Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3536: Wood cutting, rolling stone

It's no wonder that you have to team up, and the team is not counting, you have to fill up ten people, but also to find the strength is strong enough.

It is normal for some teams to find a division. There must be a battlefield everywhere. If there is a division, you can take a lot of detours.

What makes Ling Han strange is why so many people have arrived in front of him. Is there so many excellent actors?

He was mixed into the crowd. After he had inquired about it, he knew that there was a description on the periphery of the island. He could first obtain a stone to guide the direction and not be confused by the formation.

But Ling Han was chased by Hong Tianbu, and he took a 50-mile straight step. He went deep into the island. Naturally, it was impossible to find out the explanation, and it was impossible to find a stone nearby.

Losing him has an amazing understanding of the formation, otherwise he will certainly run in the forest without direction.

"The wood fell!"

Some people exclaimed, only on the edge of the mountain road, there were 20 trees cut out in abrupt manner.

Everyone is taking the time to form a team. Before that, they have to open up the dilemma. Now they are downgraded to the Ming dynasty. They only want to put the team together. Because this woodcut has limited time, it must be hurry.

A branch jumped on the woodcut, and a wooden cut was also lined up on the mountain road, and began a journey forward.

"Little brother, what is your repair?" Someone suddenly asked Ling Han.

Ling Han looked at the other side. This is a young man who is nearly 30 years old. He smiled and said: "Inscription."

“Is the inscription?” The young brow wrinkled, but it’s still awkward, saying, “You can’t manage that much, the inscriptions are inscribed, come, let’s take you up the mountain.”

Ling Han wants to experience the how to play this, and nodded: "Good."

In the youth's view, Ling Han's reaction is normal again, because he is a dilemma, and he is willing to bring an inscription to the mountains. Isn't this a great gift?

Oh, you still want to hesitate, think about it?

What kind of shelf!

The young man went back with Ling Han, and now most of the people have already set up the team, and the rest are only a dozen.

"Li brother, what is this person doing?" The young people returned to their ranks with Ling Han, and some people immediately asked.

"Inscriptions." This young man surnamed Li told the truth.

“Is it inscribed?” Others are frowning. They have already assembled nine people, and four of them are open-minded. The other five are all inscriptions, but these inscriptions are all their ethnic and spiritual brothers. Sisters and the like are not allowed to be outsiders.

Want to tow an outsider, but also the weaker people in the Ming Dynasty?

"Forget it, time is urgent, and you can't take care of it." One person made a decision.

"Well, just do a good thing." Someone agreed.

A red man is coldly facing Ling Handao: "The kid, wait for everything to listen to the command, otherwise I will pass you this paragraph, I can throw you down!"

Ling Han just smiled and said: "Okay."

"Upstairs." Everyone went up one by one, and when the five inscriptions walked past Ling Han, they all glared at him with their eyes.

"Kid, clever point."

"Don't miss this great opportunity."

"That is our brother Li’s heart is good, will bring you such a weak chicken!"

They talked a lot and showed their sense of superiority.

Ling Han did not pay attention to it. He only wants to try this wood cutting operation. It is best to pass nature. If he fails to pass, he also has accumulated experience and knows what to do.


The sound of the crash came from the mountain. It didn't take long before I saw ten people fell from the mountain and fell to a solid foundation. For a long time, they could not get up.

Obviously, they failed.

"Starting!" said Li, a young man, who was responsible for paddling, and when he fell in the woods, he went out.

"Li brother is in charge of the direction, and everyone else listens to me." The red man said, "I said that when I prepared, everyone would inject all the power into the wood cutting, and I will be responsible for the fire."

This sentence should actually be said to Ling Han, they are not the first time to try.

Ling Han still nodded.

Rumble, there was a rolling stone in front of it.

"Prepare." The man in red said, everyone is pouring their minds into the wood.

Ling Han immediately found that the ten people's minds were absorbed by the wood, but because they came from ten people, it was inevitable.

"Open fire!" The red man screamed, oh, there was a light bulge on the front end of the woodcut, and then a light beam was struck, and the stone was crushed and crushed.

"Good!" people on the wood fell, cried.

Ling Han is reminiscing about the "picture" just now. Under the control of the red man, all the powers motivated the woodcut and made a blow, but because the mind is very complicated, it did not actually take that moment. All of these thoughts were used up, at most 30% of the total. Although the other minds were not played, they also dissipated after a blow.

In other words, this conversion rate is actually very low, otherwise, the power of this attack should be even greater.

Ling Han believes that the overall strength of the mind is determined by the power of the woodcut.

It is no wonder that it is necessary to form a team. It is a manpower and a manpower. It is just that everyone has no cooperation, and they have not fully exerted their power.

The wood fell high and slammed, and soon there was a rolling stone in front of them, crushing them heavily.

"Prepare!" the red man shouted again, and everyone quickly poured into the woodcut.

Ling Han was a little surprised. There are not many people who practice spiritual power in Xuanbei. But these people have all cultivated their minds. Are they all out of the cage?

Also, if not, so many openings and inscriptions are a bit strange.

If you eat a different fruit and become a master overnight, you won’t have such sophisticated temperament, and you can’t have a brother.

Hey, the second rolling stone was also smashed, and once again let everyone make a loud buzz.

It seems that it is very easy to get it done. Ten people’s minds only play 30% of the time, can they triumph? That is because Ling Han's mental strength is very strong, one can top two, or even top three.

Wood fell on, and they ushered in the third rolling stone.

Rumble, rolling stone impact, loud voice.

"It seems not right." Li surnamed the young man whispered.


I saw that there were two rolling stones coming one after another, but the distance between them was only three feet. At the speed of the rolling stone, the gap was more than half a second.

"Prepare!" The red man bit his teeth. "After I said the launch, I immediately recharged."

Everyone infused the mind into the woodcut, and then in the red man's big bang, hey, a beam of light hit, hey, the stone was broken. Everyone quickly re-infused the mind, but because the time is too hasty, the amount of thought injected is naturally much weaker.

"Open fire!"

The second light column followed, and the rock was again blown up.

The crowd cheered, but they were obviously too happy, because they just blasted the stone ball by two-thirds, and the remaining one-third was still rolling, rolling toward the wood.

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