Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3534: At the foot of the mountain

Array method?

Ling Han secretly said that the previous few milk dolls also said that there is the taste of the ancient array method, and that it can be explained when walking around but not going to the end.

But knowing it is one thing, how to crack it is another matter.

Ling Han and Er Wa are all open, but nothing has been seen.

The mountain is still like that mountain, the water is still like that, there is no change.

Obviously, it is not that there is no formation here, but the realm of the two is too weak to see the formation.

Ling Han stopped, and since he couldn't break it, he had to find the law.

He jumped on a tall tree and looked around.

He is a strategist and his talent is extraordinary.

From another angle, he saw something different.

"This terrain, hey, the water in the fire, the water to kill, that is the dragon looked up, is that the first Feng Feng?" Ling Han murmured, although he is not qualified to study the Xiantu level of the pattern, can be from the void beast On the skin, I saw a description of many arrays.

The array method is an application of the power of heaven and earth, so there is a congenital array, that is, the formation method is naturally formed, and there are also the arrays of the day after tomorrow, which are artificially arranged.

In fact, the day after tomorrow is all about the imitation of the innate array, or inspired by this, and evolved.

Imitation is definitely easier than innovation.

Ling Han will correspond to the terrain here and the array of law in the law, and nodded frequently.

But he saw some eyebrows, but would you like to crack it?

no way.

This is the Xiantu level of the array, regardless of whether he is congenital or acquired, not that Ling Han can now be cracked.

"Although it can't be solved, if it is to avoid these places, is it a safe road?" Ling Han muttered, after scanning a circle, he found a point of entry, and then jumped down.


He continued to set off with the baby, and went around all the way. Sure enough, the effect immediately became different. He was getting closer and closer to the peak.

But it has not yet come to the foot of the mountain, and the night comes first.

"Hey, fight the stars to move?" Ling Han was amazed. At this moment, the island had undergone earth-shaking changes. He stopped quickly and went on, but he would go astray.

They stopped to eat and rest, and when they finished, they had to slept seven baby babies to sleep, and he was so tired that he was sweating.

The color pig looked and grinned as if it was a schadenfreude.

"Dead pig, believe it or not, will you make a roast pig tomorrow?" Ling Han threatened, saying that the mouth of the cannibal is short, this dead pig has eaten him so much, but he has always been mad at him, no see Have such a shameless pig.

The color pig is jealous of him and does not care at all.

Actually dare to take the pig uncle out of the emperor's beauty heap, the pig father did not bite you, even if you give face.

As soon as the night passed, the sun rose as usual, and the warm sunshine was sprinkled.

Ling Han immediately began to practice. He now wants to have three times or more sunrises every day, so that he can spend more time to expand his meridians, reach the peak of Sanming as soon as possible, and upgrade all the way to the open environment and seek secrets. .

He swears that after going into the search for a secret, he must make Hong Tianbu a mentally handicapped.

Nine baby and color pigs don't need to practice. When Linghan is finished and the breakfast is ready, they just open their eyes lazily. It's really a meal.

After eating, Ling Han re-observed the environment. The weird thing is that the environment has now returned to the same situation as it was yesterday evening.

Ling Han walked as usual, getting closer and closer to the peak.

It was only at noon that he really came to the foot of the mountain.

There are so many people here.

Ling Han pays attention to it, not to mention the crowds, but it is quite a lot, and in addition to the Terran, he also saw many Yaozu, such as wolf heads, snake-tailed, but also never seen before. Variety".

For example, with two huge pliers, this prototype should be a crab, and a walrus, the body is round, the skin is black and thick, and the characteristics are very obvious.


Since these people have come to the foot of the mountain, why are there no mountain climbing?

Ling Han didn't act rashly. He didn't know if Hong Tianbu was ambushing on the side, waiting for an opportunity to shoot. You must know that this guy is also proficient in the formation, and even the eyes of an ancient beast. The current stage should be more than Ling Han's martial arts. Cattle fork.

He climbed to the heights and saw that these people were in front of a wide mountain road, but now no one has climbed.


Ling Han soon knew the reason, and rumbling, I saw a huge stone ball rolling down from the mountain, with a powerful impact, crushed heavily.

There are characters on the stone ball that are faintly radiant, emitting terrible killings. Even if they are so far apart, Ling Han still has a kind of chill, and he does not want to be touched by stone balls.

These people did not go up at the foot of the mountain, apparently fearing being crushed by stone balls.

Can't you climb from other places?

Even if the mountain is steep again, it should not be a big difficulty for the military.

It should not be so easy, otherwise the people here are not fools, how could they not think of it?

He observed for a while, only to see the interval between the occurrence of the Rolling Stones, sometimes there will be one in three minutes, sometimes it is ten minutes, no rules.

Ling Han decided to go and see, since they have already arrived here, how can they not try or give up?

He took a cloak to cover his head, and let the baby and the color pigs go into the raising gourd, and then go forward.

After entering the crowd, Ling Han found that these people were actually teaming up.

"There are only one person who is looking for a secret, and now there is one less person, asking for the cultivation of the dilemma."

"Double-seeking strong people sit in the town, recruit one person, and demand proficiency in the formation, the realm can be properly lowered, and the bones start."

"Eight open team, the team is the two-star genius, and then recruit two open members."

Many people are calling, many people are observing, and others are talking, it is very lively.

Ling Han is a bit awkward, what is the situation?

"Friend, what is this?" He smiled and asked the person on the side.

"You oh, don't you see it yourself?" The man was very impatient and pointed forward.

Ling Han brow wrinkled, but there was no attack, he went to the beginning of the mountain road.

It stands to reason that so many rolling stones continue to collide, here should be full of stones, but in fact, there is nothing here, the stone will suddenly disappear after coming to this position.

There is a stone monument standing there, introducing the law of going up the mountain.

It turns out that going up the mountain requires a kind of "vehicle", like wood cutting, which can slide on the mountain road. There are weapons on the wood cutting, which can destroy the collision of the rolling stones.

A wooden cutting can only carry up to ten people. The power of a wooden cutting weapon depends on the sum of the strength of the "crew".

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