Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3487: Seven baby lost

Ling Han did not win the battle, but stopped and walked the hammer in his hand and smiled: "How did you run?"

Ma Lirong’s face was red and green, but he could not speak.

Can he say that Ling Han’s use of high-order instruments is unfair?

He is a cheaper in two big realms. This is the biggest unfairness. As long as he has to face his face, is it a good idea?

It is a fact that it can be rolled on the ground, and he can't argue.

Rolling away from an attack in front of a small polar environment, so embarrassing, what makes him feel good?

It’s just blushing, and the face is swollen.

He stared at Ling Han, and there was a kind of anger, but it was full of embarrassment. This kid is a treasure house.

Be sure to take it!

He took a deep breath and left all face, the real benefits are the most important.

Ling Han looked in his eyes and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that you are planning to be shameless?"

"The more you talk about now, the more pain it will be!" Ma Lirong said coldly.

He swears that it will not kill the cold so easily, but will use all means to make the other party die.

Ling Han smiled and took out the sky jade.

He is confident that he can match Ma Lirong with his current strength, but if he wants to defeat his opponent, he will definitely spend a lot of time.

Now that he has no time to waste, he has to find seven baby babies. Who knows that these seven ancestors have no one to control, and how much trouble will come.

He was surprised to find that it took five seconds to press the sky jade to two pounds and eight or two. Now it only takes three seconds, and this is not the limit.

"Don't say that I don't give you a chance. Now I can give you a way to live." Ling Han said with a smile, while continuing to compress the sky jade.

"I don't know how to live!" Ma Lirong killed, he no longer wants to listen to Ling Han, just want to hear the other party's painful embarrassment.

Ling Han shot, brushing the sky jade throwing, the original speed reached 6.5 times the speed of sound, and under the impetus of the power, it increased the sound speed by 3.5 times.

Ten times the speed of sound!

Ma Lirong suddenly showed a stunned color. In the case of head-on collision, how could he dodge the attack of ten times the speed of sound?

He barely started to touch each other, and he touched the edge of a little jade. However, this did not help.

Thousands of pounds of heavy objects hit at ten times the speed of sound, let alone open the dilemma, even if you are looking for a secret situation! What's more, the sky jade is a two-star material, and the size is still so small, how terrible is the destructive power?

Oh, the sky is jade, and Ma Lirong disappears.

He turned into a **** fog.


The four young people were all open mouths, enough to stuff an egg, and the eyes were falling out.

Their seven uncles, strong enough to exist in the open world, were killed?

A trick.

Hey, what is this metamorphosis of this guy?

People are dead, Ling Han is naturally lazy to take a look, but stared at the four young people.

"I, I am jealous." A young man bit his teeth and slammed his sword, cutting his body against his lower body.

Oh, the blood flashed, and there was a bunch of things.

His face was pale and he said: "Can you do it now?"

Ling Han was amazed, I did not expect this young man to be so embarrassed.

He asked: "What is your name?"

"Ma Feihong," said the young man.

Ling Han waved his hand and said: "You can go."

Ma Feihong turned and left, and the blood was still dripping.

Unexpectedly, he also forced a blind man to come, Ling Han thought, but did not hurt the killer, never intend to suffer.

He always talks and counts.

The other three young people have no such courage. They don’t want to squat down. They are still very young. They have many years to live. What if they don’t have a life, or a man?

Ling Hanyuan wanted to kill the killer, but when he thought about it, he asked: "Talk about your origins."

He had a little bit of understanding of these sudden emergent forces, only knowing that they were trapped underground before, known as prisoners.

The three men looked at each other and did not speak immediately.

"Well?" Ling Han's face sank.

"We said! We said! Do not kill us!" The three men immediately stunned and quickly said it.

They are indeed from prison. This is a very large array of methods. It has trapped many strong people for two thousand years. Until recently, the array was loose, and those with low strength like them were the first to get out of trouble.

The array is mainly aimed at those who are the strongest, they are small fish.

Ling Han was amazed: "You are all over two thousand years old?"

How is it possible that the extreme bones can live for so long?

"We were not locked up in prison in the first place, but were born there." The three men were honest.

The people in the prison are locked up for a long time. Naturally, some people will do something else boringly. Therefore, the population in this cage has become more and more, like the newly emerged people, even the strongest builders. Later born, not the person who was initially locked in.

Because the strong foundation of the building also has more than a thousand years of life, it can not last for two thousand years.

Ling Han asked for a long time, until the three said that there was nothing to say, and then they smashed and killed the three.

His face is a little dignified, and there are countless strong men in the underground cage. If they are born, this piece of heaven and earth will enter the situation of contending for hegemony.

Forget it, he doesn't think it's useless now, or go find the baby.

Ling Hanfu has risen up again, but he must have opened a hateful aura at this time. He did not go long, and he encountered another group of people. He also slandered his treasure and asked him to hand it over.

A battle is naturally inevitable. This time, the other side has the existence of a peak, and the cold is not good, but the body is unfolding. He has nearly five times the speed of sound, but getting out is a breeze.

Anyway, I don't know where the seven milk dolls are. Ling Han is turning around this place, I believe I can always meet.

- Erwa is a clairvoyant.

"Auntie!" One day later, Ling Han suddenly heard the cry, and heard the sound, and saw that five milk dolls were flying over.

He smiled and said: "Have you been in trouble these few days?"

"No!" The sound of the six milky voices rang at the same time.

Hey, how come one less?

Ling Han counted a few times, missing a seven baby.

Is this guy snoozing and being taken into the nourishing gourd?

He asked: "What about the seven baby?"

"Auntie, the big thing is not good, the seven baby was robbed!" The four screamed.

"Auntie, go to save the seven baby!" Wuwa also called.

In contrast, the other three babies will be more calm, and anyway, the six babies are invisible and can't see what they are.

Ling Han sees the expression of the big baby, they know, it can be calm. Therefore, he was not in a hurry and smiled: "Slowly, what happened?"

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