After Ling Han and Jin Sanyin said a few words, they left.

The other party said that if Ling Han has the need in this area, he can continue to find him. The Jin family is specialized in the material business. Basically, as long as Ling Han can tell, they can get it.

Of course, the premise is that Ling Han can afford to pay.

Although Ling Han left, but Jin Sanyin did not leave, he was still drinking tea in the box, a very leisurely look.

The door suddenly opened and walked into a young man in his twenties.

"Grandpa Ye, selling things to him at such a low price, is it too bad?" The young man sat down and asked the old man.

Jin Sanyin smiled slightly and said: "This young man is very outstanding. The old man is very optimistic about his future, so this time it is a good relationship, maybe, we will still ask for him in the future."

"Our family will ask him?" The young man said that he was very dissatisfied and said proudly. "If we are too low-key, then where does the world get Chen Jialai as an emperor?"

Jin Sanyin is a change of face, said: "Little sword, you are too mad, Chen Jiake is not as simple as you think!"

Jin Shaojian is still not convinced, said: "Grandpa, you are rumored to deceive, what will fly the mouse, how can this world environment now breed the strong Dan of birth?"

Jin Sanyin slowly nodded: "Really, even at this stage, even if you are talented, you can't jump over Xianmen. Chen Fengyan is at most looking for a secret."

"We have three secrets in the Jin family. If we join hands, Chen Fengyan must be beaten to find the North!" Jin Shaojian smiled and then took a look at the gold and silver. "Jiu Grandpa is only a trace of the secret." As long as you step in, with the grandfather talent of Jiu Grandpa, one person is enough to suppress the Chen Fengyan."

Jin Sanyin couldn’t help but laugh. This is a very flattering shot.

He waved his hand and said: "Remember the ancestral training, we were low enough to escape a difficult time. If today's prime, it is the time when my golden family rises, we must seize this opportunity."

"Yes." Jin Shaojian respectfully, but he never understood why Tiandi Avenue is recovering. They still have to keep a low profile. Shouldn’t they take the opportunity to capture the world?

He has asked this several times about this matter. He has not been answered exactly. He has asked more questions. He is too lazy to waste this time.

His eyes flickered, and what kind of small change of blood can get the value of Jiu Grandpa?



After Ling Han returned to the college, he received news from the college. His application was approved and the college has prepared a larger yard for him.

He is happy to bring the baby in the past. Sure enough, this yard will be mostly, and it can even be said to be a small manor.

I don't know if his senior Dan or the division's identity worked, or he won the first place in the hunting competition. The college also wanted to reward him.

No, no matter, Ling Han began to make the base.

He purchased two kinds of materials, one was Xuanbi Iron, and he cut thirty-three thin sticks according to his requirements. This is used to make the diamond array, and the other is the cloth woven from the black silk and the golden scale silk. This is used to make a cliff.

King Kong is good to get, as long as you buy the corresponding ink, expensive is expensive, but it is not difficult to solve the problem with money. The hard part is the cliff, at least the blood of the imprint is needed to make ink.

Where did he go to find the imprinting blood?

Forget it, let's make a diamond array first.

He made the base, and the progress was very fast. He could make seven in a day, and it would be completed in five days.

In addition to making the base, Ling Han's energy is placed on the breakthrough six changes.

He is not worried about the basic problems. He has the skills of the two babies. He can point out the shortcomings in his cultivation. He has already achieved perfection. The difficulty is how to break through the six changes.

This is a breakthrough for the limits.

As early as when returning from the Hengyue monument, Ling Han has been pondering this problem, but with the coming back, the time is long, but he has no clue.

This is normal, how can there be such a breakthrough?

If Ling Han doesn't know that there are still six changes, he will definitely be confused to attack the extreme bones. He secretly said that even if he has reached six changes, he will spend a lot of time to settle and make sure that there are no seven changes. Impact extreme bones.

Because this is not a seven-change, it is also summed up by the ancients. It is not the Heaven and Earth Avenue that the six changes are the real end, and it is impossible to go any further.

It is not quiet outside.

Chen Fengyan is still in retreat, Hong Tianbu does not know where to explore, and several of the top ranked emperors seem to have disappeared all at once. The demon family has no one to be bound, and it is very jubilant.

For the Yaozu, this time it was to come back to the scene, and of course, nothing to worry about.

It is now that the Imperial College is not a paradise. The cat son ran into the college for three days. He wanted to challenge the cold, and he couldn’t find the Lord.

The repair of the polar bones is originally at the top level in the college, and this cat son is a super genius, and the combat power can rival the imprint. Who can compete with him in this college?

In just a few days, many people in the college have been injured by him, which makes the college disciples complain about the cat son, but also full of dissatisfaction with Ling Han.

This disaster is what you have come out of, but it is good now. You don't know where to go, but they want to bear the consequences.

In fact, Ling Han is also very innocent, because he did not intend to hide the trace, but the cat son lives and does not go to him, what can he do?

Until this time, Ling Han changed his place of residence, and the news that naturally made him back came out.

The next day, the cat son was killed.

Since the identity of the Yaozu has been revealed, the Yaozu who came here this time has not been covered with a cloak, but has come out in a generous manner.

The cat son is really a real name. He is a cat demon, a furry cat face, his eyes are very bright, and there is a sultry look.

His cultivation is up to four bones, and the combat power is stepping into the inscription, and the top genius in the Yaozu.

He came alone, and the people who ruled the emperor did not dare to ambush him. Otherwise, whether it is the four emperors or Yu Wenzhao, they will make the souls smear.

Therefore, now that the Yaozu is very restrained and does not kill, the Terran must not dare to make an exception.

He took the place where Ling Han is now, and has been to the college many times, cooked.

Behind the cat's son, there are a large number of students to follow.

Some are purely watching lively, while others are counting on Ling Han to be able to make a big fuss, give this demon to bitterly eat and eat, and teach him a good meal.

The cat son strode forward and soon came to the door of Ling Han's courtyard.

He was very polite and walked over and knocked at the door.

However, no one answered.

The cat son is unhappy, do you still want to pretend not?

Hey, really, can such people defeat the strong of their demon?

When the cat son knocked on the door again, he was almost impatient. When he wanted to open the door directly, he slammed and the door opened.


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