Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3485: God of War 3

Although not prompted, as long as you "see" the dragon-shaped statue, everyone can guess that this is the end of the palace. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones.

It is a statue of a young dragon, coming to the feet of the young dragon, or touching the baby, it should be the ultimate winner of the baby dragon trial.

Now there are also the ability to move, as well as Ling Han, Hong Tianbu, Fox II, and Princess Bis.

Who can stand out?

"Get out of the way!" Hong Tianbu immediately retreated to the Princess of the Beatitudes, and swung out with a fist, to open the Princess of the Tourmaline.

Fox squatting down the cold, intercepting Hong Tianbu.

He had to stop the cold before, but not to pave the way for Hong Tianbu.

Ling Han rushed to the top, this became a three-way melee, in addition to Fox II, the other two are trying to kill the door.

The fox two attacked and defended. It was necessary to drag the cold and the Hongtian step. It was naturally attacked by two people. Soon the destruction of the stone man reached 100% and he could only blink.

Ling Han and Hong Tianbu played while they chased the Princess of Tourma, the woman rushed into the door.

Ling Han punches Hong Tianbu to fly, his strength occupies the absolute upper hand, and then his legs burst out of full force, hehe, he rushed to fly, chasing the Princess of Tourmaline.

Princess Bixi is only about two feet away from the stone dragon. Just when she thought she was going to win, it was the arrival of Ling Han.

She rushed to sprint, and even the joint efforts of the people were not the opponents of Ling Han. It was obviously not a good idea for her to return to fight.

Only she has not rushed out of the three steps, she has been caught up with Ling Han, a collision, hey, she immediately slanted out.

She quickly rushed back and slammed her fist toward Ling Han.

Ling Han turned back and punched the tour of Princess Bis, but because of this, his momentum stopped naturally, and Hong Tianbu was quickly catching up, and he did not hesitate to give Ling Han a punch. , take the opportunity to surpass.


Ling Han had a broomstick and swept Hong Tianbu to the ground. The stone man’s weight was extremely heavy and he made a dull sound.

At this time, Princess Bixi also took the opportunity to move forward, as long as the first one ran to the front of the stone statue, she was the winner.

It is a pity that she only ran a few steps and was caught up again by Ling Han. It was still a collision.

Hong Tianbu climbed up and chased, but the distance was already far away and could not catch up.

Ling Han first came to the dragon statue and put his hand up. Suddenly, the whole stone statue was shining, banging, and a wave of light poured out. The original Guanghua Yao’s palace immediately darkened.

Ling Han automatically floated out from the stone man, and then was pulled by a force, slowly floating in the air.

"No" Hong Tianbu also jumped out of the stone man, and now the dead light has disappeared. He is naturally not afraid of being killed. He strode to the cold, screaming, leaping high, and took a palm.

Hey, Guanghua moved, Hong Tianbu was shocked and flew out, and couldn’t get close to Ling Han’s body.

Others have also come out of the stone people, but did not launch an attack, because Ling Han got the first, got the approval of this trial place, they simply can't hurt.

They are all disappointed and sighed. Who can think that this winning person is actually a "weak chicken" with a very bone?

In the cold sea of ​​knowledge, there are flashes of brilliance that make up countless characters, and these form a personal shape, in the interpretation of a certain technique.

This is... Ares 3!

Ling Han captures the information, the God of War three, stimulating the power of the heavens and the earth, giving a sharp blow, one style is more violent, but the limit is three. After the third style, the body will bear the unnamed load, no longer Run any style.

This is a real big move, just like the sky jade.

Even so, Ling Han still feels a little regret, this is the final reward for the baby dragon trial?

Too stingy?

I feel that it is not as good as the auxiliary exercises I got in the murals.

Forget it, this can't be protested, and people have said that this is the selection of the wyrmlings. As long as they can stand out from Jiufeng, they can participate in the real dragon trials in the future.

In the name of the real dragon, this trial should reward a lot.

Ling Han is hung in the air, and behind it is a real dragon that is full of anger, no matter which peak you are in, you can see clearly.

"What, actually, was he the first to try his baby?"

"The cold in the emperor's double arrogance?"

"Isn't he a very boneland, can he press Hong Tianbu?"

"The demon family did not come to many geniuses, the fox II, known as the Yaozu first, how could not suppress a small polar bone?"

"Don't you know, is this repressing the realm?"


"Isn't that saying that Ling Han has the strongest strength in the same battle?"

"There must be only this explanation."

Everyone is feeling, what is the real situation? They are not clear. They can only infer from the information they know. Although they have not completely guessed it, they have misunderstood it. Ling Han is indeed the strongest in the same stage. This will be the first place in the practice of the baby.

咻, 咻, 咻, for a moment, everyone in the trial ground was rejected by a mysterious and powerful force, which shook out the monuments, like the flowers, scattered around the entrance.

The same is true of Ling Han. He was thrown to the edge of a stream. There was a soft-packed parcel until he landed on the ground. This force disappeared, so that he would not fall from a height and die.

He looked at his wrist, and there was another third mark on it, and it was nothing.

Is it stamped again?

How do people here like stamps so much?

He shook his head and acted immediately. He had to pick up a few baby dolls and then go back to the emperor.

But no matter how far he went, he ran into a group of people.

He didn't know the five people, but the other party obviously knew him, first, and then revealed the color of surprise.

"Seven uncle, this kid is Ling Han." One of them pointed to Ling Han, and he was a little excited.

"Haha, it’s really a break from the iron shoes. You are coming to the door." One of the five is a middle-aged man, and the other four are very young. The middle-aged man laughed and looked a little. Excitement.

Ling Han touched his chin and said: "Are you treating me as a fat sheep?"

"The area is extremely boned, but it has become the first practice of the wyrmlings. If you don't find a place to hide, you still sway through the city. You said, if I don't kill you, take your chance, will God forgive me?" "The middle-aged man is still laughing.

"You are so confident?" Ling Han smiled.

"Oh, do you think that you have won the first test of the baby dragon, and it is invincible in the world?" The middle-aged man laughed. "In the same battle, you may indeed be the first in the world, but unfortunately, I can not You have a battle with the same level!"

"I am...opening the border!" The man said proudly.

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