Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3374: Was beaten

The cat’s son slammed and the door opened. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones.

But... people?

"Which bad guy, knock the door so loud, want to quarrel!" A milky voice came from below.

The cat looked down and saw that the door was actually a little baby, at most two or three years old, dressed in colorful clothes, like a little princess.

Rao is his demon family, but he can face such a pink and cute little and no fire, and the air is authentic: "Little girl, go to Ling Han."

"Auntie is practicing, there is no room for you." This is the second baby, the most one of the six dolls is a ghost, the only drawback is the number, can be said to be an idiot level.

No time?

Oh, the cat sneer, really thought he was stupid?

You dare not come out to fight with him, but you have launched a little girl, thinking that you can send him away with a little cute?

too naive.

He didn't waste his tongue with a little girl, but he made a strong move.

The second baby snorted, this kid is not looking for 揍, what is the solution?

She closed the door.

"What is the door?"

"Let's go in too!"

"The little girl opens the door quickly."

Outside the students shouted, they all want to see the battle between Ling Han and the cat son, but the college has the rules of the college, the Yaozu can be destroyed, but they are afraid, can only call outside the door.

In the door, the cat son suddenly found that he still stood in front of a milk baby.

Dawa hugged her hands on her chest and said, "Are you the stupid hat who wants to make a move with the aunt?"

The cat son does not twitch from the corner of his mouth. For a moment, he does not know whether he is nodding or shaking his head.

He did come to fight with Ling Han early, but it is definitely not a stupid hat.

"Ling Han, you dare not come out with a big man, let a few small dolls come to cope with me, really shameless!" He shouted.

"What, actually dare to say that Auntie shameless?" Big baby was angry, and instantly opened the violent mode.

"Boss, kill him!"

"Yes, let's die!"

Four baby and five baby appeared together, Ling Han is retreating, they can't stick, they can only come out and join in the fun.

"Good!" The big baby was rubbing his hands and violently rubbing his legs. Hey, her body rioted and rushed toward the cat.

So fast!

The cat son only felt a flower in front of him, and the big baby had already been killed. After jumping high, he punched his face.

He was too late to be shocked and quickly reached for a fight.

Hey, a punch hit, a huge force hit, let him make a few steps back and forth.

Fortunately, although he is extremely boned, but the maximum combat power can reach the inscription, naturally it is impossible to be hurt by this punch.

The cat son lowered his arms and looked at the big baby who had just landed.

Before, he only thought that the big baby was a milky baby who sold Meng, so naturally it was impossible to create a war. After a blow, he realized that Dawa had the power of extreme bones and could completely compete with himself.

He is serious, only his opponent in his eyes, even if it is just a cute baby.

The cat son took the initiative to attack, and he rushed out, and the speed was amazing.

His body is a cat demon, known for speed, and instantly reached three times the speed of sound.

This is the field where the Ming dynasty can set foot, but he can easily reach it.

Da Wa was not wary, hey, suddenly was hit by a fist, the small body flew directly out, and slammed into the flowers behind.

But in the next moment, the big baby was already rushed out, and the little face was full of anger.

Boom, black energy rolled in and wrapped around her.

"Not good, the boss has entered a violent state!"

"You have to worry!"

Siwa and Wuwa shouted together.

Cats look at it, can't help but be so horrible high-level energy?

You are just a little doll, why can you provoke such a terrible high-level energy?

This is simply no reason!

The cat son is desperately vomiting in his heart, but he has to be prepared. Now the big baby makes him a chill.

Hey, Da Wa rushed out, she was surrounded by black energy, so that her body is a big circle, a punch, a fist like a sand.

The cat son naturally can't marry a small baby, and he is rushing up with a punch.

However, when his fist touched, his face changed and he saw him fly out.

If Ling Han is present, he will definitely shake his head.

Don't you know that Dawa is called a violent madman, is it a big force?

How much can you think about it with a strong man?

Hey, the cat is falling heavily on the ground, and the whole person is also awkward.

Under what circumstances, was he hit by a small baby?

He must be dreaming?

"I can't stand a blow." Big baby patted his hands and easily settled. There was no escape. "With your frustration, I still want to challenge my aunt, and my brain is kicked?"

Cat’s current outlook on life must have collapsed. He can’t accept that a cute baby can be strong enough.

There must be something wrong.

Maybe he is dreaming?

He climbed up and shook his head hard.

"Stupid cat, you are not dreaming." Erwa came over and looked eager to try. "It's my turn."

What is your turn?

Hey, Erwa is just a punch.


The cat son quickly hid, but the second baby seemed to know that he would be like this. Each of his eyes shot a beam of light and went to the cat.

This is just the weakness of the cat's defense.

The cat son couldn’t help but be shocked. This flaw didn’t even realize that he discovered it. How did this little girl discover it?

He wants to hide, but it is too late.

Hey, he was shot by the electric mans, the whole person flew again, and then fell heavily on the ground.

His face was so stunned that he had been attacked and suspected that the cat was born.

Self, actually, continuous, lost, two, milk baby!

"Ugly cat, it's time for me!" Another excited voice sounded.

The cat son was shocked and quickly climbed up and looked around. He couldn’t see anyone, but he opened his mind and found no one.

Who is speaking to him with his knowledge?


After he had not finished his thoughts, he only felt the pain in his head and could not help but plant it forward and fell to the ground.

In just one minute, he suffered a three defeat.

This time he finally fainted, no longer have to suspect that the cat was born.

"I really didn't fight." Liu Wa said that she couldn't touch it in stealth. Under the sneak attack, it can be said that almost no one can resist it.

"Childish." Sanwa has been sitting on the roof, disdainfully commented.

Dawa grabbed one of the cat's arms and dragged it away. No matter what, the cat's clothes were worn out. When she walked to the wall, she slammed it, and the cat was thrown out by her.

The little girl took a clap and grinned: "Get it!"

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