Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3486: War opening (four more)

Ling Han smiled slightly and said: "Is it awesome to open a dilemma?"

"Kid, are you stupid?" Some young people couldn't help but jump out and cried. "You are not very savvy, even if you are enchanting, what is your opponent?"

"This kid got the first test of the wyrmlings, and he feels so good, thinking that the world is invincible?"

"Oh, it is possible!"

"Let him know today, the consequences of arrogance!"

The four young people are all shouting and arrogant.

Ling Han looked at them and said: "You will only shit? Come, I will suppress you with one stroke, and I will lose if I use one more trick."

Two young people immediately showed their unruly color, and they couldn’t help but want to rush out, but they were stopped by the other two.

"Don't be familiar with him."

"Why will the person who will die care about what he said?"

With such a persuasion, the two impulsive young people calmed down.

The middle-aged man did not care about this. He stared at Ling Han and said coldly: "You surrender all the treasures and exercises, and then vow to join me, I can make a life for you."

Ling Han couldn't help but laugh, saying: "You want to rob me of all the opportunities, but also let me be a slave, but I still want to thank you?"

"Kid, if life is gone, what kind of opportunity, what dignity, does it make sense?" The middle-aged man said faintly, his name is Ma Lirong.

Ling Han nodded and said: "Since you have said this... Come, rob, give up all the valuable things, and then smash yourself, I can spare you a life."

Ma Lirong’s face sank, and he really didn’t see a guy like Ling Han who didn’t know how to be good.

He said, it has already broken the case of Rao Linghan, but the other party actually dared to play with him.

Really impatient.

"Looking for death!" He strode out, banging, the power in the body surging, the bones squeaking, the inscription on the organs brightened, and the acupoints around the body were also shining like stars.

This is a strong open-minded person. It was originally a star-shaped starfish, but now it is like a knockout.

Ling Han held his arms around his chest and looked disdainful.

Ma Lirong was furious and pointed out, oh, a finger hit the wind and shot at Ling Han.

Ling Han sideways, let the wind suddenly pass from his side.

"How can you hide once you open up the dilemma?" Ma Lirong sneered, his right hand five fingers open, and took a picture of Ling Han, this time it was horrible, and turned into a power group with a well cover size.

Ling Han Chuanquan, swipe to meet.


In the midst of the bang, he was stunned at the foot, and he retreated backwards, but Ma Lirong’s attack was also resolved by him.

Ling Han is not satisfied, but the other party is only in the middle of the dilemma. If he is only talking about the original power, he is still not.

The combat power is comparable to the middle of the opening, and the strength is comparable to the mid-season. This is two different concepts.

However, Ma Lirong is a cold and straight, with an indescribable panic.

Under what circumstances, a polar bone can actually compete with himself?

This is a cross between two realms.

How can it be!

Not only him, but the four young people also seemed to have been beaten by a person, and they all fell off.

"Seven uncles must have not used all their strength." After a while, a young man barely opened his mouth and tried to explain.

"Yes, the seven uncles must have released water."

"No way, the opponent is too weak. If you kill directly, how can you ask the other party to practice?"

Others also said that they laughed and forced to calm down.

Ma Lirong also took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart. He said: "Ling Han, I just used the power of 10% just now. If you are interested, you will be able to work hard and treasure. Self-incorrect!"

Ling Han Zhan Yan smiled: "Is it? It is really embarrassing. I just used 1% of the power in that punch."

Fuck, are you blowing like this?

Ma Lirong has a feeling of madness. He is already thick enough, but how can he be more shameless?

"Well, you don't see the coffin and don't cry!" He said coldly, hey, his body shape, he killed.

Four times the speed of sound.

Ling Han is hehe, he reached four times the speed of sound before he entered the seven bones. Now, it is estimated that this speed can be achieved without the wind and clouds.

He also unfolded his body and started a fight with Ma Lirong.

Both of them are amazingly fast, four times the speed of sound, and they are also worthy of their body. Otherwise, when they are going to bend at such a high speed and stop, their bodies will first collapse.

The sound of the explosion is endless, and the shock wave that is brought up is also a wave and a wave. People who are almost incomparable are simply impossible to approach, and they are directly thrown away by the sound waves.

Ma Lirong was shocked. How is the speed of this kid so abnormal?

He ran a body and the speed rose again, reaching about four and a half times.

Ling Han also launched a storm, which did not make his speed into five times the speed of sound, but reached 4.7 times, a little faster than Ma Lirong.

Hey, he threw out the thunderbolt from the air, and the light group rushed toward Ma Lirong, and the speed was amazing.

Even Ma Lirong could not hide, and he had to reach out to solve the problem.

Hey, in the flash of light, Ma Lirong was left with only the power of parry.


The four young people were all sprayed out and their eyes were round and round, which was totally unacceptable to them.

Whoever is in a strong position, is it being crushed by a polar bone?

No one will believe it when you say it.

How come there is such a perverted guy?

Ma Lirong roared, he had a strength, but because he could not capture the shape of Ling Han, he could not display it. He could only passively resolve the offensive of Ling Han, which made him not angry?

"Kid, can you only make this kind of trick?" He shouted.

Is this the next three tricks?

Ling Han couldn't help but laugh. You are a dilemma to bully him. This is also a good idea to say that he is under the abuse?

Ok, then come just now!

Ling Han suddenly stopped his body and then rushed toward Ma Lirong.

Ma Lirong was overjoyed. I didn’t expect Ling Han to be so tempted.

"Kid, you are too tender!" He laughed, his hands cut his palms and patted the cold.

When the two palms were shot, he suddenly found that there was a hammer in the hands of Ling Han, and he was stunned by the electric light.

Rely on, the instrument!

He was shocked, this is definitely a device on the path of the fairy, the power of the excitement makes him chilly.

You are too embarrassed, pretending to be in a confrontation with me, but whoever is directly throwing out a high-order implement!

Although this is only a star level, for the people under the path of the fairy, one star is also a high-order instrument.

He quickly rolled a lazy, hiding aside.


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