Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3484: One enemy eight

The bear storm is helpless, and it can only fight against Ling Han. Otherwise, if it is hit by the "critical", the drop of protective energy will be faster.

In this kind of confrontation, the power is strong!

Every time he punches, the whole person will retreat, and the protective energy will fall in a straight line. Just three punches, his protective energy will be lost.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Ling Han repeatedly bombarded, and the punch of the stone man of the bear storm retire. From the appearance, the stone man does not hurt at all, but only the bear violence himself knows how bad his situation is now.

"The avatar is 30% destroyed."

"The destruction of the avatar is 42%."

"The destruction of the avatar is fifty-six percent."


He kept receiving such prompts and made him anxious and shocked.

If the degree of destruction reaches 100%, it means that the stone man has lost its function. He can no longer drive the stone man. How can he dare to leave the stone man in this deadly place?

Death should not die, but it is estimated that he will be able to leave when the baby dragon appears.

The scorpion dragon tries to practice, and the winner is said to have a great chance. He does not want to miss it.

"Ah!" He yelled and fought back.

However, in the face of absolute power, his resistance is like a splash in the sea, insignificant.

In such a battle, the blood is boiling, the trick is useless, and the implement is useless.

"The destruction of the avatar is 74%."

"The destruction of the avatar is eighty-nine percent."

"The avatar is 100% destroyed and you lose your mobility."

The bear storm found that he could no longer command the stone man.


Ling Han received a reminder that your enemy has lost its power and does not need to attack any more.

Ok, solve one.

He turned around and at this time Hong Tianbu and other six talents finally got killed.

He laughed and jumped again, broke through the air, and fell to the eagle and Tiger Taifeng.


The two men punched at the same time and went to Ling Han.

"Wait for you!" Both of them are true.

Ling Han sideways let, escaped Tiger Taifeng's fist, and then hit back with a punch, and the eagle broke into the air.

Hey, the eagle is not defeated, and it has retreated.

Ling Han flew again and kicked Tiger Taifeng out, then chased the eagle.

On the other side, Hong Tianbu and five people are all chasing each other. If Ling Han is so broken one by one, they will all finish playing.

However, Ling Han is fully dominant, both in strength and speed.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Ling Han mad eagle emptied, under a series of anger fists, hit the eagle to break the air and even the power of parry is not, tempering, he only has to regress.

In the sea of ​​eagle emptiness, the tips he received were not stopped.

Finally, Ling Han also received a reminder that the eagle broke "hanging".

Ok, there are only six left.

He eyeed "Tinging" on Tiger Taifeng, but Tiger Taifeng learned this time and stood with Hong Tianbu and others.

"Oh, are you really sincere cooperation?" Ling Han smiled.

Hong Tianbu suddenly angered, on the real combat power, he can crush the cold with one finger, but in this situation, he and the people together actually still can't help the cold, so that he can not accept the result.

He killed himself alone, although the power between the two is different, but he believes his fighting skills, can certainly suppress the cold.

And eggs.

Before the cold, I practiced the basic movements constantly, and the essentials of one punch and one leg were mastered perfectly. On the combat skills, Ling Han did not lose.

Then, the power gap is fully reflected. Under the chill of the cold, the stone people of Hong Tianbu were quickly destroyed by protective energy, and the damage was greatly increased.

Fortunately, other people rushed up to help him resolve the dilemma.

The protective energy will recover after leaving the battle, but the degree of damage is irreparable. Even if Ling Han is jointly killed by them, Hong Tianbu will be in a very unfavorable situation in the next battle.

Ling Han is already winning the game, using his more flexible body, constantly attacking the marginal people of the six people, consuming their protective energy, anyway, everyone is in a state of battle, who would like to recover.

After half a day's time, the protective energy of the six people has been almost cleaned up.

In this way, victory must belong to Ling Han.

Fox II took the initiative and said: "Princess, you go first, here is my stop!"

Tiger Taifeng bit his teeth and said: "Yes, princess, you go first!"

In this way, the victory will belong to Ling Han, although Ling Han and their princess have an unclear relationship, but after all, it is not a demon woman, of course, this time can not be allowed.

Princess Tourmaline hesitated, then turned and broke the door.

Hong Tianbu wanted to stop, but if he thought about it, he would do it. As soon as the door opened, he would rush out for the first time and let Fox II stop the cold.

With the strength of Fox II, it should not be difficult to stop the cold for a few minutes, and if he does not block it, a few minutes is enough to let him run far away.

If this stone gate is the end point, then he must get the first.

Ling Han laughed: "You also made me too simple!"

He smothered and killed the past from a strong front.

Fox II greeted him, and he is now a clumsy stone man, but he can give Ling Han a light feeling.

This guy is really extraordinary.

But no matter how extraordinary it is, it will only be lost in his hands.

Ling Han rushed out without mercy. On the other side, Hong Tianbu, Hu Taifeng, Meihua, Wu Lidong all attacked together. They all had the same idea, that is, after the door broke open, they took the opportunity. Killing it, Ling Han let other people block it.

However, their protective energy has been smashed by the cold, and each punch can be a real hit.


Tiger Taifeng first withdrew from the battle group, and the destruction of the stone man has reached 100%.

The reason why he is the first one, because he has been bent on the fight with Ling Han to break the net, and send the Princess of the Beatitude to the first position.

Ling Han also paid a price for this, and the protective energy dropped to 50%.

He fought again. After a while, Plum blossoms could only helplessly withdraw from the battle group, and the protection energy of Ling Han fell to 17%.

When Wu Lidong also withdrew from the battle group, Ling Han’s protective energy had fallen to the bottom.

He began to suffer substantial damage.

Although there are only Fox II and Hong Tianbu left now, the two players are extremely powerful. Ling Han is only one-third more powerful than them. Unlike Hu Taifeng, Has nearly 100% strength advantage.

In the battle, Fox II and Hong Tianbu all showed amazing fighting talent.

However, it is still stronger.

Because he was killed all the way from the Yuan world, the combat experience is that they can't match the horses.

Oh, at this moment, the palace gate was broken by the Princess of the Tourma, and a huge dragon-shaped statue appeared behind the door.

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