Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3520: Amazing **** rain (four more)

"Well?" The old man in the green shirt just found out, but it was hard to stop.

He looked up and saw that there was a drizzle in the sky.

It’s nothing strange to thunder and rain, but the rain is weird because the color is red.

Blood rain?

It is a warning that it rains in the sky.

"Hey, where is the blood?"

"You have blood on your face."

"You too!"

"What, the rain in the sky turned out to be a red blood rain!"

The people underneath were shocked. One by one panicked and it rained. This is a sign of a catastrophe. Can it be said that these 13 strong people will bring bad luck?

The 12 strong players such as the white-bearer are also frowning, revealing an incomprehensible color.

They are also completely confused. Why is it raining in the sky? This is indeed a great omen.

"This blood?" The old man in the green shirt suddenly changed his face and violently flew down from the sky. "Come on!" He rushed into the nearby house to hide from the rain.

It was called by him, and the other 12 strong people were also shocked and they flew into the house.

Seeing these strong people are fearful of this, which naturally triggers a panic riot. Everyone is looking for a place to hide from the rain, as if it is poisonous.

Ling Han is still fine, he has been standing at the door, there is a block on the top, naturally not rained.

"Auntie, this rain is so tight!" said the second baby, she launched the scorpion to look at the sky. "The old man just ignited the power of the Thunder, as if unexpectedly opened a space passage, this blood is there. Blended into the rain."

It was normal to have a drizzle, but now it is a combination of blood, and that is two different things.

Ling Han nodded. If it was not evil, it would not be possible to make the living environment so evasive. The fear of the old man in the green shirt is not pretending, but a big fear from the heart.

"That is corpse blood." Erwa said, "At least a few hundred years of history, there are endless grievances, just like curses, a little bit of it, will be miserable."

Ling Han was amazed, this should not be the pile of corpses he saw in the strange place where the wyrmlings were tried?

Not to mention impossible, this connects a different space, just where it is?

Oh, the thunder is endless, the rain starts to get bigger and it looks like a splash.

Ling Han took a piece of clothing from the space implement and put it on the head, and hurriedly ran towards it. The rain was getting bigger and bigger, the place at the door was small, and it was able to hide from the rain, but the wind and the rain would not work.

He came to the lobby, and Xuanyuan Dingguo and others naturally followed and ran back. Fortunately, there were too many big trees in the house, which played the role of blocking. Only Tianchi had some **** rain.

"When is this rain going down?" Ling Han slid into the sky outside, the endless blood fell, and the whole sky was a strange red.

I have only waited now.

"Ah!" The screams filled with fear came, and Ling Han heard it. I saw Shi Yiqing fell to the ground and fell back and forth with his limbs. His face was full of fear.

Ling Han looked at her again and saw that she was looking at Tianchi. On the back of Tianchi, there was a man with a hair smacked. She couldn’t see that she was a man or a woman. The key is that he only has Half of the body seems to have emerged from the body of Tianchi.

Is this not scary?

It is Ling Han also feels that the heart has contracted a bit, raising an unspeakable chill.

Others also looked over and saw such a scene, and they were not scared to go backwards.

Tian Chi’s state is not right. He pulls his head and seems to have lost consciousness.

At this moment, the half man suddenly raised his head, his hair separated, and a pale face was incomparable. There was a sword in his eyebrows, and blood was flowing.

This is a woman's face, like crying and crying, like laughing and laughing.

A chill came, everyone was intuitive and cold, and they panic.

Ling Han launched the sputum, and suddenly saw something that others could not see.

This half woman is not an entity, but a strange energy formation, but lifelike, with the naked eye can not tell the truth.

And this source is actually... the blood rain on Tianchi.

It’s really ominous, just a few drops, actually it’s getting a ghost?

"Ah--" Tianchi suddenly made a big noise, his eyes opened, and he saw that it was a white one. He couldn't see his eyes, only his eyes were white.

He looked at this with a white eye and said: "I hate! I hate! I hate!"

Brush, he stood up and killed the past toward Shi Yiqing: "Death!"

He punched out and his power was amazing.

Fox II rushed to meet and launched a fierce battle with him.

Hey, the two broke out in a flash.

Fox II is a two-star genius. It is reasonable to suppress Tianchi. But now Tianchi is extremely strange. The body is not afraid of heavy blows. It is only a squeaky noise on him, but it can’t hurt him.

This is tantamount to invincibility, coupled with the pooling method of Tian Chi is also quite amazing, just keep on attacking, and suddenly let the fox two are very big.

Ling Han looked carefully, and the blood on Tian Chi was slowly dimming.

The change in Tianchi should be caused by blood, so when the blood disappears, his state should also recover.

Sure enough, it was a while, the ghosts on Tianchi began to fade, and then a fierce fight, fell to the ground without warning, Fox II did not expect, the attack did not have time to fully recover, suddenly banged On the **** of Tian Chi.

"Hey!" Tian Chi screamed, slammed his **** and jumped up, staring at him and staring at Fox II.

"You dead demons, actually dare to hit my **** idea, I fight with you!" He killed and fought again with Fox II, but this time he apparently returned to normal.

Just for a while, he was ruined to the ground, and his spirits were terrible.

This should be the aftereffect of blood and water, but I don't know whether it is because of the relationship between ghosts, or the opposite effect of his "invulnerability".

Ling Han once again looked at the sky, only to see that the rain is already small, it is estimated that it will stop completely in a few minutes.

He was right, but only three minutes, the clouds collected rain and the sky returned to sunny.

What would it look like outside?

Before Tianchi was only drenched with a few drops of blood and rain, he was turned into a madman, and madness became like that. There are no shortage of people outside, what about it?

He went out and did not come to the gate. He slammed into the wall and saw the wall slammed open. One person slammed into it like a cannonball.

Ling Han looked at the past and couldn't help but take a breath. It was one of the thirteen birthplaces, but he is now full of ghosts, one by one, and some even break the foot. No head.

What happened to Dan Dan, he was completely controlled, jumped up like a madman, and rushed out, the next moment he was flying into the air, fighting with opponents.

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