Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3526: Foundation of immortal

What is the first step of Xiantu?

Yuelongmen, built Xianji.

Yuelongmen is a super-transformation of life, and the foundation stone of Xiandao is the foundation of Xiantu, the beginning of everything.

Therefore, Xianji is extremely and extremely important.

The fairy tales can be built by themselves, but they can also rely on the treasures to build the foundation.

Generally speaking, with the treasure as the core, the built-in fairy base will be stronger than the ordinary fairy base, and it can have other powers.

Everyone knows that to build a house, to build a foundation, the stronger the foundation, the more high-rise buildings can be built.

The same is true for the military. The stone foundation of the immortal can be said to determine the future achievements. It is not that the cornerstone is stable, it will be able to rush to the spiritual environment or even take advantage of the situation. However, without a solid Xianji, it may be even a dream. .

The peak is a mountain of God. It is usually empty. No one knows where it is. It will appear every once in a while. There is a core stone on the mountain that can be used as the cornerstone of the fairy road!

It is said that the strongest person who can become a spiritual person above, the stone foundation of the immortal road is based on the **** stone. There are only a handful of great powers. They have not relied on the **** stone and have also cultivated a very high level, but such people are pitiful. .

Moreover, the stone of the gods is the cornerstone of the immortal road, and it also allows the stone foundation of the immortal to have the corresponding special ability.

For example, Taixuanshi can let the military sense the ability of Tiandi Avenue to speed up the practice, such as the fire dragon stone, which can make the fairy road stone spew out a terrible flame and enhance the combat power, such as the magic stone, which can create a fictional world. The enemy has fallen into it.

Therefore, no matter from which angle, if you can build a foundation of immortality with a piece of stone as the core, the benefits will be amazing.

Nowadays, most people are blocked under the path of Xian, but the peak is suddenly born. What a huge sensation?

The whole world is boiling, whether it is human, demon or sea, as long as a bit of ambitious people are on the road, this opportunity, must fight!

After Ling Han learned, it was also a heartbeat.

Although he is still a little far from Yuexianmen, it does not prevent him from getting a few **** stones. When he wants to jump to Xianmen, it is good to take the stone directly.

He discussed with the tourmaline princess, Princess Bixi sat in the foreign affairs office, Ling Han is to go to the peak to find opportunities.

"Right, how did you build the cornerstone of the fairy road?" asked Ling Han to Princess Bisui.

This is a bit involved with **, but Ling Han is curious, before he did not know, the original construction of Xianji can also use the stone.

He thought of breaking the **** stone from the Yuan world. Can it be used to build the foundation?

It shouldn't work, because at that time he was still so "weak" that he could break it. Is it not a tofu project?

The beauty of the **** stone should be absorbed by him.

"My demon family naturally has a foundation, and some **** stones have been passed down. I use Tongtianshi as the core." Princess Bixi said, there is a arrogance.

"It is also from the peak?" Ling Han asked.

Princess Tourmako shook his head: "The **** stone can be more than the peak, but if you want to get it from other places, it is like accidentally hitting a fairy medicine. If you are in the peak, it is like you enter a medicine garden, and the chance of getting harvest is big. increase."

Ling Han nodded. It is no wonder that Princess Bixi didn't move after she heard the news of her death. It turned out that her fairy stone was not weak.

"The things in the house are given to you. I will leave this evening," he said.

"So urgent?" Princess Bixi was a little surprised.

"I have to worry, I don't know when it will disappear again. Moreover, this time I didn't bring a giant war elephant. I have to be careful to intercept me halfway." Ling Han smiled.

Princess Bixi nodded, Ling Han left the war giant in the house. After all, this cold is a private matter. In the case of love, the resources of the foreign affairs government should not be used. Moreover, the situation is changing, and the foreign government still needs a big kill. Come to the town.

Ling Han went back to clean up, and when the seven milk-winters learned that Ling Han was going to go far away, they naturally had to fight together to go together. Ling Han thought about it, instead of letting them mess in the house, it is better to bring them together.

As for the fat pig, it does not want to go, but Ling Han has made it hard to walk, this fat pig can be used as a good shield.

The milk baby and the fat pig are all taken into the nourishing gourd, and the cold winter stays up late.

He quietly left the Foreign Affairs Office and quietly left the city. With his strength, he wanted to prevent the guards from discovering that nature was easy. At noon tomorrow, Princess Bisca will announce his departure.

This time he certainly did not use any means of transportation, running on two legs, but the wind was unfolding, and his speed was faster than any means of transportation.

He hasn't used the world of scales yet. This step can be used for hundreds of miles, but with his current repairs, he can't play a few times, and he can only be used as a life-saving trick.

After a few minutes, he jumped to the top of the tree, only to see that the emperor was already far away, but still can see a brightly lit, can see the prosperity of the emperor.

I didn’t know how long it will take to leave this time.

Ling Han regained his gaze. He has been working hard to improve his cultivation. He believes that after passing through Xianmen, his mind will have a ton of improvement. When he wants to release the Queen, they should be able to.

Thinking of this, he was not excited by his heart, full of desire for strength.

He unfolded his body and swept in quickly, but after a while, he suddenly raised an inexplicable discomfort, as if he had been stared.

He stopped and started to look around, but he found nothing.


Ling Han brows slightly wrinkled, he is so careful, and this decision is also done very suddenly, which can make people stare?

He shook his head and continued to run.

After the completion of the quenching of the seven bones, his bones are extremely strong and sturdy. Even if it is unfolding, it will not be enough for more than an hour, but the organs without the inscriptions and the skin can not stand it.

The organs seem to be exploding, and the skin is bursting with pain, like tearing.

This organ can be enhanced by the inscription, but the skin does not have a corresponding realm to cultivate, so the strong warrior will be injured, but the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to be seriously injured and difficult to die.

That can only be repaired, but although not perfect, it can always improve the defense.

He stopped to rest, and when the body recovered, he continued to hurry, this time there is no need to float, anyway, his normal speed is not slow, there is no need to fight for that double the speed of sound.

After running for a few hours, the white side gradually appeared fish white, and a red sun jumped out suddenly, bursting out hundreds of millions of morning glow, full of vitality.

Ling Han quickly stopped and began to practice.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a murderous murder, slamming up and banging, and there was a small mushroom cloud in the place where he was sitting, and the endless dust and sand hoisted.

(End of this chapter)

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