Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3519: The birthplace of Dan

Sheng Danjing, standing on the third step of Xiantu, even if placed in Xingyu, is also qualified to be a master.

Now, thirteen people are born in great power and join hands with the emperor.

Is this going to be a positive rhythm with Chen Fengyan?

After Ling Han heard it, it was just a smile.

Chen Fengyan is the real king of the spirits, but also the prince of the previous dynasty. He must have mastered a lot of treasures in his hands. Therefore, his power of the same level of battle must be stronger than the general spirit.

Thirteen living conditions in the district? It’s not enough to stuff your teeth.

It’s just that the outside world’s evaluation of Chen Fengyan is a living environment. Therefore, in the cage, it seems that 13 living conditions are enough to suppress Chen Fengyan.

This kind of existence is too strong, Ling Han can not manage to come over, therefore, he naturally did not put it in his heart, there is always a tall person holding down this day, he only needs to manage his own affairs.

But the thirteen strongmen entered the imperial capital, but the spearhead pointed to the foreign affairs government, so that the two deputy heads of Ling Han and Bixi Princess immediately went to see them.


Ling Han is depressed, why do those strong people want to demonstrate, but they all like to target themselves?

Before that, it was necessary to force him to surrender the Hidden Dragon inheritance. Now, although it is the Foreign Affairs Office, he is the main government. How can he escape the relationship?

"I have all the cards I use now, and I can't live in Dan, so I can only expect the big scorpion to have any backhand, or come down in person."

"However, can I go to the waves this evening?"

Ling Han thought of the void skin, which can make him invisible, plus the fragments of the rotten stone, can you stun a few dashes?

He is so excited, should there be some good things in Dan Dan?

For the sake of safety, he did not act immediately, but asked Liu Wa, can this void animal skin be able to prevent the feeling of living in the world?

"Auntie, don't dream!" Liu Wa shook his head directly. "After entering the path of Xiandue, the change of the essence of life is reborn, let alone the birth of the Dan, you can not get through the foundation."

Ling Han sighed, this is really a pity, he also wants to make a fortune.

The news came out, and now everyone’s eyes are fixed on the Foreign Affairs Office.

Everyone knows that Ling Han can't stop thirteen birthplaces - half can't stop it, then, to resolve this crisis, Chen Fengyan can only personally shoot.

The matter is very clear. If Chen Fengyan does not dare to take the shot, it means that Chen Fengyan knows that he is invincible. Ling Han will become a poor cannon fodder. Can't let the thirteen Sheng Dan strongmen run away?

Everyone is talking about it. Some people think that Chen Fengyan is invincible in the world. He will definitely shoot. Now there is no voice, just because he has the heart of the world and gives the thirteen people a last chance.

However, some people think that Chen Fengyan does not dare to shoot, he is only a living environment, why by a pair of thirteen?

Things will eventually be seen. On the second day, thirteen strong Dandians will be sent to the Foreign Affairs Office.

Ling Han came out on the opposite side, only to see the thirteen people standing outside the door, each of which exudes the momentum of suppressing the heavens and the earth, so powerful that it cannot be described.

Look closely, their feet are not standing on the ground, but the virtual step, the white shoes are spotless.

After entering the path of Xiandui, the military has the ability to fly, but the foundation must be built, and although the casting can be "direct flight", it must maintain a high-speed flight to maintain the floating.

Only the birthplace of Dan, and Tiandi Avenue seem to be integrated into one, you can step on the energy that mortal can't see, and vainly empty.

Therefore, the thirteen people at a glance are alive, without any doubt.

"I have seen your predecessors." Ling Han held a fist for the ceremony, and said hello to the thirteen powerful people who could smother him by breathing.

"Where are the mortal people, have you seen the people in this room, dare not bow down?" A living Dan said that the voice is not high, but it is full of oppression.

Ling Hanton felt a splitting headache, and stretched his hand on his face, only to see that it was all blood.

The birthplace was too terrible, just saying something, let him bleed.

The gap is as big as the sky.

Behind Ling Han, Xuanyuan Dingguo, Fox II and others are all in place. They are people from the Foreign Affairs Office and cannot stay out of it.

Many people ran over to see the excitement, like the three emperors and others did not show a sneer.

Before they tried to find someone to put in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but the cold is not a face, not directly, coldly refused.

This is Chen’s world. Who do you think you are?

Now it’s good. Thirteen people are living in the Foreign Affairs Office and see how Ling Han resolves.

Ling Han faint smile: "The bones of the younger generation are a bit hard, can't keep going!"

A white-haired Dan can not help but laugh, then turned to look at the companions on the side, said: "Li brother, I have not been born for too long, has it been forgotten that the birth of Dan is strong?"

It was an old man in green, and he smiled too: "That is what the world remembers today, how terrible it is!"

He stretched out his hands and groaned. There were clouds in the sky, black and pressed, and there were lightning bolts in the clouds, covering the entire emperor, as if the end of the world. is it powerful to control the world?

Hey, the lightning is falling down, and he is intertwined in his body, so that the old man in green is like a **** walking in the world, supreme.

The green shirt old man step by step, as if there is a row of invisible steps, this person stepped into the air, hanging over the height of Baizhang, hey, the thunder of the sky seems to have the object of bombardment, they are toward him Boom.

But the old man just reached out and all the lightning was held in his hand and turned into a huge electric spear.

Can mortals hold lightning as a spear?

Of course it is extravagant.

Hey, suddenly many people squatted and bowed to the old-fashioned green shirt in the sky.

"People, this is the power of the gods!" The old man of the green shirt opened, and the rumble seemed to convey the will.

If you want to surrender to Ling Han, of course, you don't need to be so exaggerated, but the pedestrians of the green shirts are coming to win the Xuanbei Kingdom. Naturally, they must show their miracles and let the people return to their hearts.

This is a general trend, a kind of air transport, winning the country and taking the fortune.

Ling Han didn't go down. As he said, his bones are hard and he can't get down.

"Little ants, dare to stand?" The old man in the green shirt said faintly, but as a **** is decreed, the mortal is only a part of it.

Ling Han faint smile: "The old man, don't pretend to be overpowered, beware of being thundered."

The old man in the green shirt almost fell out of the sky with a cleverness. How powerful is he, and the lightning is all summoned by him. How could it be thunder?

This kid is really daring, and at this time dare to bicker with himself.

"It seems that you don't want to live!" said the old man in the green shirt. He reached out and grabbed the past with the cold, like a wrath of heaven, and lowered the robbery.

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