Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3421: Mental weapon

This is formed when the seven changes, even the world has a vision for it, such as Yu Wenzhao such a strong, genius will be affected, not to mention Jin Shaojian.

He suddenly showed the color of fear, his eyes rounded, his mouth involuntarily opened, and his mouth drooled.

This is seriously scared, and my heart is full of it.

Ling Han found that he only discovered the magical skills that he had obtained after the seven changes, but he ignored the power of this suffocation.

After all, it is formed after the seven changes, how can it be ordinary?

"Looking for a dead end!" Ling Han pointed out, hehe, Jin Shaojian's head suddenly burst.

"Auntie, you are cruel!" Dawa said.

"Too violent." Siwa nodded.

"Teach the bad children." Wuwa also followed.

Come on, these seven milk babies all have violent tendencies, but also need him to teach bad?

Ling Hanhe smiled and found a space implement from Jin Shaojian's body, but there is nothing valuable except for some jade seeds.

He sighed, is the descendant of this hidden family not fake, how is it so poor?

"Leave here first." Ling Han said.

The Jin family will definitely come over soon. Although Ling Han is absolutely fair and not afraid to fight against the strong players, but the monuments are treasures, who knows how many enemies there are, so it is still a good idea to stay in the hand, only at the most critical time. .

He took out the jade jade again because his mind had disappeared, which regained its weight.

Ling Han re-injected into the mind, this jade immediately became lighter, but when it was about ten pounds, it would be difficult to lighten it.

"Continue to infuse strength." Sanwadao.

Ling Han said according to words, eight pounds, five pounds, three pounds, sky jade became lighter and lighter, but three pounds is the current limit of Ling Han, can not go any further.

"Auntie, you throw it out, and then leave your hand, you will regain your mind." Liu Wadao.

Ling Han still did, and his right hand rose, and he threw out the sky jade. At the moment of his shot, he took back his mind and suddenly saw the fist-sized stone flying at six times the speed of sound.


The stone slammed on the wall, and the wall was pulled out of the hole and stuck in it.

Ling Han suddenly, he knows how strong the wall is, that is, he can't break through the use of fifty overlapping forces, but he simply pulls out a stone, but it pulls the wall out of a hole.

But it is also conceivable to throw a stone weighing up to 10,000 pounds at six times the speed of sound. What a terrible impact?

He couldn't help but think, if it is in the process of throwing out, and then add the impetus to push, what will happen?

Ling Han took back the sky jade and re-compressed it with his mind. He quickly became a three-pound heavy one. He threw it out and then pushed it with his mind.

His mindfulness can now cover a range of five feet, that is to say, within this range he can constantly accelerate with his mind.

Hey, the sky jade flies out, squats, squats on the wall, but does not smash the wall, causing less damage.

Why is that?

He thought about it, and then suddenly realized that this was because his speed of withdrawing his mind was slow, and the sky jade did not recover to the weight of 10,000 pounds when he reached the wall.

Strength and speed all determine the magnitude of the impact force.

This needs to be pondered over.

Ling Han smiled and used his power to drive the object to bombard. This is his killer. Now the power of this killer is a ton of improvement.

Unfortunately, it takes a little longer to compress the weight of the sky jade, which is ten seconds. This is a trivial matter under normal circumstances, but in the battle, ten seconds is not too short.

Need to use the killer, the opponent must be extraordinary, so it is difficult to win ten seconds.

Therefore, Ling Han not only needs to accurately control the time point of regaining his mind, but also has to improve the efficiency of compression, reducing the time from ten seconds to five seconds, three seconds or even shorter. This kind of killer is only true.

"This is not anxious, I can come slowly." Ling Han muttered.

"Auntie, this sky jade can also be built, such as the shape of a knife, sword, so that the destructive power is greater." Liuwa added.

Ling Han nodded, this is what he thought.

"However, the sky jade is hard and hard, it is the material of the two-star fairy, and now no one can cast it." Two baby poured cold water.

"Unless you can get thousands of secluded water." Sanwa said, "This can soften most of the world's materials, shape the form, and not waste at all." Qiwa suddenly said.

Hey, when did you wake up?

"Thousands of water?" Ling Han repeated.

"This is also a rare thing." Erwa said, "But the aunt's luck is so bad, I believe it will be available."

Ling Han haha ​​laughed: "I have a lot of confidence in my letter."

Hey, the baby girls are laughing.

The color pig looked at Ling Han, and some of them were amazed. This guy’s good fortune is really against the sky. In just a few months, he won many treasures, even Xianxian.


The palace where the body of Jin Shaojian is located.

Hey, hey, two people flew in the air, one is old and the young, the old looks like sixty years old, and the small one is about twenty years old.

The old man is amazing, bloody, like an unbeaten lion, while young people are introverted, but standing on the side of the old man is not inferior.

"The signal of Shaojian is sent here." The old man said, "What about people?"

He looked for it and soon found the body of Jin Shaojian. A face suddenly became famous.

The young people also came over and they also showed murderousness.

"The people who dare to kill my Jin family are really tired!" The old man was wicked.

The young man took out a jade box, just opened a slit and placed it on the side of Jin Shaojian's body. After a while, he said: "I have already recorded the murderer's breath with the worm, as long as I meet, I You can take the murderer out."

"The murderer must be killed by the most cruel means." The old man said, "The world has undergone a drastic change, and my family will rise to this moment and become the master of the sky star."

"What Chen family, what the demon, can only be in front of my gold family!"

The young man nodded and looked deep into the face.

"However, this person can kill a few swords, the strength is not weak, you can not care about it." The old man said.

The young man showed a confident smile and said: "Four grandfathers, don't forget, I am doing the dilemma, it is the so-called sorrowful hunter, and I only have the sire."

He is the King of Gold, and you can see from the name what the Jin family expects from him.

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