more daughters?

Ling Hanhe smiled and said: "What is it?"

Niu Huaqing shook his head and let himself not entangled in the few baby dolls. He said: "The old man perfected the thirty-three gold diamonds!"

What thirty-three, oh!

Ling Han thought about it. Niu Huaqing was vying for a woman with King Kong’s coach. The result was that he was not able to cross the King Kong. He was under heavy load and left the Imperial Capital, but he always remembered this hatred.

Therefore, the old drums made a thirty-three gold matrix, and they must suppress the King Kong commander, which proves that the formation is not weaker than the same-order warrior.

The old man is very revengeful. You see that his naming method has specially brought the words of King Kong, and it is clear that you want to let the Grand Master of the King Kong stink.

Ling Han nodded and said: "Thank you for congratulations."

"Congratulations, you learn quickly, and then give the old man to suppress the iron shovel!" Niu Huaqing excitedly.

"Old man, how do you talk to the aunt? Be careful with me!" Dawa said, very dissatisfied.

"Right!" The four baby and the five baby are busy with the followers.

These five milk babies can make people's hearts sprout, and Niu Huaqing is no exception. He bends over and reveals his most gentle smile: "The old man is Niu Huaqing, the elder of your aunt."

"The thief eyebrows, it is not a good thing at first glance." Sanwa arrogantly made an evaluation, decisively turned his face, not to see the old man.

"Hey he!" Big baby is looking for an opportunity to start this violent moment, which may have been missed, and immediately rushed up.

"Hey!" Niu Huaqing screamed, and was already thrown down by four milk dolls.

In fact, it is five, six baby is invisible, and Sanwa is disdainful.

Ling Han smiled and pulled the frame, let the six milk dolls pick up the seven baby to go to settle, and then lifted the old man's head, said: "Old cow, let's learn the law."

Poor Niu Huaqing, although he was a master-level strategist at the beginning, he could directly hurt his spirit with the battle of King Kong, and his own combat power would be extremely ossified. How could it be the opponent of five milk babies?

He licked his teeth and pouted, his face stunned and full of sorrow.

He was actually smashed by five baby girls!

I believe that if he says this, everyone will think he is joking.

Can the baby be bungee?

Why don't you say that pigs can go to heaven?

Because he didn't even believe it, so he didn't return to the soul.

Until Ling Han even called a few times, he woke up and taught thirty-three gold diamonds to Ling Han.

This is just a pattern of the level of the inscriptions. It is not difficult to learn with the understanding of Ling Han and the current spiritual level.

However, after more than two hours, Ling Han has already mastered it.

"Does your boy's mindfulness have reached the master level?" Niu Huaqing was shocked. He only knew that Ling Han became a senior strategist. I didn't expect how long it had been. This kid has made great progress.

Ling Han smiled and said: "If you don't improve fast enough, how can you give you revenge?"

"Also." Niu Huaqing nodded.

The old man has left the Imperial Capital long ago. This time he is quietly returning. He does not want to alarm anyone. Therefore, he has no relationship to use. The materials for making the foundation need to find it.

The array method of arranging the Ming dynasty can not find ordinary squad, the material must pass, which requires a lot of money to be thrown out.

Fortunately, Ling Han is not bad money.

Although others are not in the Imperial Capital, Xuanyuan Dingguo is still helping him to earn money constantly, and settles once a week.

Ling Han looked at his assets, showing a smile, enough for him to squander.

Since you have learned the thirty-three gold matrix, it is better to make the cliff-form method together.

At the beginning, he won the first place in the race. The reward was a squad called the cliff, which can be depicted on the clothes to form a strong defense.

Before he was not qualified enough to try to figure out, now there is a big improvement in the mind, I believe it can.

He went to delve into this method and soon discovered that the cliff-bound method was many times higher than the King Kong array. He could only comprehend the mystery of one or two points, but unlike other formations, it was this two-point. Comprehension is enough for him to arrange the cliff.

The effect is much worse.

Well, by the way, I also look for high-level materials and make the cliffs, which can greatly enhance his defense.

One night passed, when the sun rose, Ling Han was cultivated in the yard as usual, and the six gourd dolls also climbed up and looked like they were sitting in the yard with him.

They are not practicing, they are playing.

"Childish." Sanwa always looked proud and arrogant, sitting on the edge of the cold, and turned back to express her disdain for her sister.

Half an hour later, Ling Han practiced and looked at the fake stone and flowers that had been shattered, burnt, and frozen in the yard. He could not help but sigh. He seemed to be living in a bigger place.

Well, I will solve this matter immediately, otherwise tomorrow the small courtyard will be demolished by the few overpowered little guys.

I haven't waited for Ling Han to go out, even Xue Rong arrived.

"With the flag owner." Ling Han invited the other party to come in.

After so many days passed, there was a large supply of cultivation resources from the college. Even Xue Rong’s cultivation was upgraded very quickly. It has reached the peak of five changes and is accumulating in order to break through to the extreme bones in one fell swoop.

Even Xue Rong nodded, and after entering the yard, her fascinating red lips could not be opened slightly.

What is the situation, is your family thief?


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