Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3467: Dust bone

Rely on, do not use the banned drugs?

Too shameless.

"This babies are really fighting, and even the 'dusty bones' are used." Xin Ruyue frowned.

"Hey, if you change Xin Xianzi, don't you want to be defeated by an indigenous man?" Dong Qi smiled.

Xin Ruyue said nothing. After a while, she slowly nodded.

Although they are prisoners, the level of martial arts is far above the world, and they are not as good as an indigenous one. It’s really going to be laughed at by this.

Therefore, they can lose to the genius who also comes out of the prison, but must not be defeated by the weak indigenous people outside.

After the nursery sucked the weird dust, it seemed like a chicken blood, and the strength showed a double improvement.

Hum, he hit a fist, very fast.

Ling Han launched a frequency attack, and the other party hard to remember, not to make up and retreat, only to feel that the bones must be broken.

He was too late to be shocked, and quickly hid in the oblique side, because the nursery is already a sword.

"Auntie, that is the ashes left after the death of the strong, after being absorbed into the body, you can temporarily increase the combat power." Erwa said.

"Smelly shameless, dare not be fair to a fight?" Dawa is arrogant.

The nursery is only if he has not heard of it. He has only one thought, that is, he will die of Ling Han.

The ashes of the sucker?

Ling Han could not help but fight a chill, Mad, this is too disgusting.

"Roll, you are a dead metamorphosis!" He screamed, and the suffocating first came out.

The seedlings were not allowed to move, but it was only a moment. He returned to normal and killed the cold.

It seems that under the buff of the ashes, his secret power, spirit and physical strength have been improved.

Ling Han's suffocating impact is still so low for the first time. However, it is also effective to be weak. The seedling action is a stiff, and the attack naturally appears to be stagnation. This can also be said to be a flaw.

Ling Han was smart and dressed, and went out from the flaws of the other side, and then launched a counterattack.

The nursery is like a madman, and once again, his sword is divided into two hands, and he is mad again and again. He has a blood-red scent, and even his black hair is dyed red.

"Night Devils 18!" He whispered, and the two swords smashed, cutting out two long and incomparable swords, and turned into two huge bats, fluttering toward Ling Han.

Ling Han snorted, the demon monkey punched out, and a demon monkey also floated out, full of violent gas, and punched two large bats.

The demon monkeys swayed and smashed the two big bats, but their own power was exhausted, and the illusion disappeared.

It seems that Xin Yue and Dong Qi are dazzling.

"How could it be that an indigenous person has mastered such a terrible school."

"The feeling that the demon monkey gave me, how like a saint, makes me shudder, and the courage to look straight is gone."

"Don't this be the masterpiece of the demon sacred?"

After the two were shocked, they did not reveal the color of the blasphemy.

The sage, high above, overlooking the world, even if only with a finger, can make people's fighting reborn.

If this is the method of saints, even if it is passed from the demon saint, it is an indescribable gem, which can make the power in the prison are crazy.

More importantly, Ling Han is only an indigenous, and there is no strong background. What is the killing of him and the tricks he has taken, and who needs to be jealous of them to find them?

The seedlings are also affected by the demon monkeys, but Ling Han is still too low in the realm. This kind of influence is also like the impact of the suffocating, but the effect is actually not big.

Therefore, the attack of the seedlings was stagnation and it was dumped, but the power was weakened a little.

Ling Han’s punching and punching, while on the other hand, is brewing a counterattack, and the sky jade is already in his hand.

One, two, three, four, five!

Hey, he threw the treasure in his hand and pushed it with his mind. He instantly reached nine times the speed of sound and recovered to the terrible weight of 10,000 pounds.

This blow is to open up the front of the road, but it may also be smashed.

The reaction of the seedlings was extremely fast, and the two swords were immediately blocked in front of them. They could not be sent between them. Oh, the sky was on the sword. These two do not know what materials were used, but the absolutely extraordinary sword suddenly broke. The seedlings are cracked in the tiger's mouth.

The sky jade was gone, and it hit the body of the child, and the body shape of the other body shook and flew out.

However, after being blocked by the sword, the power of the sky jade was also much smaller. This attack did not kill the seedlings, but only caused minor injuries.

Ling Han figure out, the detective grabbed the sky jade back, this thing is more than 10,000 pounds, can not catch back.

Brush, the seedlings immediately banged, he was only slightly injured, and did not lose his strength.

Ling Han's figure retreats, and the fist is passed, and then the sky jade is lifted up.

When the nursery saw it, it was not chilly.

He just had the power of the sky jade, how dare he be hit again?

There was a sword for him to stop, but now it is gone.

He was very decisive. He immediately turned and ran. Hey, his figure was unfolding. He didn't dare to go straight, his body shape changed very fast, so Ling Han didn't have a chance to lock him, and he ran away in an instant.

In fact, as long as he ran out of a certain area, his suppression of his cultivation would disappear, and the cultivation of the dilemma and the strength of the search for secrets would not be comparable to Ling Han.

Ling Han did not pursue, seeing the speed of the sudden surge of the other party, the repair of the nursery has been restored.

This means that their previous first battle has ended.

If he takes the initiative to challenge, what is the way the formation here is no longer suppressing the other's repairs?

Absolute fairness is his trick at the bottom of the box, naturally it can't be easily used.

Dong Qi and Xin Ruyue looked at each other and did not wrinkle their brows.

Ling Han finally used the attack method to make them all cold. How can they hide the attack of nine times the speed of sound when the distance is so close?

You must know that if you fight with Ling Han, their cultivation will be suppressed to the extreme bones.

In fact, this is not a possibility of not winning. As long as two people can cooperate with each other and one person attracts firepower, another person can take the opportunity to attack. After all, Ling Han has only one piece of sky jade.

The question is, who will attract firepower?

This is not a joke, it will be lost, not to mention that they just meet each other, it is a brother and sister, then we must also measure it, will it be sold by the other side.

Don't forget, this also involves the number of places in the competition.

Therefore, they are completely impossible to cooperate.

Both of them smiled at the cold and looked very friendly.

They are very familiar with the rules of the array here. If the low-ranking warriors take the initiative to the high-ranking warriors, then the array will not work, forcing the suppression of the realm.

Therefore, if it is the shooting of Ling Han, they will be able to kill the cold with a high level.

Deep down, they naturally hope that Ling Han will barely shoot.

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