Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3521: Not playing back

In the sky, there is a big battle in the world of Dan, all of them are like the gods, urging the endless forces of heaven and earth to fight against each other, one by one, with a burst of light, people can only look up.

However, even such a strong person is controlled by the strong resentment and is carrying out unnecessary battles.

Underneath, the mortal is also fighting, it is a big mess.

Fortunately, when the lightning thunder began, most people were scared to hide in the house, and the rabbit was escaped from the rain. In other words, it’s basically to run and watch the lively here.

For example, the three emperors, the five emperors, and so on, all of them are stunned by the white eyes, and launched a crazy attack on the brothers and subordinates.

Ling Han did not shoot, but only guarded the Foreign Affairs Office. After being "sorrowful", the body of the military would become completely fearless, but it would be ruined afterwards, and the strength would be cut down a lot.

After half a day, the battle eventually became sparse, and the battle of the birthplace stopped.

Even in such a fierce battle, none of them were injured, but when the grievances disappeared, they were all changed face, and the horrible breath suddenly vanished, and they fell to the ground, even vomiting blood.

- Before they had so much, they were not hurt. This was not done on the dog, but accumulated in a special way, and they came back together after the grievance disappeared.

Rao is a living environment, this is a huge creation.

Thirteen living conditions are like ordinary people, lying on the ground, a constipation.

Before they were crazy, they were the foundation stone of Xiandao and the Dingling Ding of Xianling. They all came to the collision. Now they all find that their own Xiandao stone and Xianding have cracks.

This Hemad’s loss is too great.

If you want to repair the stone foundation of Xiandao or Xianding, it will take at least a few hundred years for the body to recover slowly. However, although a living environment can live for about four thousand years, they are not born in cages. But the people who were first taken in.

It has been consumed for more than two thousand years in cages. How many years are they still alive?

For hundreds of years... that is the rest of their lives.

Either, it is to obtain precious treasures and rebuild the foundations of Xiandao and Xianding, but it is difficult to obtain such treasures.

When I came to the emperor, I originally wanted to force Chen Fengyan to step down, but now the other side’s face has not been seen. They have encountered such a slap in the face and let them feel embarrassed.

This sale is really a big loss.

"Go!" The old man in the green shirt climbed up and immediately turned and ran.

Other living conditions have also followed suit. They are now hit hard, and the fighting power may be reluctant to even cast, so it may be a rival to Sheng Dan.

Don't slip now, waiting to be hit by Chen Fengyan?

Who can think of the thirteen people who are born in the Dan, who are so strong that they ran so fast?

"Long live the Holy Emperor!" On the street, the people of the Imperial City are shouting.

In fact, this relationship with Chen Fengyan does not have a half-money, it can be seen that his magical means, the people naturally will count the **** rain, this incredible thing is counted on the head of Chen Fengyan.

Ling Han looked at the three emperors and others, and saw that they also looked like they were stunned, as if they were seriously injured.

He smiled, who told you to look at your own jokes, now you are unlucky?

Deserve it.

The thirteen strongmen committed the imperial capital, but they resolved it with an ending that no one thought of, full of surprises and drama.

This is self-sufficiency, and the birthplace of Dan is not to be a Weihe, but to plunge himself into it.

Just because they couldn’t think of it, the forces outside were also thought that this was Chen Fengyan’s secret shot and the 13 big powers.

This also proves from the side that Chen Fengyan should be a living environment, so he does not dare to confront so many powerful people in the same direction, and can only use special means.

The tragedy was in front of us. At that time, no force had dared to fight the idea of ​​the emperor, but many young warriors ran over.

Some people said that the location of the emperor is so wonderful, the land of the dragon, where you can get the air.

Why do those who live in Dan have to take over the emperor?

It is the fancy of the imperial capital.

Tianchi recovered for half a month, and he was only contaminated with a few drops of blood, and in the battle, Fox II also tried to avoid hitting him. This is the case, he is still a big loss, it can be seen that this blood rain poison It is.

What is this?

curse? Wraith?

Ling Han has not encountered this in the Yuan world. As long as the spirit is destroyed, it will be completely hanged. No one of the ghosts said it, but he witnessed it before and can only explain it with ghosts.

Ok, this is not a meta-world after all, it is normal.

Ling Han thought of the piece of rotten stone tablet. The monkey brother said that it was part of the tombstone. The yin was entangled and it was very unlucky. After he took a picture, Hong Tianbu really did not go well.

The power of resentment is so great?

I have to be careful, not to be taken down by this means. After all, in the war more than two thousand years ago, too many people died, and the ghosts that were unwilling were too much.

After the **** rain, the royal family invited many monks to chanting in the emperor's chanting. It was not until ten days later that they saw a vain figure rising from all corners and flew into the air and gradually disappeared.

These figures are dressed in quaint clothes, very similar to those of the previous grievances, but now there is no such resentment, only a piece of peace.

Ling Han was surprised, can resentment be tempered?

He had a great interest in the monks and immediately went to understand.

I didn’t expect the gourd dolls to know everything, and immediately said it.

"That is called the Buddha." Dawa said, "A long time ago, the Buddha had a ancestral king, invincible an era, created the foundation of the Buddha, and everlasting, and now has great power."

"Those who are repaired by the bald head are super evil, and they can get merits by themselves." The three-mother interface, the small faces are disdain.

"Gongde?" Ling Han said.

"The merits of merit and fireworks are almost the same... Oh, aunt, you are too low now, telling you that these are too tired, and you don't understand." Two baby fans.

Ok, the low realm is despised.

After the grievances resolved, the emperor once again restored calm, but such a peace certainly will not last long, a big era of change is coming, peace is really a luxury.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the emperor to vibrate again.

A group of young people have entered the Imperial Capital. Although none of them have entered the path of Immortal, they are surprisingly big.

Because their elders are still in the cage.

Liansheng Dan has been out of trouble, and what is being explained in the cage now?

Their elders are the power of the true and even the spiritual world!

(The spirit of the baby changed to the real world, confused, forgot that there was already a spiritual baby before)

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