Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3540: Change stone

The stone-like creatures apparently ambushed them, because when the chilly throws out the sky jade, it also rose up for the first time and smashed toward Ling Han. m.

It is a pity that it did not expect that there would be such a big killer in the hands of Ling Han.

Eleven times the speed of sound popped out, is it possible to dodge?

If Ling Han has not yet shot, then it can still dodge ahead by judging the shooting situation of Ling Han.

Once the sky jade is shot, 11 times the speed of sound, and the distance is so close, it is the possibility of finding a secret, there is basically no dodge, let alone it is coming against the cold.


A single blow, this creature is boasted by life, the sky jade is a two-star material, a special mental power device, even if it is issued by Ling Han, this still has an incredible power.

"Hey?" Ling Han walked over, although this creature was bombarded, but did not leave any blood, meat, but only a gray round core, but the date is usually the size.

He picked up the round core and saw that there was a strip of grain on it, exuding the ancient atmosphere.

Oh, this is not a living thing?

Ling Han is very strange, he clearly saw the blood of this thing, but it is not a flesh and blood?

It is inferred from this round nucleus that the stone creature should be formed by the formation, so there is no flesh and blood, and this round core is its core.

Ling Han took the round core and threw it in his hand. It didn't look like anything special, but he still collected it. Of course, it is impossible to throw things away from the unknown use. It doesn't take any place.


They continued to move forward. This time Ling Han left his eyes and carefully observed the stones on both sides of the road. When he saw something slightly different, he started to observe the scorpion.

Be careful not to make a big mistake. Actually, he actually discovered a few monsters that had been condensed into a battle. Instead, he was attacked by Tianzhiyu and cleaned up.

This has to be seen, and it will definitely be unbelievable. When the imprinting environment is so powerful, can you kill two levels?

The circle of the hands of Ling Han gradually increased. Although he studied it carefully, he never found anything unusual, but he still put every ball in it and put it away.

One day, Ling Han collected twenty-five round cores, which also meant that he had killed twenty-five heads of monsters.

This record is a bit impressive, especially Ling Han is only the cultivation of the inscription, and it is estimated that no one believes.

No way, the monster who made these formations condense into a rabbit, wants to wait for the rabbit, engage in a sudden attack, and Ling Han has a sky jade?

Two points are indispensable, otherwise even if Ling Han can be lucky, it should be just a few cases, unlike now, the second success, and all are fatal, this efficiency is too high.

At the end of the night, this rugged and steep mountain road finally came to an end. There was a stone house in front of it, standing very abruptly there, and behind the stone house, it was a big lake.

Ling Han thought about it, first looked at the stone house with 瞳 ,, and that was the time to go.

The house is very simple. There is only one big stone table. The weird thing is that there is a circle in the center of the stone table. Counting it, there are nine, not big, and you can put in a date-sized thing.

Not so smart?

Ling Han subconsciously took out a round core, put it in the hole, just right, half embedded in it, half exposed outside, seems to be tailor-made.

"Good Qi." Four baby roads.

"Hey, aunt, you took so many beads, try to go here." Wuwa also said.

Ling Han said that he had put in one round and one round core. When all the nine round cores were put in, the strange scene appeared, and the nine round cores sinked at the same time, and the center of the table appeared. A stone is a little smaller than a fist.

Hey, this is a **** stone?

"This is a very frosty cold stone." Erwa immediately said, "With this as the core to build Xianji, you can let Xianji have the ultimate cold power, comparable to the nine streams of magic."

Nine streams?

This is also very powerful. After all, it is a supernatural power. It can be crowned with this name. Naturally, it is very powerful.

Ling Han was amazed, the original blame can change the baby.

He put up the frosty stone and put in nine round cores. When the round core disappeared, a stone was replaced immediately.

"焱灵石." Qiwa said, while yawning, "can let the warrior have a flame god"

The word has not yet been exported, and she has fallen to the ground and has made a sound of screaming, and she is already asleep.

Do not sleep in the name of the god.

It is a pity that there are only seven round cores left, which is not enough to change another stone.

Although I only got two gods that can only be compared to Jiu Liu Shen Tong, but this is already very powerful. It is said that the top stone can not be compared with the first-class magical power. No way, the top congenital body must be taught by heaven.

Ling Han didn't stay in the stone house. If he spent the night here, it would be very likely that someone would come over in the middle of the night. Who knows if he will be malicious to him.

There is also Hong Tianbu. It is estimated that this person should also search for him in the outer island area. Because he did not get a pass stone, it is impossible to come to the foot of the mountain.

Therefore, Hong Tianbu should be looking for a long time before he realizes that he has gone up the mountain.

Ling Han came out of the stone house, followed by a big lake with a small boat on the shore.

The boat was really small, and it was only possible to sit on one person. Ling Han let the baby and the color pigs go into the raising of the gourd. He jumped on the small boat and paddled, and marched across the lake.

Hey, the wooden paddles into the water, turned up the water, the night winds, let people feel relaxed and happy.

Ling Han also has an unprecedented sense of relaxation. After entering the world, he has been continually practicing and fighting, and there is a rare moment of boating on the lake.

He closed his eyes and swung the sculls, enjoying the feeling of the lake pats the boat.

and many more!

He slammed his eyes open and looked at the lake, his face changing.

The moon in the lake has not changed at all!

How is it possible that the lake is moving, and that will inevitably change the reflected moon.

Oh, at this moment, the lake suddenly burst into a big wave, and I saw a huge tentacle breaking through the water and pumping heavily toward the boat.

If Ling Han has been relaxed before, then this shot is likely to make him robbed, but since he is already alert, it is naturally impossible to recruit.

He leaped high and jumped out to the front.

Because it did not use the world, and there is still a bit of rush, this jump is only a few dozen feet, Ling Han right foot fell, stepping on the water, he intends to borrow a little bit of water tension.

But the foot touched the water, but it did not borrow the slightest power at all. The whole person suddenly sank.

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