Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3375: Six changes (five more)

Hey, the cat son is lying on the ground. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones.

Poorly, before he was smashed by the big baby, the trousers were worn out, the buttocks were exposed, and now they are lying on the ground, so the spring is full.

Fortunately, he is a demon cat after all, and his **** is also furry, so there are not many places to be exposed, which is to give him a little bit of face.

Of course, the cat son is still not aware of it, still in a state of confusion.

Outside, everyone is stupid.

Before everyone saw the cat son went in, and heard the screaming fight, it was tickle, well, there was no movement.

Someone wants to go to the wall to see, but the cat son has come out.

Everyone knows that the cat son did not run out of himself, but was thrown out by people.

Hey, what is going on?

That is the cat son, the cat son who has the power of the inscription, can sweep the college, how to be dried down in three or two.

Ling Han actually became so powerful?

Everyone could not help but raise a strong awe. Although Ling Han defeated the eagle sky, but relying on the power of the instrument, not his true strength, but now look at the appearance of the cat son, obviously not suffering from such a cold injury .

Therefore, this time it should be the strength of Ling Han and there are amazing progress, even the Ming dynasty can be defeated.

"Low cold is good."

"The guys in this group of demon people are too arrogant. It is time to brake them."

"The Holy Emperor retreats, Hong Tianbu has left again, thinking that no one has ruled them. Now there is finally a cold cold standing out!"

Everyone applauded and cheered for Ling Han, but they did not know that it was only a few milk dolls to complete this feat.


In fact, Ling Han is not trying to fight, but he is breaking through the key moments of the six changes.

Feeling this kind of thing, come on, there is no sign, and if you don’t hold it tight, then you won’t know what time it is next time, maybe you will never get it.

Therefore, when the sentiment was born, Ling Han immediately began to retreat and seized the aura.

He sat as a stone, and from the outside, there was only a slight, slow breathing, and even the heartbeat stopped. The flesh entered a state of suspended animation, but in his knowledge of the sea, it was wonderful.

The feelings of the road are like lightning, and Ling Han is trying to figure out the secret of life.

If you want to improve your life, you must have a good understanding of the nature of life, especially to break through the limits.

Boom, his knowledge of the sea is moving the strange scene, which is his description of the essence of life.

Ling Han has no lack of understanding of life. In the world of stone, he is strong to Tianzun. Although the two worlds are completely different, there are many things in common.

He showed a smile, it is the secret of life.


He began to break through, bang, the original quiet body broke out, the diamond-like brilliance and dazzling flowers, but over time, it is becoming bleak, in calm.

Ling Han immediately felt weak, and quickly took out Changhong fruit service.

Hey, there was a thunderous loud noise in his body, and it was shattered.

After so many breakthroughs, Ling Han also had an understanding in his heart. The more the shackles are broken, the greater the jump in life level.

In his experience, every time you tear the cockroaches, it is about five, and then it will be calm, and you need to wait for the next explosion. The general exchange of blood at the top of the torn two sputum, so the life treasures required are very few, one is enough.

For example, a small maid, such as Lian Xuerong, he also asked Xuanyuan Dingguo, this guy is a bit more powerful, when you are lucky, you can break three squats, generally two.

Why Ling Han has the ability to leapfrog, it is because he broke the number of cockroaches every time, the evolution of life level far exceeds the same level.

Sure enough, after the five smashes were broken, the impact of Ling Han reached the end, and there were three left in the Changhong fruit.

Six changes!

Ling Han's internal vision, diamond-like blood is developing toward the plain original blood, but if it shows up, it seems that he has not reached the peak of five changes, so blood is not a complete diamond color.

He is satisfied with the smile. With this breakthrough, his combat power should barely be able to compete with a strong person.

Ling Hangang wanted to get up, but suddenly, the cells in the body were incomparably active.

Boom, the activity of the cell actually promoted the evolution of life level, and set off an uproar in the body of Ling Han.

what's the situation?

Ling Han was shocked, a thought flashed, he wants to continue.

You must know that he has just completed the breakthrough, and still broke the limit. Although the level of life has improved, the body is in a very weak state and needs to be adjusted and repaired.

The improvement of the level of life is extremely fierce, even if there is a life treasure to offset the consumption, but it is not at all not to pay.

Do you want to improve your life level again, will this bring harm?

Just for a moment, Ling Han decided to break through!

He has been six changes, and then a life-level leap, that is seven changes.

Seven changes?

It is Chen Fengyan who is confident and said that there is no change.

Ling Han didn't know why he could change seven times, perhaps because he was different, because no one in his cell had a single plane, and he lived countless creatures.

This change was initiated from the cell and is most likely related to the plane in his body.

Although the breakthrough now has unpredictable risks, once it is missed, what if there is no next chance?

For the strong desire of strength, Ling Han did not hesitate to make a choice.

He immediately took a long rainbow fruit and continued to promote the evolution of life.


Suddenly, the thunder was heard in the sky. It was a sunny day, but there were layers of dark clouds suddenly appearing. The thunder and light were intertwined, and there were vaguely visible figures. There were golden giants with hundreds of feet, three devils with six arms and six arms, and Buddhas with golden light.

Such a vision is shrouded above the entire capital, and everyone can see it clearly. Ordinary people are not trembled. Is this dissatisfaction?

Otherwise, why can you see the gods of the gods?

"Hey, how can there be a vision of heaven and earth?" Dawa muttered.

"It seems that someone broke the heavens and the earth." Liuwa interface.

"Is there such a freak in the land where this law is lost?" Dawa could not believe it.

Erwa launched the scorpion and looked at the sky: "Let me come back to the source!"

The vision of heaven and earth must be born of people and things, so there will be a strong causal relationship. Her martyrdom can see through the illusion and reach the essence, so we can find the source from the cause.

Other gourd dolls are looking at her, but the proud Jiao Sanwa is also slightly sideways.

"Rely!" Erwa's head went from Yangtian to Pingshi, and then burst into a thick mouth.

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