Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3527: Hong Tianbu's pursuit

Ling Han was attacked by people.

In fact, he is not completely unprepared, because he has a feeling of being peeped several times while he is running, but he has not found it.

Therefore, he kept his eyes and kept his vigilance. Sure enough, when he cultivated the most vulnerable and most unprepared, the attack suddenly came.

"Hong Tianbu!" Ling Han shouted.

In the middle of the dust, he walked out of a slender figure. He seemed to carry the light of the gods, shining in the dust, and having a transcendental charm.

Sure enough, Hong Tianbu.

Ling Han knows that he can stare at himself from a long distance without being lost. Besides Hong Tianbu, who has the eyes of the ancient and fierce objects?

"It didn't work for you, but it really surprised me." Hong Tianbu said faintly.

Ling Han faint smile: "Why, I used to smash you once before, can't help but kill the machine?"

Hong Tianbu shook his head: "You have a small inscription, and you are not qualified to marry me. I have not put you in your eyes. However, you have a secret treasure on your body that can hide the traces. I am determined to win."

"What are you talking about?" Ling Han spread his hands.

Hong Tianbu pointed to his forehead. Although it had been so many days in the past, the big bag on his forehead was basically calmed down, but there were still some slight protrusions: "You forgot that this is your hand?"

Ling Han was amazed, the other party was not stunned by a brick, and he also hidden his body shape with a void skin, how did this guy guess?

"Hey, I have merged the eyes of an ancient and fierce creature, and I can naturally check the void." Hong Tianbu said proudly.

This must be bragging, otherwise he will have discovered the cold.

However, within a short distance, the eyes of this ancient and ferocious object should still be able to find the cold.

Ling Hanhe smiled: "You really can bear it, obviously know that I was looted, but it has not been moving! Hong Tianbu, should I call you Hong Turtle in the future?"

Hong Tianbu is completely angered. He has taken control of everything. Is there any anger?

"The thing you used to lick me should be a treasure. It made me miserable, and even my air transportation could not stop it." He was curious. "You don't have to tell me, after killing you, I will find out by myself."

Ling Han sighed: "So, I should have slaughtered you."

"You don't have a chance!" Hong Tianbu proudly said, "I have a bodyguard on my body. If you kill me, it will only arouse the rebellion of the treasure, and you can't walk out of Hong."

Look at each other's appearance, it should not be lying.

Ling Han was just a sneak peek. He never regretted the decision he had made.

"Well, the family is always finished, should it be true?" He laughed.

"Are you an enemy of mine?" Hong Tianbu said coldly, but he violently shot, banged, and slammed out, the power of terror surging, slamming toward Ling Han.

Ling Han, turned and ran.

Playing a fart, Hong Tianbu is looking for a secret, and is not affected by absolute fairness. Going up and playing is a behavior of seeking death.

"Are you running away?" Hong Tianbu chased it. He had not shot before because it was not far enough away from the emperor. Who knows if Chen Fengyan can perceive it.

He is looking for a secret, even if he doesn't use any body, the speed has reached six times the speed of sound, which is too fast to describe.

But unexpectedly, Hong Tianbu had just chased out, but it was a direct blow to the ground.

A pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and Hong Tianbu happened to have a moment of secret force stagnation, and the two coincidences added together, actually letting a secret searcher fall a dog to eat.

Ling Han looked back and couldn't help but laugh. Obviously, after Hong Tianbu smashed the brick, the bad luck still didn't disappear. Now it is actually a flat fall. It is really a laugh.

Unfortunately, he has no time to record with the vine star vine, otherwise it can give Hong Tianbu a live broadcast.

However, Hong Tianbu certainly couldn’t be delayed for a long time because of this fall. He immediately slammed up and his face was full of anger and chased after the cold.

His speed was too fast. After using a body method, he reached seven times the speed of sound and quickly narrowed the distance from Ling Han.

Ling Han fangs, this Hong Tianbu merged with the eyes of an ancient savage object, it seems to be transformed into a Yaozu, the speed of the entrance is far higher than the normal human race, originally he has drawn the boundary between the two people When it comes to a big realm, it has now become two big realms.

No, Ling Han had to use it for a long time. In an instant, he would jump over hundreds of miles in an instant, and then cross, cross, and cross again. After seven steps, he only felt the whole body was full of blood. Every piece of meat had to be The body fell.

He stopped quickly and threw the nourishing gourd into a stream, and then he entered it and went along the water.

In the rear, Hong Tianbu suddenly lost the trace of Ling Han, and the explosive power of the world was too high.

He screamed, this is the secret technique he got, but he was stolen by Ling Han without knowing it, and he was not trained.

It was ridiculous for him to be sneaked by Ling Han with him. What kind of irony is it for him?

"You can't run!" Hong Tianbu said coldly. Above his head, a huge eye appeared in the air, slowly opening, as if he could penetrate the stars, exuding incomparable fierceness.

Hong Tianbu closed his eyes, but his eyelids were shaking rapidly. He was already opening the eyes of the ancient and fierce objects. The eye above the top of his head was just a virtual shadow. It was too old and fierce. It was too strong. Now one Use 兀 self-shape.

But no matter how he looked for, he did not find the trace of Ling Han.

"How is it possible?" He frowned, and it was still very clear that he could not perform too many times with the repair of Ling Han.

"That gourd!"

He suddenly thought that Ling Han had won the opportunity of Hong Tianquan in the past, that is, raising the gourd, can contain living things, even if placed in the civilization of the previous generation, this is also a treasure, will make the spirit of the real king are born greedy Heart of the heart.

Hong Tianbu quickly re-expanded the eyes of the ancient murderous creatures, but Ling Han originally ran far enough, and the gourd flowed along the water. At this moment, it is beyond the limit of the eye of the ancient beast.

Can't see it.

"Damn!" Hong Tianbu is not reconciled. He has been staring at the Foreign Affairs Office. He knows that Ling Han will definitely go to the peak, and he will let him catch it. He did not expect to run under his nose.

"He will definitely go to the peak, I can still wait for the rabbit." He calmed down, and it is difficult to kill the cold, but since Ling Han is dispatched for the peak, it must be there to keep it. cold.

He no longer hesitated, unfolded his body and quickly went away.

He is also about to take the road to the fairy, and needs the **** stone to build the foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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