Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3420: Put down your things

Down, what's wrong with you, when you talk, you will fall asleep right away?

Ling Han was speechless, and the seven-baby was so sleepy that it was so devastating.

He sighed and said to the other baby: "The weight of this thing is definitely more than 10,000 pounds. How to be a spiritual weapon?"

With his current strength, it is a trivial matter to mention a stone of 10,000 pounds. It doesn't matter all day, but when it comes to mental power, it raises a lot of things.

From this point of view, the frontal confrontation, his mental connection to the pulse can not beat.

"Auntie, you are too stupid, you will indulge in this piece of sky jade to try." Big baby milk sounds authentic.

Ling Han said it, but it was amazement, because with the infusion of his spiritual power, the stone was actually lighter, and the more spiritual energy injected, the lighter it was.

But when it reaches about ten pounds, it is hard to become lighter.

"Let's put down the things in your hand!" A voice suddenly rang from the back of Ling Han.

Ling Han turned and saw that one person was flying over the back, his face was covered with greed.

Actually it is Jin Shaojian, a descendant of the hidden family Jinjia.

For a time, Ling Han also refused to ask the milk baby to ask the specific information of Tianwei jade. He collected the Tianyu jade into the raising gourd, and then smiled slightly toward Jin Shaojian: "What do you say?"

"Ling Han, you are so courageous, this has already been told to you, let you put down the things in your hand, you actually dare to put it up, you actually have space instruments?" Jin Shaojian, you know the production The technology of space implements has been lost, so the current space implements are all passed down from the previous generation of civilizations, and they are extremely rare.

This country has a space weapon?

Jin Shaojian feels uncomfortable and seems to be humiliated.

Ling Han looked indifferent, said: "But a stone, what strength are you nervous?"

"Idiot, that is the sky jade!" Jin Shaojian disdain.

Hey, this guy actually knows?

Ling Han oh, Jin Jia is a family from the previous generation of civilization, so it retains a lot of information on the civilization of the previous generation, recognizing that such a good thing is not unusual.

"Tianjin jade has already been obtained for me. Do you still want to grab it?" Ling Han smiled and said that he still had jealousy about Jin Sanyin, but Jin Shaojian’s words, **** only.

Jin Shaojian is proud of his face: "You'd better take the initiative to hand over the space implement, otherwise, hehe."

Hey, the appetite has become bigger, not only the sky jade, but also the space implements are not let go?


Ling Han shook his head: "I originally looked at you bad, just too lazy to have a general knowledge with you, but you have to send it to your door to find you, just right, you still owe me a gamble!"


Jin Shaojian suddenly thought that before Ling Han was imprisoned in the Tianzhu, he wanted to save Ling Han with the cold cold, and Ling Han made a bet with him and could easily go out.

He naturally lost, but he grew up and did not take it seriously.

Now that Ling Han’s old things are revisited, he just snorted and said: “This is not the emperor, no one will come to save you!”

"Edie, this guy is good cocky, we can beat him?" Big baby took Ling Han shook his hand, his face like a child.

In fact, her violent madness has already occurred.

"Children's family, don't think about fighting all day." Ling Han strode and forced the past to Jin Shaojian.

"Hey, Auntie is a violent madman and says us." Siwa spread his hands.

"Following such an aunt, we are very easy to learn bad." Wuwa also shook his head.

Jin Shaojian sneered, said: "Ling Han, I am the inscription, and it is still two lines, the strength is far beyond the extreme bones! And, I know that this piece of clothing on your body has a battle, you can pull the opponent's repair to you. The same level, don't forget, my family is a hidden family, and the foundation is more than your imagination."

"I have the means to make your formation invalid!"

Ling Han couldn't help but laugh: "You don't put gold on your face, hit your slag, I still need to use absolute fairness?"

Jin Shaojian suddenly looked ugly, why do you look down on me?

"The low **** country, look for death!" he whispered.

The hidden family thinks that it is the orthodox inheritor of the Tianhaixing martial arts. What Xuanbei Kingdom and what Yaozu are born in this era, how can they compare with them?

Therefore, every person in the hidden family is extremely proud, thinking that he is the master of this star, others are just ignorant ants.

But now there is a cockroach ant who dares to look down on himself?

Jin Shaojian was angry, his hands jerked, and suddenly there was a cold rise.

He used a high-level energy, and he would kill the cold with the thunder.

Ling Han was already close, and he waved a punch at random and played against Jin Shaojian.

"Death!" Jin Shaojian swung and slammed, the force of the ice was lifted, and the temperature around him suddenly fell.

Ling Han’s fist continued to swing, and the raging flame violently burned on his fist, and instantly dispelled the cold.


Jin Shaojian couldn’t help himself with a scorpion. He didn’t expect that the high-level energy that Ling Han ignited was not only against him, but also more powerful.

He snorted, his right hand five fingers open, and shouted: "Thousands of palms!"

The shadow of a mountain appeared, as if it was blessed on his palm, forming a horrible pressure.

Ling Han does not matter, just superimposed 30 power, meet and go.


The two forces slammed together, and the shadows of those mountains suddenly collapsed, and Ling Han’s punches drove straight into the face of Jin Shaojian and drove him heavily.

Jin Shaojian's body was flat and half of his cheeks had changed shape, but he seemed to be unaware. "How could it be, how could it be, how could I lose to a countryman?"

Where does this come from?

Ling Han shook his head and said: "I didn't even play out the 30% of the combat power, and you fell down. It's too unremarkable. Are you sure you are really a hidden family, not a confused mind?"

Jin Shaojian roared, he could not stand such humiliation, his hands slammed, the whole person ejected, and killed the past to Ling Han.

Ling Han shook his head, still a punch back.

Hey, Jin Shaojian was suddenly shocked and fell and fell.

He was a little bit hard, and he climbed up again, and he went to Ling Han.

Unfortunately, the strength gap is too big, and it is useless for him to rush.

Jin Shaojian finally understood this point. He raised his hand and stunned, and saw a fireworks rushing into Tianyu.

"Ha ha ha ha, Ling Han, you don't even know how many strong people I sent out this time!" He laughed. "Wait, my Jin family is here, you only have to die."

Ling Han suddenly became angry. He originally only wanted to teach Jin Shaojian, but the other party made it clear that he was going to kill him. This made him murderous.

"It's really an idiot!" he said, screaming, suffocating, and rushing toward Jin Shaojian.

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