Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3537: Find a punching bag

The crowd quickly rushed to attack and rushed to the broken stone ball.


The woodcut was hit hard and stopped suddenly, but fortunately, the broken stone ball was also blown up, and there was no knocking down the wood, causing everyone to fall down the mountain.

The young man surnamed Li quickly stabilized the woodcut and continued to move forward.

Everyone was relieved, although the last bombardment of the stone ball made them mad, uncomfortable, but after all, they resolved the blow.

"Hurry up and recover, then... there should be two **** at the same time." The red man said quietly.

Unexpectedly, the stone ball that appeared again became another one. It was easy to get it, and after two waves, it was two rolling stones.

Boom, the momentum is huge.

"Prepare." The red man shouted.

Hey! Hey!

Still two combos, the first rolling stone was crushed, but the second piece was nearly half of the residue. Hey, it hit the unstoppable momentum. Although everyone joined forces, they could not resist the stone. Boom, the rolling stone crashed down, this time the wood fell is not so lucky, suddenly overturned.

Everyone was falling, and suddenly they were in a state of weightlessness, falling straight from the mountainside.

Will this fall to the dead?

Ling Han’s first reaction was to enter the Yuan Hulu, but the person who had fallen before was only seriously injured. This should not threaten life, and he would not want to expose the secret of the Yuan Hulu.

Everyone fell, and soon the ground was already there.

Ling Han immediately began to expand into the horizon, a step between the steps has fallen to the ground, but the strong anti-shock force hit, let him whole people are fierce, all the bones seem to be falling apart.

This impact force is really amazing. Even if you use the body, you can't avoid it. Fortunately, Ling Han's bones have undergone seven evolutions, and the degree of firmness is completely incomparable.

He sat down and ran the monkey brother's gongs over and over again, and the warmth of the power flowed. After a while, the boiling of the body finally subsided.

Ling Han is like this, other people are even worse, and one by one is still on the ground.

More than nine men in red, more than two-thirds of those who went up the mountain appeared underneath, and their faces looked miserable. Apparently they all fell down. It may take a little earlier, so they have recovered. .

Ling Han thought about it and decided to go it alone.

Of course, it is not one person, but the milk dolls are called out.

The power of attack on wood cutting depends on the overall strength of the mind, but there is also a problem of integration. The ten people who have not cooperated are extremely incomprehensible and cannot exert much power.

However, Ling Han believes in the seven milk-milk children. They are born by a vine, and their minds must be connected. If there are seven births.

Of course, the old seven may sleep at any time, seven people have to count six people.

Moreover, the milk dolls are all congenital, and the mind is certainly not weak.

The nine people of Li’s youth lay down for a while and slowly recovered. This seems to have a protective mechanism that will make people fall, but it will not fall seriously.

"I blame this kid!" A Ming dynasty suddenly turned his finger to Ling Han. "He didn't cooperate well with us, and he finally lost."

This has won the recognition of several people, and they are not glaring at the cold.

Ling Han was amazed. This is not a tacit understanding. There is indeed some responsibility for him. But it is too much to put him on him and let him back alone.

"That is, Li Ge should not find an outsider."

"But the inscriptions will only hold our thighs."

"Let him compensate us for the loss!"

The troubles are the few inscriptions, and all of them are cold-faced. It seems that they are really cold and they are not able to go up the mountain.

Ling Han sighed and said: "You still have to be shameless?"

"Oh, it hurts us to lose weight, but also wants to argue?" Someone accused.

"Get him!"

The five inscriptions were all jumped out and surrounded the cold, all of them were not good.

They didn't go up the mountain, they failed naturally, so they must find a punching bag. The cold that has nothing to do with them is definitely the best candidate.

The four enviroments are all on the sidelines, that is, the young Li surname does not mean to discourage.

This gas is sure to vent, then how to unite the team?

Ling Han shook his head: "Since you are not looking for death yourself, then you are no wonder who."

"Hah, dare to be hard!" one sneered. "Don't let him die so much. Anyway, it takes time to reproduce the wood. We are slowly killing him with one sword and one knife."

"Okay!" Others nodded and didn't feel too much.

They are already "gentle" compared to the cruelty in the cage.

Ling Han snorted, his eyes were like ice, and he slammed out.


He punched out and his opponent didn't even have time to react. He was directly bombarded and flew out. He was in the air, but it burst suddenly and turned into blood rain.

This made the other four inscriptions a glimpse of the situation, and the brain did not turn around.

"You are a kid!" Li’s youth and other four environs were violent, especially Li’s youth. Ling Han was brought into the ranks, but he killed his players under his eyelids. To make him even more angry, and to have a feeling of being cheated.

Are you an inscription?

"Looking for death!" He flew out, pulled a knife from his waist, and swayed out of it. A black knives smashed toward Ling Han. What is strange is that there is still a squid in the knife. A white gimmick makes people panic.

"Oh, this is the unique practice of the ghost old man."

"Is he the doorman of the ghost old man?"

"The old monster in my realm!"

"Hey, you don't want to live, dare to arrange the real strong?"

Everyone is talking about it, but how the voice of the voice is so fast, this knife has already reached the cold.

Ling Han was not afraid, just punched out.

Hey, the knife suddenly collapsed, but those hoes seem to be unaffected, and they have not entered the body of Ling Han.

"Ha ha ha!" Li surnamed the young man laughing, "boy, do you think that the strength of a big fight against my ghost knife?"

"Hey, you are invaded by the knife and knife, you are waiting to die!"

He is full of confidence, and those gimmicks are actually knives. They combine some of his secret laws and have terrible destructiveness to the flesh. As long as they invade, they will die.

In response, Ling Han made another punch, hehe, an inscription was suddenly blasted by him.

Hum, his blood is as strong as a stove, burning.


The young man surnamed Li opened his mouth and couldn't believe his own eyes. How could anyone's blood and blood be able to flourish to the point where he would burn the ashes in his ghostly knife?

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