Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3422: Wooden bridge (four more)

Ling Han took seven milk dolls through one palace after another. When he arrived at the seventeenth, he finally found out that there were more people inside.

Some people have had a great war because they discovered the exotic fruits. Some people are disobedient because they are not convinced, and it is a struggle that is completely unnecessary. This is very common among the warriors.

Many young people think that they are old, their second child, young and vigorous, do not like to reason, and all things are solved by fists.

In the battle for monuments, there is no suppression of the law, and it will lead to great conflicts.

Ling Han looked at it. There is no treasure or grass that is worthy of his shot. Naturally, he is too lazy to go to the palace and continue to go to the deeper palace. On the road, he constantly enhances his use of the sky jade.

This palace group is so amazing that after going through the thirty-three palaces, after seeing it, it is not a garden, but an arch bridge. It seems to be erected in the sky, and it is surrounded by clouds. The scenery below.

This arch bridge is actually made of wood. Although it looks good, there are still many years of existence. Is the wood rotten?

Ling Han’s heart was awkward. He started the scorpion and looked closely. He found that the wooden bridge was really well maintained, and there was no trace of brokenness in his sight.

"Auntie, this is sword wood, it is soaked in water, it will not rot for thousands of years. Many fine irons must be strong." Dawa said, and began to popularize knowledge for Ling Han.

Ling Han oh, how do you feel that these seven babies are adults, but they are ignorant babies?

"Go and go." The seven baby babies took the lead and jumped on the bridge, running cheerfully toward the front.

Ling Han also set foot on the bridge. Indeed, although the bridge is made of wood, it is very stable. Even if there is a mountain breeze, the wooden bridge is undulating.

However, this wooden bridge is really long, although Ling Han did not go very fast, but it still did not come to an end in ten minutes.


He suddenly raised a heart, looked down and saw the clouds tumbling underneath, as if something terrible was born. He started to look at the scorpion, but the cloud blocked his gaze and could not see through.

Erwa also looked at the railing, but he quickly recovered his gaze and shook his head at Ling Han.

Obviously, her eyesight can't penetrate the cloud, which is the condensation of high-level energy.

Ling cold as the enemy, really want to have any horrible existence rushed from below, he immediately packed seven milk dolls into the gourd, as for the fat pig, ah, throw it out first.

The fat pig seemed to have sensed his thoughts and spit on him.

Fortunately, after the cloud turned for a while, it returned to calm.

Ling Han quickly stepped up his footsteps. There is no sky here, no land, no sense of security.

After walking across the bridge, I saw that it was actually a cliff, and there were palaces standing on the cliffs in front.

Hey, isn't this at the bottom of the lake? How come out of a cliff?

Looking at this situation, it seems that the whole mountain is pressed into the earth. Therefore, a lake has been formed here, but under the dramatic changes in the heavens and the earth, the lake has dried up and it has reappeared here.

Ling Han went to the nearest palace, and the door was still open. After he entered, he found that there was a fierce battle, one to eight, playing very fiercely.

It was a young man who was smashed. His dress was very ordinary. At first glance, he was a very mountainous person. But his strength was really extraordinary, reaching the height of five lines.

His eight opponents are much weaker, most of them are extremely boned, and only one person has reached the inscription, and there is only one pattern.

For the sake of reason, the five lines should have the absolute advantage, and the eight people can be killed in an instant, but the fact is not the case. They play very lingering.

This is because the action of the five-grain master is very raw, just like the novice who fought for the first time, and made too many mistakes that should not be made. If his strength is absolutely dominant, he has already squatted many times. .

But because of this, he has a huge room for growth. Every time he fights for a while, his strength will improve, become more and more powerful, and gradually overwhelm the eight people.

"Crow! Call!" The master of the pattern shouted, and the eight people suddenly retreated.

The five-grain master did not pursue, but looked at Ling Han and said: "Are you also coming to compete for treasures?"

Ling Han spread his hand and said: "What treasure, introduce?"

The five-grain master looked at Ling Han and snorted, saying: "Since I dare to smash my treasure, I will kill you!"

Hey, he stood up and punched the cold with a fist.

It’s not martial arts, it’s a simple punch, just like an ordinary person fighting.

Ling Han was amazed. Are you really a five-grain master? You have cultivated to such a height. How can you not even connect with the martial arts?

Is this deliberately numb?

Hey, the five-grain masters have a few punches, but Ling Han really can't see anything surprising.

He suddenly screamed and seemed to understand.

Combined with the extremely incomparable combat ability of the opponent, coupled with the rusticity of his body, Ling Han can be sure that this person is the lucky one who took the strong Yuanguo before, and jumped directly from an ordinary person to the inscription, and still The height of the five stripes, if you want to eat a few more, it is estimated that it is open.

It is really necessary to go to the open environment, and do not use any martial arts, skills, as long as the speed and strength can crush the inscription.

"You used to be just a common man in the mountains?" Ling Han said faintly. "This palace is open. You were nearby, and you were able to enter the first place. You ate a lot of strong yuan fruits and suddenly rose to the inscription. ”

The five-grain master was not changed by the face, which was guessed by Ling Han.

Indeed, he used to be a drug farmer. When the underground palace was born, he was collecting medicine nearby and boldly entered it. As a result, he discovered the strong yuan fruit.

At first he didn't dare to eat, afraid of being poisonous, but he also heard about all kinds of related deeds. Later, he couldn't help but eat one. As a result, there was a huge jump in his life.

So, he ate one after another, and also pushed the realm to the height of the five lines.

I want to know that he was just an ordinary drug farmer. It was so ordinary. He didn't know how powerful he is now. He saw that the military who entered later was also hiding.

But when there is always a time to escape, there is a battle, but he finds that those who are usually unattainable in his eyes are vulnerable under his hand.

After a few fights, his confidence has been inflated and he has become a peerless powerhouse.

Therefore, he no longer hides his whereabouts, and he begins to search for and compete for treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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