Hey, Ling Han is like a tiger into the flock, just a few tricks, just cut the vegetables and cut the melons and the four will be defeated.


The two old people who are looking for secrets are finally moving. It is clear that the fighting power of Ling Han has not entered the level of seeking secrets. However, the combat power is far from the general opening, which is simply unimaginable.

This is definitely a martial genius, in order to crush the same level as drinking water.

In their view, Ling Han should be the same as the opening of the border, otherwise, they can not imagine that someone can cross a big realm and swept invincible.

"Young people, who are you from?" A white-headed boy asked Ling Han.

He has taboo on the origins of Ling Han, can he cultivate such a genius to estimate what is really blame, or is it true?

Therefore, he had to be careful.

Ling Han faint smile: "My teacher is a great self-satisfaction, located on the top of the nine days, in charge of Qiankun."

Good feeling.

The two old men looked at each other and naturally could not have heard of this name.

"Kid, are you playing people?" Another old man called, he was full of black hair, but there were too many wrinkles.

Ling Han clap his hands: "Smart."

"Hey, play smart in front of me, you are looking for a dead end!" The white-headed man was furious and killed the past with Ling Han. He grabbed it and grabbed it.

After all, he has scruples, so this blow is to win the cold instead of killing him.

Ling Han immediately launched absolutely fair, and the smell of Pulsatilla suddenly fell.

He is not a strong man, nor does he have the eyes of a sinister sinister. It is not a descendant of the genius of the genius. He can be given a treasure to resist the absolute fair suppression.

Ling Han rushed up, just a punch, hey, the white-headed singer was stunned by his life.

"Impossible!" Another old man exclaimed, clearly that Ling Han's performance is only the strength of the opening of the world, but why the companions are even worse than those of the previous ones, even a single blow can not stop?

Ling Han rushed to the old black man again, and it was a punch.

The old man of the black hair has already prepared for it, but the realm has been directly and fairly taken down two big steps. How could he be the opponent of Ling Han?

Hey, he was stunned by a punch.

Ling Han patted his hands and looked at the young man: "How is it now?"

The young man showed a touch of fear, his dependence was his follower, but now the followers were defeated, and he suddenly felt confused.

"You, what do you want to do?" He stuttered. "My father is Zhang Ziyun, I am really capable!"

Ling Hanhe smiled: "Nothing, just hit you, let you remember clearly, this is not in the cage, you can do whatever you want."

The young man stepped back and said: "Hello, you dare to dare."

Ling Han reached out and grabbed the young man and punched and kicked.

"What dare not dare? I am Hong Tianbu, the emperor is not arrogant on the first day, do you not know?" Ling Han gave Hong Tianbu hatred.

What is Hong Tianbu, is it very powerful?

The young man was in awe, but a punch in his nose made him have a long nose and suddenly screamed.

But the other seven people have heard of the name of Hong Tianbu, they are all stunned. It is no wonder that this person is so powerful. It turned out to be Hong Tianbu, one of the emperors' arrogance!

After Ling Han had a full meal of the young man, he drove the pedestrian off the boat.

The ship bosses were all scared by the cold force of the cold, and they were not trembled.

Ling Lingran, said: "I voyage according to the original plan, no problem?"

"No! Absolutely no!" These people shook their heads quickly.

Some people have already arrived, but they have been repelled. These people are naturally impossible to find. Later, they did not know that there was such an episode. They were unaware of it. After they got on the boat, they entered their room.

At eleven o'clock, the big ship set sail and went out to sea.

Looking at the big ship, the young man who had been beaten before appeared again. He hated the earthly: "Hurry to contact the three brothers and let him kill him when he meets Hong Tianbu at the peak!"

"No!" He shook his head quickly. "Don't kill, keep it so that you can kill it yourself!"

"Yes, young master." Several followers said quickly.

Now there is a vine star, the communication is too convenient, the distance is not a problem at all.

"Auntie." On a large ship, Hong Tianbu slammed a sneeze. He licked his nose. It was really bad luck recently. Otherwise, how could he sneeze with his repairing secrets?

Obviously, his bad luck can be more than just a sneeze.


After the big ship left the dock, the sails were raised, and the wind and waves were suddenly broken, and the speed began to arrogant.

Recently, all the people who went to the peak, this ship has ran back and forth three times, it can be said that it is a light car, so the boss of the ship patted the chest to ensure that it is absolutely safe for less than a day.

After entering the deep sea, although there are wind and waves, but the wind is not a disease, the waves are not too big, the ship slightly turbulent, but never stop, which led to some people have a seasick response, spit.

This has nothing to do with strength, some people are seasick.

Ling Han did not respond to this, and even if he would seasick, it only needs to enter the Yang Hulu, and he can avoid this feeling.

However, a few hours later, a black cloud hit and blocked the sun, and suddenly the heavens and the earth became dim.

"What's wrong?" The crowd ran out of the cabin and came to the deck. It was clear that it was still a long time away from the sky, and suddenly it became so dim that it was unacceptable.

"Relief, peace of mind." The crew comforted, "The clouds in the sky, the wind in the sea, the heart of the girl, are always unpredictable, very normal."

This guy is actually a bit poetic.

Everyone laughed out loud. Since people say it is normal, then you don't have to be nervous.

Ling Han opened his sputum, but it was a wrinkle. He said: "It is normal to have a fog at sea?"

"What fog?" Everyone looked at him, but he saw nothing, and the light was too dark.

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

"I warn you, don't be alarmed!"

"Be careful, I am jealous of you!"

Everyone screamed and thought that Ling Han was deliberately saying something false to attract attention.

But the crew member had seen Ling Hanwei, and could not help but be shocked. He quickly shouted: "Boss, there is fog in front!"

Suddenly, the ship boss immediately steered and turned around urgently.

This is too urgent, everyone just feels that the hull seems to be turned over, and they quickly grab the things around them, lest they be rushed out.

Ling Han made a thousand pounds, and his body was firmly locked on the deck. He looked to the front and saw that the fog was coming in quickly.

He shook his head, not to mention that the big ship was still turning, that is, the direction has been adjusted, sailing at full speed, and it is impossible to get past the fog.

In the blink of an eye, endless fog enveloped.

(End of this chapter)

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