Hey, just arrived at the peak, came a Mawei?

"Four-legged snake, you are quite yin!" Ling Han smiled, he kicked his kick, even if he wrapped his foot with the energy of stone, he was pierced by the sharp teeth, and the shoes were punctured. .

Fortunately, the foot was not hurt.

The big lizard didn't open, and there was only killing in the eyes.

"Hmmm?" Ling Han thought it was a Yaozu, but it turned out to be the original shape, but now it seems to be the original beast here, powerful and powerful, but full of wildness, and no wisdom is born.

"I don't know if the lizard meat is delicious." He muttered, and the warfare gradually rose.

The big lizard is very cautious, and it can be known from an ambush instead of a frontal impact. Therefore, when it thinks that the cold is very strong, it is naturally not the first time to launch an attack, but to observe, as if to break through the weakness of the cold. .

Ling Han haha ​​smiled: "Since you don't change, then I will come!"

He screamed and rushed toward the big lizard.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

He threw out the horrible power from the air, and attached high-level metal energy, which greatly improved the destructive power. What is amazing is that although this punching force can tear the defense of the lizard, it has little effect, but it is only down. Some scales.

Very powerful defense.

When Ling Han visited, there were more than one such lizard, but the whole beach was everywhere. Many people were ambushed, and some did not have the power to resist. They were swallowed directly, while others were lucky. Escaped a catastrophe, but many people have been hit hard, and there are not many people who lack arms and legs.

A lot of people are not the opponents of giant lizards at all, even if they have escaped a catastrophe, they are useless, and they are quickly killed and thrown away.

Some people fled back to the sea and directly caught up with the ferry that went far away. Some people failed to escape. They were caught up in a swallow. In just a few minutes, hundreds of people who disembarked died. Most of the time.

There are still seven people who insist on it, but the other lizards have not chased the sea, but have come around and want to destroy all the people on the beach.

Ling Han snorted and offered a two-star sword.

Brush, a sword light crossed, there is an open sky in the darkness of the light, hehe, the neck of a large lizard was suddenly opened a third, **** outside.

Ling Han really can't play the full power of the two-star implement, but this is the order of the sword, how sharp?

He danced with his sword, brushed his brush, and his sword fluttered. He was like a **** of death, harvesting the life of these big lizards.

After the death of seven large lizards, the remaining big lizards fled and fled, not dare to smash the cold edge.

Ling Han received the sword, his eyes swept over, and I saw that for a while, three others were poisoned by the big lizards and left the world forever.

"Thank you!" The four people who were alive came over and thanked Ling Han for their fists. If there was no cold wind to turn the tide, they would certainly be fierce.

This makes them very frustrated. Is it that the first step of the inscription is not going to go out?

Ling Han raised his hand, his eyes were watching the peak, this just happened to meet the attack of the lizard group, what will be the next danger?


There was a figure in the distance that was flying fast, and it was so amazing that it raised dust all over the sky.

Hong Tianbu!

Ling Han is not surprised. If it is him, he will also be guarded here. This is called waiting for the rabbit.

"Ling Han!" Hong Tianbu is already rushing. He is constantly moving, and he directly uses the eyes of the big ancient beast. There is a huge eyeball in the space, which is fierce and stunned. cold.

Even if they were not directly stared, the other four were also affected. There was a gray pattern on the skin, just for a moment, they became a stone statue.

Ling Han also felt stiff, and he was shocked. This is the eye of the ancient savage that Hong Tianbu got, and it has the ability to petrify!

The other party came out with this big killer. Obviously, he didn't want to give him any chance to escape. He had to kill it in one fell swoop.

Ling Han will fully operate the secret force and the mind, especially the monkey brother's practice, so that he only feels a light body and restores his mobility.

Although he was still greatly affected, he was not completely unable to move at all.

It’s a long way to go.

He moved his foot and immediately took out fifty miles. Sure enough, he was still affected. Otherwise, he could at least take a hundred miles.

But this also left the area of ​​influence of the eye, Ling Han immediately restored the full force of action, he continued to expand the world, several times, he has penetrated the island.

Hong Tianbu had a glimpse. He never expected that he would sacrifice the strongest card, but he still couldn’t kill the cold.

"Hey!" He opened his mouth and spit out a blood. The ability to spur the eyes of the ancient murderous creatures was also a great load on him. In theory, it should be able to run after entering the path of the fairy, but who would make him enchanting?

Can not even have a trace of the power of petrochemicals can not completely ban the cold, which makes Hong Tianbu's face ugly, this opponent is too difficult, this can not kill?

No, you must not let Ling Han step into the path of Xian, otherwise he will become a big worry for him.

Hong Tianbu took out the medicinal herbs and suppressed the boiling blood in the body. He will definitely take the cold out and kill it here, and will not give the opponent room to grow.


Ling Han stopped, and he used several times to make him seem to be exploding. This is the secret method used by immortals. He can master and use it very well, and want to run continuously?

He took a break and calmed the blood in his body. After the skin was no longer hot, he stood up again and released the baby and the color pig.

"Hey, is this the peak?"

"Oh, it really is full of the taste of the array."

"There is a very old atmosphere that should exist for countless years."

The baby babies are all old-fashioned, and they are commenting on it.

The color pig is lacking in interest, spreading his limbs to the ground, and I will win if you move.

"Go away." Ling Han set off with the baby, although he ran out of the hundreds of miles with a sigh of relief, but the mountain is still far away, there is no feeling of close.

Is this island so big?

Ling Han expressed doubts, if you look at the boat, it will be a few hundred miles.

They marched toward the top of the mountain. They were all dense forests and bushes along the way. They didn't have sharp spikes. They were sharper than the sword, and they had to break the blood.

Fortunately, there is no poison, otherwise it will be miserable.

But walking and walking, Ling Han found that something was wrong, because it has already gone thousands of miles, but did not shorten the distance from the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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