Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3522: Intentional face

Soon, more news came.

These young people are led by two people. One person is called Jin Yulu. It is a beautiful woman. The martial arts talent is also extremely amazing. It is said to be able to sweep the same level, to find the secrets of the world, and to stand on the highest peak under the path of Xian. .

The other person is Lu Haiyuan, who is also a genius of martial arts, but it is a little worse.

These two are all disciples of a real spirit, as a representative of this super-powerful person, what to do specifically, the two have not said.

In addition to these two people, other young people are also very extraordinary, but there is no such two people in the first place, so even if there is still the existence of the secret, it is still the two.

These people entered the Imperial Capital in a very high-profile manner.

What is the high spirit?

Chen Fengyan is also "just" born in the Dan, and it is not even a fart in front of the spiritual environment.

Obviously, in the future, the real spirit will definitely be the emperor, and if it can rely on it, the future will definitely have great benefits.

Of course, no one dares to do too obvious. After all, Chen Fengyan is the emperor, and the real spirit has not yet been born. Don’t hold the thigh, he was first executed by Chen Fengyan in the name of treason.

Ling Han asked Xuanyuan to go to the country to inquire about it. Among them, Hong Taishi was the most active. He ran there for almost three days.

"Ling Han, I decided, I want to pursue Jin Yulu!" Xuanyuan said that the country is firm.

Ling Han sighed and said: "I remember that you said that you have to cut the iron before, and you want to pursue the demon princess."

"You still said!" Xuanyuan settled the country's face and resentment, "You are both living with people, how can I split the corner of my brother?"

Ling Han is amazed, you feel so good about yourself, why do you think that without his existence, the demon princess will be affectionate?

"Xuanyuan, you are thick, I am serving." He patted Xuanyuan's shoulder.

"Hey." Xuanyuan Dingguo did not have the slightest blush, and sure enough, the skin was thick.

A few days later, Jin Yulu announced that he would hold a martial arts event and invite younger generations to attend. Among them, the outstanding performance will lead her and Lu Haiyuan to the teacher and become a pro-disciple of Hualing Zhenjun.

The news came out that the whole emperor was not a sensation, but a madness.

How high is the spirit of the spirit, to be a disciple of this kind of strong, can not be traversed in the future?

Even if the people of Xiantu are strong, they must be respectful.

Now, everyone is proud of being able to get Jin Yulu's invitations. The topic of meeting is about this martial arts event.

Ling Han is completely unconcerned.


Hualing Zhenjun is his big scorpion. He teaches the master-level power to be his brother-in-law. Does it still care to be accepted as a disciple by a genius?

Is this not a self-defeating identity?

He didn't care, but Xuanyuan settled the country but they made an injustice for Ling Hanming, because they were like Xuanyuan Dingguo and Fox II. They all received invitations, but he was one of the emperor's double arrogance, and the foreign government government did not accept it. Is this still unclear?

Not only him, even the Princess of Tourmaline did not receive the invitation.

The two heads of the Foreign Affairs Office have been neglected. Obviously, Jin Yulu is deliberate. What does this mean?

Chen Fengyan reused people, she does not want!

Although it is not done in the Ming Dynasty, the meaning is already obvious.

One day later, Princess Beatitude returned quietly.

In order to attack the Fairy Way, she left the Imperial Capital before, so as not to be disturbed, and did not stay in the Foreign Affairs Office.

Ling Han looked at her and smiled. "You broke through?"

Princess Bixi snorted and suddenly shot, hey, took the cold neck: "Yes! Your absolute fairness is now invalid for me, you can no longer threaten me!"

"You want to... murder... kisser...?" Ling Han was struggling, and his neck was very heavy.

"Do you dare to talk nonsense?" Princess Bixi took a sigh of relief.

Ling Han is just laughing. If he does not feel that the Princess of the Tourmaid is not killing, he will definitely pick up the rotten stone tablet for her.

"Hey!" Princess Bishua retracted her hand. "It’s really dead!"

Ling Han licked his neck: "I said that the tourmaline is a small kiss, you are really powerful, almost murdered by you."

Princess Tourmaline is speechless, how can this guy not change the fault of the mouth? She sighed and decisively did not waste her tongue in this regard, saying: "Is there something big in these days?"

"Oh, nothing, you just missed a dozen of Dansheng and joined forces to sweep the foreign affairs government. As a result, it was raining and scared them all away."

"There are also disciples of Hualing Zhenjun who have entered the Imperial Capital. Two days later, they will hold a martial arts event to select outstanding talents. In the future, they will recommend to the singer to be a pro-disciple."

Ling Han said very casually, it seems that these two things are insignificant.

Princess Tourmament was amazed. I didn’t expect that the time of my retreat was so clever, I missed such a big thing.

“The other people received the invitation, didn’t we?” she murmured. “Is this intentional squatting face?”

Ling Han thought for a moment and said: "If we have never received an invitation, we can only go without it."

Princess Tourmaline puzzled and said: "Is this not a joke?"

"What is the joke?" Ling Han smiled. "We are the foreign affairs government. The gang is under our control. Did they get permission from us to enter the emperor? If you don't have permission to enter the capital, what kind of banquet will be held, when we don't exist? ?"

Is this OK?

Princess Tourmaline thought about it. Indeed, aren’t they the foreign affairs offices that are the ones who come out of prisoners?

You don't send invitations, you want to take this opportunity to smash the face of the Foreign Affairs Office and Chen Fengyan. We will let you not even have any banquets, and who will lose sight of the bottom.

"You are really a pit," she said.

"Hey, what is the big truth." Ling Han smiled, so long after getting along, he found that Princess Bismuth is worth making a friend.

Another day passed, Jin Yulu still did not send invitations to Ling Han or Princess Bis, and the meaning of intentionally drying people was obviously no longer obvious.

Many people are waiting to see, is it that Ling Han and Bixigong mainly swallow this breath?

The two of them were Chen Fengyan's hand-picked, and if they were willing to swallow, naturally, Chen Fengyan lost this.

The problem is, who is the disciple of Hualing Zhenjun?

It seems that this boring loss, Ling Han and Princess Bisin must eat.

One day later, it was the day when Jin Yulu held a martial arts event. The time was set at noon. In the early morning, someone rushed to the place in advance. It seemed that I had to brush my face and win the favor of others.

With the approach of noon, there are more and more people, and there are also many guests at the prince level.

"Hong Tianbu Honggongzi!" At the door, there is a special person to greet, it is a big trick, the voice is great.

Brush, Jin Yulu immediately stood up and greeted the door.

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