"Well, you are a thief, you are dead!" Another one leaped over and drove to Ling Han.

It was his younger brother who was shot by Ling Han.

Ling Han didn't mean to waste time. He took the warhammer directly. Once activated, the blazing lightning jumped. He killed it, and he smashed the name.

His combat power could have been crushed and opened, plus the power of a star instrument, let him complete the spike.

This time, Li and his youth are all shocked to the bones.

Who can think that the punching bag they are looking for is actually a big devil!

This time, I kicked it on the iron board.

"Friends, have something to say." Li’s youth immediately softened.

Ling Hanzhen will take care of him. He is a strong shot. The warhammer is waving, and the electric madness flashes. This is a one-star implement. Although it can’t be fully demonstrated, it can be found in the hands of Ling Han. Power, how terrible is this?

It was hit by the electric mang, even if it was open, it would be a numb, lose the ability to dodge, and then be knocked by the warhammer, it is naturally a blur of blood.

Ling Hanmu expressionlessly, and launched a killing.

One, two, three, the young people of Li surnamed a total of nine people, and soon they were killed only one, that is, the young man named Li.

This is naturally the intention of Ling Han, he faintly said: "What can I do wrong?"

"No, no." Li’s youth shook his head again and again.

"Why are you going to be aggressive?" asked Ling Han.

The young man surnamed Li couldn't answer. They failed this time. In order to maintain the stability of the team, they also vented their feelings of failure. Naturally, they needed a punching bag and attributed the loss to the body of the punching bag.

Ling Han is such a person, but no one has thought that this weak chicken, which is called the inscription, is actually a god.


Ling Han hammered down and killed the young man named Li.

He swept the other people coldly, so that everyone was stunned, for fear that he would kill **** and treat himself as a target of slaughter.

Fortunately, Ling Han is not such a person.

"Haha, this hammer is good, I want it!" But some people stood up and took the initiative to sneak into the cold.

This is a secret search, of course, not afraid of the cold.

"I want it too, what should I do?" Another secret searcher stood up.

"I am also interested." The third secret seeker said with a smile.


The secrets of the presence were opened, and there were as many as eleven people.

Ling Han swept his eyes and said faintly: "Are you all shameless, should you join hands to deal with me?"

"Haha, what kind of joke, are you in the imprint?" Everyone is laughing, and a hammer smashes a reclamation. Even if there is a weapon, the strength of Ling Han itself is also terrible.

This may be the name of the territory?

It seems that these people are ironic and have to worry about their faces.

Ling Han's body shape moved, stepped out and disappeared instantly.


"Man, where have you been?"

Those who are looking for secrets are exclaiming, and this speed is too fast. A step is gone, so that they can't catch even traces.

"Damn, holding a star instrument, and mastering such an amazing body, is definitely a powerful disciple, this is run by him, and endless troubles." Some people sigh.

"No problem, he always has to go up the mountain, just keep it here."

"Yes, just plug him here."

These quests quickly reached a consensus, and a one-star instrument was enough to make them kill.

In the distance, Ling Han has quietly covered it back.

Is he a person who is willing to suffer?

of course not.

Before leaving, it was because of being outnumbered, and the eleven searching for secrets were too real. Even if he relied on the power of the instrument, he was reluctant to find the last secret. If he was besieged by eleven secrets, the end would be tragic. .

This time, his whole body was wrapped in a void skin, and his own characters and identity were completely concealed.

He quietly approached and stared at a secret search.

Is it to shoot him with tombstone fragments, let him be riddled with a bad luck, or directly killed by the sky jade?

Ling Han thought about it and decided to use the tombstone fragments.

He approached, approached again, came behind the man, and then smashed a brick.

At the beginning, even Hong Tianbu was a middle mover, not to mention this kind of goods, even if Hong Tianbu was only a procrastination at that time, he was much better than him.


The man didn't even react, and immediately fell to the ground, and a big bag was swollen behind his head.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone is looking over, a secret search for a sudden situation, how strange this is?

Look at the big bag of the man's head, and everyone is sure, he must have been knocked out from behind.

The problem is that no one has seen someone else.

"It must be that kid!"

"He has the ability to hide his body."

"Everyone back to back, surrounded by a circle."

A few secret-seeking secrets have said that everyone is busy in a circle.

Some open borders and inscriptions are depressed. They have not been offended by the cold, but they have been kidnapped into this team. What is it?

No way, if you don’t follow it now, would you not offend these secrets?

"Kids, have the ability to come out!" After encircling the people into a circle, a quest for secrets began to scream out.

"What a sneaky like, can you dare to come out?"

"Do not bully you, one-on-one."

These people called the array, but they did not get the slightest response from Ling Han.

Called for a while, these people also dried up and stopped to rest.

Just then, brushing, a white light suddenly appeared, and hit a secret search.

"Hah, want to sneak up on Qin?" The sneer in the secret search, greeted the white light with a punch.

The white light was very fast, and it was 11 times the speed of sound, but the secret search was still barely welcoming. The fist was wrapped with high-level energy, like a heavy hammer, no matter what the white light is, a blow.

Hey, the white light hit, and banged on the fist that looked for the secret. Suddenly, his fist blasted, and the white light never swelled. He continued to move forward, and then he saw that the whole person turned into blood rain.

啪, 啪, 啪, blood rain sprinkled on the people nearby, which made them wake up, a secret search environment was actually blown up by students.

Ling Han's figure emerged, he grabbed the sky jade.

The Void Skin and Sky Jade is a perfect match, which not only makes him calm, but also does not see where the hit is coming from. In just a short distance of five feet, you can make the sky jade Give the most powerful power and let the opponents lack the time to react.

Therefore, it is just a blow, and a secret search will fall.

The remaining nine searchable secrets of "you" are glaring at each other. In a short while, two of the two secret seekers are stunned, and the other is directly blasted, so how can they not be angry but panic?

Ling Han smiled lightly, stepped out and disappeared.

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