Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3500: Foreign Affairs Office (five more)

Hey, are you a master?

Ling Han was amazed, this position is full of oil and water. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones.

At the time of Chen Fengyan's name, He Hanwei used the signboard of the Foreign Affairs Office to go to various forces to recruit security. How many people dare to say no?

Not only can't you say no, but you will also say good things and offer a lot of treasures.

Therefore, this is a poor fat, and the oil and water are amazing.

Just how such a good errand actually falls on his head, how much hatred will it bring?

Ling Han thought about it and smiled.

Is he still afraid of this?

"Follow it." Ling Han said.

The garrison said again: "The Princess of the Bells listened."

Princess Bis is also a glimpse, but she stood up quickly and respectfully said: "Bixi is here."

"Peng Bixi Princess is the deputy head of the government, assisting Ling Han to do things." Spiritual Road.

"Bixi led the life." Princess Bixi said quickly.

The mirage looked at the big prince again and nodded: "Boss, you are doing very well."

This tone is completely Chen Fengyan.

The big prince couldn’t help but excuse me and said, “Thank you, Father, praise!”

"Work hard." The spirit encouraged.

"Yes, the father." The great emperor hoes.

Don't look at Chen Fengyan's reward for him is just a compliment, but this is the biggest affirmation, which means that the big emperor is a step closer to the throne, which is the most important thing for the great emperor.

When it comes to the cultivation of resources and treasures, will the royal family be absent?

There are several emperors nearby, but they have hidden their bodies, and now they are naturally envious and hateful.

The strength is not just hate, because it is not Wang Yu’s opponent to come forward, but some people, such as the Seven Emperors, are repenting and indifferent.

Before he surrendered to save his life, this has already made him very disappointing. Fortunately, he is not only one of them, but he does not blame the public, so that he will not be desperate, but today the great emperor has Chen Fengyan public praise, but let him Almost no play.

The mirage looked around again and said faintly: "The Foreign Affairs Office is only responsible for the next person of the Holy Emperor, and no one can intervene."

Everyone is in vain, and as a result, the status of the Foreign Affairs Office is detached, and no one can manage them.

"Ling Han, the Holy Emperor gave the Foreign Affairs Government a giant statue of war, three stones." The mirage looked at Ling Han.

"Xie Xia." Ling Han did not know what this war giant statue is, thank you for saying it.

The apex nodded, and the figure exploded, turning into countless stars and disappearing.

Wang Yu’s people are not trembled, although the gang does not mention them at all, because their level is too low, and the priests do not bother, but this does not mean that they will be safe.

There is no such thing as a strong stalker, and how many of them are farts?

Besides, I haven’t seen the power of the fairy roads.

They also squatted on the ground and demanded a life.

Ling Han looked at Princess Bixi and smiled: "Are we discussing the preparations for the Foreign Affairs Office, the deputy head of the family?"

Princess Tourmaline suddenly came to the air, you called my deputy head, is not reminding me that you are right?

This man is really careful!

She snorted and said: "I don't have time today, I will say it another day."

After that, she disappeared when she stood up.

"Ling cold, do it well." The great prince had already stood up, nodded to Ling Han, and looked serious.

In his eyes, anyone is just a slave to Chen.

This is almost the consensus of every emperor. No matter how they serge, they can't change the deep-rooted thoughts in their minds.

Ling Hanhehehe said: "Good."

A storm broke out and everyone dispersed. Ling Han also returned to the house.

Not long after, the great **** Zhu Qi visited.

"Zhu Daren." Ling Han arched.

Zhu Qihe smiled: "Ling Daren must be polite, you are now the head of the Foreign Affairs Office, under one person, above the people."

Ling Han also asked for a set, and asked: "What happened to Zhu Daren?"

"Isn't this running for your foreign affairs office?" Zhu Qi smiled. "Do you think that the establishment of a department is just a sentence? Is there even a workplace?"

Ling Han oh, said: "That troubles Zhu Daren."

"Come on, the old slave took you to see the foreign affairs office, I don't know if you are satisfied with the chosen place." Zhu Qi smiled.

When they went out, Zhu Qi led Ling Han to a great house, but did not hang the threshold.

"Ling Daren, if you are satisfied, the old slave will let people hang up." Zhu Qi said.

Ling Han does not matter, nodded: "Yes."

"That's good." Zhu Qi smiled. "The mammoth who rewards you, the old slave will be sent tomorrow."

Ling Han quickly said: "Don't ask Zhu Daren, what is the purpose of this giant elephant?"

"The giant image is driven by the array method, with the stone as the energy source." Zhu Qi said, while continuing to explain to Ling Han, "Dao Shi is the concentration of the power of heaven and earth, and the law of the road is solid, it is high. The driving force of the order method."

Ling Han oh, although he did not fully understand.

Zhu Qi was a busy man, and he quickly left his post. Ling Han was considering whether to move his family to the foreign affairs office.

The next day, when Ling Han came to the Foreign Affairs Office, he saw that the Princess of the Tourmaid was earlier than him.

It is estimated that Zhu Qi took her.

The palace is very large, and in the square of the government, there is a huge metal statue, which is cast into a golden ox, with a length of nine feet and a height of about six feet. It is obviously cast from metal. Every muscle is like a bulge, full of power.

This is the giant war elephant?

The giant is quite huge, and I don’t know how powerful it is.

"The two heads of the house are coming." Zhu Qi came out from inside. He smiled and said, "Introducing the two adults, this is the war giant, after the next two adults shed the blood to recognize the Lord, Can drive this thing."

"This colossus is a one-star, equivalent to building a base-level force. The advantage is that the defense is high and there is no point."

"However, the operation of the Colossus needs to consume the stone, and the Majesty only gives you three stones. After you use it, the two adults must find a solution."

"In general, a stone can be used for three days in a giant battle, so it can be used for a long time."

"Although his Majesty did not set specific targets for the two adults, he still hoped that the two adults would be able to squat in peace as soon as possible, and I would like to have a safe living environment for the people."

Ling Han and the tourmaline princess are nodding, they should be, and then look at this huge Taurus, which actually has the strength of the foundation level?

Chen Fengyan is really a big deal.

Zhu Qi left his post, and Ling Han and Princess Bixi were negotiating. In the end, whether to conduct the Zhaoan operation first, or to expand the personnel first.

The personnel are definitely going to expand their enrollment. They can't just be their two polished commanders, but how many people to recruit and who to recruit must be carefully considered.

Idle, don't!

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