Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3468: Secret of mural

Unfortunately, Ling Han is not fooled. m.

Don't look at how young he is, but how many ups and downs have he experienced in the Yuan world?

He has always maintained a young mind, full of enthusiasm for life, always pursuing a strong, but in other respects, he is very old and incomprehensible.

Ling Han also smiled at Dong Qi and Xin Ruyue, then learned what they were before, sat down and looked at the painting on the stone wall.

Of course, it is impossible for the three young Tianjiao to sit boring, so the painting on the stone wall must have profound meaning.

"It is said that this contains a set of peerless magical powers. If you can understand it, it will not only help improve the cultivation, but also play a role in the next trial." Xin Ruyue said, soft voice, It’s very good.

Ling Han was surprised. I didn’t expect Xin Ruyue to take the initiative.

Dong Qi is a sneer, he naturally knows that Xin Ruyue is deliberately close to Ling Han, is this woman wanting to lure Ling Han with beauty, and get the other's boxing method?

Really shameless!

Dong Qi shouted in his heart, but he was full of embarrassment.

Xin Ruyue is a big beauty, and the martial arts talent is amazing. It is also a disciple of Taikoo Zhenjun. His identity is amazing. If he can become a monk with her, it will get many benefits.

Unfortunately, Xin Ruyue did not see him at all.

A little polar bone, and still an indigenous, why ride on his head?

Dong Qi closed his eyes. Although he was arrogant, he was not stupid. If he started a battle with Ling Han, he could only make Xin Ruyue fishermen profit.

Therefore, he will only make a fuss after the trial, and it is not easy to kill a polar bone with his cultivation.

It’s hard to escape the enchanting.

Ling Han smiled at Xin Ruyue and said: "Thank you for your guidance."

"My name is Xin Ruyue." The woman smiled.

Ling Han nodded, he did not have to report to his home, the other party already knew. He asked: "I don't know if Xin Xin has figured out what the doorway is?"

Xin Ruyue shook his head: "If the moon is dull, I don't see anything."

Ling Han looked up and saw that the painting on the stone wall could not be called a picture at all, but more like a graffiti, and could not see what was drawn.

Will it be doodle?

This can also be seen as a test. Everyone thinks that it is a map of peerless magic. The result is a waste of time.

"Ling brother, not only the sky star has a baby dragon trial, but also in other places." Xin Ruyue said, "According to a predecessor, this stone carving does hide the secrets of the world, but must not reveal the mystery, otherwise There will be strong shots, and the smugglers and the subjects will be killed together."


In other words, this young dragon trial is actually a certain force behind the scenes?

Ling Han smiled at Xin Ruyue: "Thanks to Xin’s point of mention."

Xin Ruoh nodded, she changed her mind and deliberately made a good relationship with Ling Han.

Ling Han concentrated on watching the stone carving, what secrets are there in it?

As long as there is such a great martial art hidden in it, Ling Han believes that his own understanding can be seen.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and continued to check.

However, the messy strokes are still in a mess, without rules, without beauty, and you can't see them.

"Oh!" Erwa suddenly clap his hands. "I understand." She shouted in a milky voice.

Ling Han’s heart was moving, only the second baby saw it?

It must be a trick.

He opened his sorcerer and looked at the stone inscription, not to be surprised, because he saw something different.

In fact, there has been no change in the moment, but the level is clear.

Some are in the front, some are in the back, and not in the two layers, but in the dozens of layers, and even look more delicate, and far more than a dozen layers.

In the cold sea of ​​knowledge, a stereoscopic picture appeared.

This is the structure of the human body. At this moment, all the paintings are the meridians in the human body.

However, light is the body's meridians and can't explain anything. As long as the hundred veins are opened, who does not know the structure of their meridians?

Ling Han looked carefully, and then stunned, this is still with the light, in the current light, there is a meridian that is particularly distinct, seems to light up.

He smiled in his heart and knew that it had cracked the layout of the person who left the stone statue.

Every once in a while, Ling Han will look at the changes in the meridian map, which is actually a working illustration of the secret force.

Throughout the day, the light changes form a cycle, and the cold is finally capturing all the changes in the meridians.

This is a practice, and the specific effect is still unclear.

Ling Han waited for a long time, when the sun rose, he began to practice with new exercises.

However, the results made him completely puzzled.

Because this is simply not able to extract the power of the heavens and the earth, it is completely busy.

Do you understand yourself incorrectly?

Ling Han frowns, and then repeatedly scrutinize, he feels that his understanding is no problem.

In order not to waste time, Ling Han changed to run the monkey brother's method, and extracted the power of heaven and earth for his own use.


He suddenly felt a move, can you?

On the basis of running the monkey brother's method, Ling Han once again ran the new method, and the miracle appeared. His pores seemed to be big, and the speed of extracting the power of heaven and earth suddenly increased many times.

It turned out that this is an auxiliary exercise!

Ling Han is overjoyed. The monkey brother's martial arts has always been very powerful. With this auxiliary skill, can he make his cultivation faster than ordinary people?

Hey, he was surprised to find that as the practice of this practice, there was an extra mark on his wrist.


Xin Ruyue and Dong Qi opened their eyes at the same time. Although they could not be seen by the naked eye, they could still be sensed by the gods. Ling Han seemed to be the center of the whirlpool, sucking a lot of power from the heavens and the earth to him.

How strong is this?

Can be compared with them!

You know, they are open!

The power of the heavens and the earth that a polar bone can capture can be compared with the opening of the world. What is the concept?

Are you a monster?


They immediately thought that the day before, Ling Han also practiced, and the power of the heavens and the earth was also a lot, but it was never as exaggerated as it is now.

In other words, this is a sudden change.

Hey, is this guy cracking the secret of murals?

They have almost no intention to cultivate, and they are full of envy. If they can get this practice, can they go into the path of the fairy in the shortest time?

This is a big chance.

Ling Han has a heart-to-heart cultivation, and the power in the body is surging. Every second, his progress is obvious.

According to this speed, in just six days, he can reach the peak of the three bones.

Ling Han smiled, even if he did not get the first place in the trial, he did not lose.

When half an hour passed, seeing Ling Han open his eyes, Dong Qi immediately said proudly: "Ling Han, you tell me the secret of murals, I can exchange treasures with you."

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