Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3499: Spiritual reproduction

A strong master is coming, letting you feel peerless and savvy, and you will only have a bow in front of such a strong person. m.

"Chen Fengyan did not dare to come forward, but let a few juniors arrogant, really do not know the so-called!" This fairy power strong sneer, suddenly shouted, "Chen Fengyan, can dare to show up?"

The sound is booming and spread throughout the emperor.

This is the provocation of the red fruit, which means that Fei Yongsi has lost patience and forced the palace.

Originally, they thought they had mastered the initiative. They tried to test Chen Fengyan's reality by attacking Ling Han. I didn't expect Chen Fengyan to show up at all. Ling Han, Princess Bis, and the Great Emperor had successively released the game.

Therefore, Fei Yongsi can only use more powerful forces.

This Xiantu strongman is Ding Gang. He has lived for hundreds of years. He jumped over Xianmen more than 100 years ago and built a foundation for humanity. However, with his talent, it is obviously impossible to build a heavenly road. The basis.

He looked at Ling Han, Princess Bixi and the Great Emperor. His eyes were full of disdain. Xian, whoever is the world, let you be genius, and in his eyes, it is as good as an ant.

It’s just that a certain ant is really moving, and it makes him tickle.

No way, in the hundreds of years of life, he is desperately trying to survive, and what entertainment can be in a prison? Occasionally there are a few beautiful women, and they are not robbed by a more powerful existence. Where is his share?

Now, he has entered this world of flowers and flowers, and the desire to suppress is naturally eager to move. He only has to worry about Chen Fengyan before, but he can still bear it, but now it is obviously to tear his face, and his desire naturally sprang up.

He looked at the princess princess and intended to be a "disciple", let her serve at the side during the day, and wait in the bed at night.

"Seeing this seat, still not squatting?" Ding Gang snorted, suddenly, the indescribable pressure shrouded, so that Ling Han three are pale.

This is the pressure of the power of the Xiantu, is it that mortals can fight?

All three people are only under tremendous pressure, and their bones are violent. It seems that if they don’t go down, the bones will be broken.

They are all unwilling, don't bite their teeth.

"Don't follow the holy sacred, when you swear!" Hey, the light and shadow plunged into a human form, and Ding Gang was a punch.

"Haha, Qinglong, you finally appeared!" Ding Gang sneered, his hands dancing, banging, the force of heaven and earth was dragged by him, and the whole emperor was shaking.

This is the power of the fairy road, and the mortal is not a life level at all, a punch can break the city!

Everyone is trembled, they don't have to face it directly, and a glimmer of pressure can make them tremble.

The light and shadow human form greets, oh, a punch, Ding Gang suddenly changed his face, revealing endless fear, wanting to pull back, but where is still too late, a fist hit, his whole person was bombarded, turned into endless Broken light.

The imperial powerhouse was actually beaten by a punch?


Everyone is shocked. Although everyone is full of confidence in Chen Fengyan, they are also full of expectations for the protection of the Imperial Dragon. But never imagined that the martial art was just a punch, and Ding Gang was blown up.

Hey, is this really a strong man, too weak?

Hey, Fei Yongsi swept it out and his face was deep.

He originally wanted to use Ding Gang to do temptations, but Chen Fengyan did not show up at all.

Just a move.

He can't help but show up. At this time, he will not come out to stabilize the military's heart. Then the alliance that he finally formed will fall apart.

Moreover, at this time, he did not shoot, which is equivalent to saying that he is afraid of Chen Fengyan.

So in any case, he must come forward.

"Fei Yongsi, the Holy Emperor's broad mind, gave you so many opportunities, but you do not know how to cherish, really think that the emperor is mighty, can you let me be awkward?" The spirit said coldly.

"There is something to do with the world, but you can't tolerate a little bit of sand. You can't allow anyone to provoke Huang Wei."

"Give you a death!"

The murder came out, punched out, and with endless domineering, seemed to be the center of heaven and earth.

Hey, hey, hey, the fierce fists are overbearing, and the only thing that has come back is Fei Yongsi.


Seeing this scene, everyone can't speak.

It turns out that...the singer is actually strong enough to make such a share.

Even the spirits are so powerful, what about the strength of Chen Fengyan?

Fei Yongsi was so up in his heart that he was in the midst of the battle, far more aware of the power of the spirit than others.

At this time, he remembered the "rumor" he had heard before.

Chen Fengyan had killed a strong man of the Xiantu level very long ago, and the Xiantuqiang once said that Chen Fengyan should be a living environment, even stronger.

Of course, for such "rumors", Fei Yongsi is totally unbelievable.

is it possible?

If today’s first change, it will only be able to give birth to the Xiantu strong, how can it appear to cast a divine or even a living environment?

It must be that the people here have not seen the strong, and they are too exaggerated.

He believes that Chen Fengyan's martial arts talent is very high, and now it is very likely that he has already entered the casting tripod, but he has already been the peak of casting, so he is fully grasped.

Until this moment, he was in a big heart.

It’s just that a fierce battle is already above him. How strong is Chen Fengyan itself?

No, he can't wait to die here.

After Fei Yongsi had parried for a few rounds, he turned and ran and did not dare to fight again.

The mirage catches up, and the attack of the string is played, completely suppressing Fei Yongsi.

Fei Yongsi was awkward, and the power of the Xiantu level was completely blooming. There was a three-handed tripod on his head, and he went to the battle.

However, such resistance is only dying.

The spirit is extremely strong, its power comes from the entire Qinglong big array, and it is endless, so the big moves are constantly, there is no stopping moment.

How do you block such an opponent?

In a few minutes, Fei Yongsi was slain and smashed.

This scene is what everyone has not thought of. In everyone's opinion, it must be Chen Fengyan's personal shot to turn the tide. Whoever wants a spirit will solve Fei Yongsi.

What height did their holy emperor reach?

"The Holy Emperor ... Long live!" I saw a few of the Fairy Powers came out and bowed down respectfully.

They have no doubts, Chen Fengyan is at least a strong person in the birthplace, and they are not able to fight.

It was indeed Chen Fengyan's broad mind and the volume of the world. Otherwise, what is their share?

The priest opened, saying: "I don't have a big evil, don't deal with it. Ling Han listens!"

Oh, what about your own?

Ling Han came out and said: "Welcome to the Holy Grail."

"The establishment of the Foreign Affairs Office from now on, the main task is to communicate the forces outside the Imperial Capital and let them return to my dynasty." The actor said, "The life is cold and the foreign government."

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