Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3372: Yaozu sniper

Hey, a small head came out from the door of the living room, curiously looking at even Xue Rong.

"Is this a mother?"

"The chest is big!"

"Ass is awkward!"

“Hey, does aunt like this type?”

The six babies are all screaming, but of course there are only five milk babies visible.

Even Xue Rong’s face is sluggish. Are you not going out to adventure? How come you suddenly bring back five milk dolls? You are too fast!

However, these five milk-milk dolls are really exquisite and lovely, so she likes her cold arrogance.

Just... When did she become a cold wife?

Moreover, these gimmicks are too precocious, what is the chest and big buttocks, can you say in front of her face?

It’s that Ling Han is also a bit embarrassed. These little girls are really unstoppable.

Ling Han laughed and said: "With the flag bearer, don't care about the children's words of a few devils."

Even Xue Rong will certainly not care, otherwise she will be uncomfortable.

Only she suddenly thought that if the five little girls were really her and Ling Hansheng... Hey, she shook her head quickly, what happened to me, actually thought so! Moreover, still have five, can she eat it?

"Even the flag owner, what's wrong with you?" Ling Han asked, how the cold-blooded flag-bearer suddenly became red-faced and became as beautiful as Tao Li, so that he had some spring hearts.

Hey, the road is not stable, otherwise how could it be that he is not close to a woman in a year, so let him do this?

Even Xue Xuan quickly took the white figure fluttering in the heart of the gods to expel the thoughts in his mind, but this has been very effective, but now it is not very good, she always has some hearts.

"Cough!" She coughed softly. "I am warning you. The Yaozu always wants to find you. You must not show up."

"Oh?" Ling Han came to the interest. He really wanted to know the information that the Yaozu had made. He just didn't have the chance to see Xuanyuan, so he didn't have the chance to ask.

"What is the strong demon of this time?" he asked.

Even Xue Rong thought about it and said: "It is said that this time the demon is led by the four emperors, and the same is the cultivation of the dilemma, but he did not shoot, but the main push two people."

"The first one is Yu Wenzhao. He is the cultivation of the Ming dynasty. It is said to be one of the strongest geniuses of the Yaozu. This time it was specifically to attack Hong Tianbu."

Ling Han was amazed, the Yaozu are not all ethnic as their surname, how come now suddenly ran out of a different kind?


What race?

Even Xue Rong will certainly not know the spit in his heart, and continue: "The Yaozu wants to prove that they are better than the Terran, so they must defeat Hong Tianbu in the battle of the same order."

Ling Han nodded, and I believe that this Yu Wenyu must have the strength to open up the dilemma, otherwise it is to send food.

"The second one is to attack you, known as the cat son." Even Xue Rong said again.

Cat son? What is the name?

"He is the cultivation of the extreme bones." Even Xue Rong said, "So, I will come to persuade you, do not be tempted, and promise to fight with the cat."

Ling Han could not help but be depressed, what is it?

Oh, Hong Tianbu’s opponent is the inscription, the same level as him, and his opponent is extremely boned, is it a higher realm than himself?

Not bullying?

"I think, the Yaozu should be a genius without blood exchange, so you can only push the extreme bones to press you." Even Xue Rong said, there is a trace of admiration in his eyes.

A big demon, I can't find a blood exchange that can compete with Ling Han, and why he has to fight him.

"Remember, no matter what happens, don't come out, just when you haven't returned to the emperor." Even Xue Rong warned again.

"Why are you afraid?" Da Wa jumped out immediately.

"Yes, why are you afraid?" Four baby and five baby followers.

"If they dare to come, come and kill one, come and kill two pairs!" Erwa also said.

Sanwa 哼哼, indicating disdain.

Six baby?

Stealth, and what is said is also negligible.

Even Xuerong has only a bitter smile. These five dolls look like pink and jade, so cute, how can they be so violent?

It must have been badly damaged by the cold.

No, the child doesn't understand.

She couldn't help but look at Ling Han. How do you bring your child?

Ling Han lying in the gun, can not explain, these six baby in the gourd has already formed his own will, and his relationship with half a penny.

"And, you can also get some clothes for them." Even Xue Rong blamed, although small, but people are girls after all, how can you only protect yourself with a few leaves?


Ling Han nodded and expressed his humility to accept.

"Go, I will help you to buy clothes." Even Xue Rong said, naturally, I feel that a big man can never know how to pick a woman's clothes, even if it is just a child.

Under the strong request of Lian Xuerong, Ling Han only succumbed, and he took five babies, but actually six babies went out.

After a round trip, the five dolls were all dressed in new clothes, and each had three sets of replacements.

Liuwa was naturally ignored by Lianxuerong, but Linghan bought two sets, and a large set was for Liuwa. If people are invisible, they can’t exist when she does not exist. The other set is for seven. Baby, although this girl is too sleepy, there is no plan to be born.

Even Xue Rong is still a little hot. When she went to the store to pick things up, the clerk did not regard her as a chilling wife, and she regarded the five dolls as her daughter, a lady called.

However, a few babies are still screaming, calling her mother and mother, not giving her the opportunity to correct.

She is embarrassed to stay again and quickly flee.

"Oh, the skin is too thin, not qualified for our mother." Several dolls are evaluating, apparently deliberately in the snow.

Ling Hanhe smiled, he had any thoughts on Lian Xuerong, and naturally he did not intend to correct the practices of these milk dolls.

He applied to the college to change to a larger accommodation, but the application was handed over, but it took time to approve.

Ling Han has searched for the right matrix materials through the light brain, and has reached a preliminary agreement with one person, and is trading at the agreed location.

After a day, the transaction was finalized. After he paid the money through the light brain, he went to the agreed place to deal with the other party.

The other party is an old man. After seeing Ling Han, he could not help but reveal the color of surprise. He said: "It turned out to be the famous Ling Han!"

Ling Hanhe smiled, the other side recognized him, but he did not recognize the opponent, he said: "Dare to ask the elderly how to call?"

"Golden three silver." The old man smiled.

Is there such a name?

Ling Han did not care, he just asked casually.

Jin Sanyin took out the material and handed it over to Ling Han. After Ling Han confirmed it, he asked the Internet platform to transfer the money to Jin Sanyin. There is a platform to ensure that it is naturally reassuring.


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