"You are too suspicious, so the sound of the wind is a song." The person on the side said immediately.

"No, I really have to hear someone singing!" The man insisted. "I don't believe you can pull out the cotton flowers and try it out."

Another person quickly shook his head like a rattle: "I won't do it!"

"I, I also heard it." Someone said, the voice shivered and was greatly surprised.

"I heard it too." A third person said.

"I too..."

More people said they heard the song, and most of them were filled with cotton flowers in their ears, which didn't work.

Surprising, why do some people hear the song, but some people have not heard it?


Everyone is shocked. This mystery can't be explained. It can only be attributed to the gods and ghosts.

Ling Han was also frowning because he did not hear the song.

He didn't think it was a ghost, because some animals can hear super-high or ultra-low audio, and even the human race. The perception of audio is different in childhood and adulthood.

Some specific sound frequencies can only be heard by children.

Perhaps, some people here have a special hearing to be able to hear the song of that particular frequency.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Suddenly someone stood up, no expression, only a white left in the eyes, and went to the side of the ship, others could not stop, as if they had become a walking dead.

Which is this again?

More people stood up, almost a dozen, and they went to the ship's side.

"These people... all said that they heard the song!" someone trembled.

Everyone thought, it was true.

It’s really weird. I heard the songs that others couldn’t hear, and then turned into a walking dead, pulled by an invisible force. Is this the rhythm of jumping into the sea?

Because it is too strange, it may be that it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as you can't hear the song, you can recover the next morning, but few people have come out to block it.

嗵, 嗵, 嗵, these people have jumped into the sea.

Ling Han thought about it, his body jumped and flew directly out of the big ship. Anyway, the ship can't go now. He just needs to come back before dawn.

He is too curious, and if he doesn't make it clear, he will keep him alive.

Hey, he also fell into the sea, and he started to see the people who had fallen into the sea. They all struggled to swipe their arms and swam in the same direction.

Ling Han quickly kept up, with his strength, he could make a long-term move, and quickly catch up with the people in front, and then maintain the same rhythm with them.


Ling Han was amazed, because these people actually swam out of the fog, and there was a reef in front of it, which was very large, and there were many "people" sitting on it.

Put a quote, because these people are not in the legs, but the tail!


He can see clearly that those are women, have long blond hair, look different, beautiful and ugly, but have the same characteristics, that is, the eyes are green and the skin is abnormally white.

These mermaids are opening their mouths as if they are singing, but they are so strange that they don’t have a single voice.

The target of the people who fell into the sea was the reef. After they climbed, they climbed up and stood still, and their eyes were sluggish.

It’s so cold, Ling Han also followed the island, only to feel that the temperature here is unusually low.

"This time the luck is good, there are actually 17 people with the same frequency as my family." A mermaid said.

"Hurry back and take it after the mating. The flesh and blood of these cultivators is very complementary."

"Hey, look at these two quite handsome, I really don't want to kill so soon."

"There are few people who are crazy, they are not our race."

These mermaids have said that it seems to be explaining to Ling Han.

Sure enough, these mermaids are the source of the songs, and the songs they make can only be heard by specific people, and they will be tempted to lose their self-awareness, such as walking around with their bodies.

Well, considering that it will make people lose their souls, this should not be a sound, but the influence of the level of knowledge. It is aimed at people with weak mental power. They can easily confuse them, so they are stuffed in their ears. Cotton is useless.

It seems that the fog is also made by them, trapping people here, and then attracting people with weak mental strength by singing at night and bringing them back to serve as fertility tools and rations.

As for why it is only acting at night, maybe their songs will be enchanted at night to maximize the effect.

At this time, the doubts were all unraveled, and Ling Han was no longer interested in going down again. He smiled and said: "The most poisonous woman's heart is really not wrong."


These mermaids are all shocked. How can someone actually speak?

"Well, he was not affected, he came with other people!" Some fish responded.

"Hey, there are always people who are looking for death!" Other mermaids screamed.

Ling Han held his hand and said: "I am afraid you will be disappointed today."

"No!" A mermaid killed, and her tail exploded, and it broke out at an alarming speed. The body of the captain volleyed and then fell to the cold with a dive, as if Big fish prey on average.

She opened her mouth, which is exaggerated. How big can the human mouth be? Even ninety degrees are barely?

But she had a mouth, and the whole face seemed to be gone, leaving only one huge mouth.

Ling Han smiled lightly and punched out.


The mermaid was suddenly shot and then smashed.

Ling Han feels that these sea people are too cruel. If he only borrows one kind of species, then he is too lazy to control. After all, it is related to the survival of other people's races. After that, he still has to eat people. This is excessive.

Since you are so cruel, it is blameless for him to start ruthless.

When the mermaid died, it suddenly aroused the anger of other mermaids and stared at him.

"This person is very strong, don't fight hard with him." There was a mermaid who said that it was a command. She opened her mouth and screamed. Suddenly, I saw a hurricane hitting Ling Han.

Oh, the wind has turned into countless sharp knives, and it has been scraped toward the cold.

Ling Han's mindfulness moved, forming an energy wall in front of him, composed of high-level stone energy, oh, wind blade hit, suddenly smashed and smashed, re-inflated for the storm.

"Let's go together!" The mermaid shouted, and Qi Qi screamed and shouted. Suddenly, countless wind blades hit the cold in an all-round way.

Ling Han took the lead, these mermaid's strongest is only a dilemma, how can he be put in his heart?

The energy shield is open, he seems to walk in a small garden, calmly.


But he arbitrarily throws a punch and punches, and there is a mermaid being blasted, which is real.

The mermaid screamed and screamed, and they clearly saw their faces, but there was no slight sound. But Ling Han immediately felt a pain in his head, as if there were countless sharp knives.

Mental shock.

(End of this chapter)

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