Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3530: Sea legend

Boom, there were big waves coming in along with the fog, and they slammed on the ship, causing many people to fly and some of them fell to the sea.

Hey, hey, it seems like a dumpling.

Fortunately, after a wave of big waves hit, it stopped. The hull swayed a few times and it resumed stability. Everyone quickly dropped the rope to save people. It was just that the fog was too big. It can be said that it is difficult to reach the fingers. If you are beaten far away by the waves, don't say the rope, that is, the big ship can't see it.

Everyone is yelling and guided by sound.

Ling Han grabbed a rope and jumped directly to the boat. After the unfolding of the martial arts, he saw a person. After he fell, he smashed the man, and squatted to the deck.

He kept his hoof, grabbed the rope, and pointed his toes on the boat. He quickly found a second person, and he threw the other party on the deck.

Three, four, and five, some people were lost when they were at a loss. Some people were extremely defensive, and they actually launched an attack when he rescued.

Fortunately, the strength of the people who will fall off the boat is too weak, how can it hurt the cold?

However, in a few minutes, Ling Han walked around the big ship and rescued at least 20 people.

If you count it, this number is more than half of the people who fall into the water.

He returned to the deck, and many people came to thank him, but some people showed disdain. They seemed to be self-sustaining and thought that saving this residue would make them lose their prices.

The weird thing is that the visibility is no more than one foot away from the hull, but the deck is unusually clear, as if the fog could not invade the big ship.

"It's over! It's over!" The crew sat down and looked at each other with no eyes and looked desperate.

Immediately, other crew members walked over and whispered, letting the other person calm down.

"Hey, hello, what are you talking about?" Some passengers are not happy. "When is it, what is the weird fog?"

"Nothing, nothing." Several crew members were laughing, but the smile was a bit fake.

"What the **** is going on?" This made more people feel awkward, and it was not right at first glance.

Under the repeated questioning of the people, the ship boss was forced to come out and explain it to everyone.

"Before, some ships encountered fog and were trapped for a long time. Some crew members and passengers were mysteriously missing and have not been found yet."

"Mysteriously missing? Haha, is it difficult to be eaten by the sea monster?" Someone immediately laughed.

"All in all, everyone must be careful, it is best to stay together, don't distract." The ship boss is very serious.

Look at his expression so seriously, some people who want to refute are no longer talking, although the military is very confident, do not believe in ghosts, only believe in themselves, but this fog is too strange, because they are not serious.

"Everyone doesn't have to be too nervous. This fog will only last until the next morning. Although it will delay us for some time, it will definitely dissipate." The ship boss said.

"So, you are going to stop the boat waiting for a long time here?" Someone did not do it, and immediately shouted.

This won the recognition of many people, and they all called for drinking.

Under strong pressure, the ship's boss had to continue to set sail, but I don't know if the foggy area is so big. They haven't shown signs of leaving for half an hour.

Ling Han is clearly seen, in fact, the ship has been spinning in this area.

It was not the ship’s boss who deliberately, but because of the undercurrent, unconsciously changed the direction of the ship’s navigation, causing them to keep spinning.

At the current speed of Ling Han, it is not necessary to run all the way, enough to step on the ground, but he does not know where the peak is, and even if he runs in that direction, he may lose a little bit of error.

After all, for the sea, an island and a mountain are really too small.

Therefore, if you are on your own, it may take more time, and Ling Han is willing to wait for this long time.

There are a lot of people who share the same thoughts with him. After all, as long as you move into a blood exchange, you can have twice the speed of sound, enough to step on the waves.

The crowd gradually calmed down. Since you can't leave this ghost place for a while, then you can endure the temper, and you will wait for a long time.

Surrounded by mist, this is not yet at night, it is already dark, the boss of the ship makes people pick up the torch, people in the dark environment easily breed negative emotions.

Some people didn't give up, picked up a torch and threw it into the fog. As a result, they just couldn't see it when they threw it out.

"Right!" The ship boss seems to suddenly think of something. "At night, there are mysterious songs, and you must cover your ears. It is said that many people just disappeared after listening to the song."

There are many rumors at sea, such as the huge whirlpool, the swallowing of giant ships, and the mysterious turtles bigger than the city. When you turn over, you will pick up huge waves, shoot big ships, and sing songs by mysterious singers.

Everyone is shocked. Do they have to encounter such a strange thing?

Who can sing at sea?

"So, everyone put their ears on." The ship boss looked at his watch. "It’s been about two hours away from the dark. Waiting for the meal, after the meal, everyone is getting up and going through the storm."

Everyone did not speak, the atmosphere was rendered by the boss of the ship is very mysterious, so that everyone's heart is suspended.

Soon, everyone was eating dinner in advance, and then they waited for the coming of the night. Although they could not see it in the fog, they could only judge by the passage of time.

When the night falls, everyone is nervous. What will happen this night?

Time passed quietly, the boat was quiet, and everyone’s heartbeat could be heard.

The blood of the military is prosperous, and the body function is terrible. This heartbeat is also powerful and powerful. Usually, people don’t feel anything when they talk and do things. But now it’s too quiet, and the heartbeat is clear.

嗵, 嗵, 嗵, everyone's heartbeat sounds one after another, obviously the cotton in the ear is not useful, it seems to have been magnified many times.

"Ah!" Someone suddenly screamed.


"Where is the murderer?"

"get out!"

Immediately, many people took out their weapons, and all of them were martyrdom.

Originally it was the sound of the wind and the screams, and the screams directly ignited the tension on the scene.

"That..." Someone was weak and weak. "I was not attacked by anyone. It was just too nervous. I was blown down by a phoenix, so I couldn't help but scream."


Everyone is speechless, and you are too brave.

Those who jumped out were all collecting weapons, and their faces were awkward.

The people sat down again and the boat was quiet again.

"You, have you heard anyone singing?" After a while, someone suddenly trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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