Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3542: requisition

Hey! Hey! Hey!

In the rear of Linghan, the water waves splashed nearly a hundred feet high, and set off a terrible wave. The lake surface fluctuated like a carpet, which added a lot of trouble to Ling Han, and the difficulty of controlling the boat suddenly increased.

Fortunately, his power is strong. If there is any mistake, the mind can adjust the boat head in time and continue to move in the right direction.

This is a big escape. The big octopus seems to be invincible and can only hide from it all the way.

After a long time, the lakeshore appeared in the front.

After Ling Han was overjoyed and made a few paddles, he swelled and leaped across the lake.

Brushing, the big octopus carries out the last block, and the eight claws move.

Hey, Ling Han fell to the ground. He looked back and saw the octopus's tentacles rubbing his back across the back. The wind whistled and let his hair dance and dance, but it was just that.

The big octopus did not attack again, just staring at him.

Ling Han made a grimace and smiled: "Eight-legged geek, have the ability to chase again, believe it or not, will you make a roast squid?"

The big octopus would not answer him naturally, and the body gradually disappeared into the water and soon disappeared.

"If I am in the embarrassing situation, even if I can't kill this ugly, but it is not so embarrassing." Ling Han sighed, it looked a little depressed.

He didn't want to think about it. This peak was only found in the search for secrets. Even the dilemma is not qualified to embark on it. But whoever makes the martial arts have a fault, now the peak is out, as long as the people under the path of the race run basically. When you come over, you will be deprived of 90% and you will not be eligible for the island.

It is not easy for him to be able to get here by himself.

Ling Han continued to move forward, and the front was a long mountain road. He was squatting all the way. He was careful, and there would be no stone monsters on the road.

However, he is more concerned, this road is very peaceful.

Walking along, Ling Han felt that the mountain suddenly became flat, and at this time, the mountain road came to an end, there was a canyon in front, and in the mouth of the canyon, it was sitting or standing a lot of people.

Ling Han thought about it in his heart, took out a mask and put it on. He is now the head of the Foreign Affairs Office. There should be many people who have opinions on him or hide his identity.

Being able to walk to the front of him, these people should not be simple. After wearing the mask, he can hide his cultivation, and there is no doubt that he is looking for a secret. Otherwise, if the realm is too low, it will sometimes bring trouble.

Therefore, more than one thing is not as good as one thing. After all, he came here for the stone, fighting, and secondary.

He strode forward and suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

"There is another one." Someone laughed, he is a sea, because there are cockroaches on his face, and fish whiskers. As for what kind of variety is unclear.

"It seems that the strength is not bad." Another person said that he is a Yaozu, a mouse head, but the hair is golden, exudes the power of a lion.

"Really, this strength is a bit weak." The third person said that he was a real person, and he could not see a strange place from the outside.

Naturally, although Ling Han is very enchanting, but after all, it is only three lines. In the eyes of the secret, he is naturally not strong enough.

"Under Hanlin." Ling Han hugged his fist.

"Greg, why is it still covering his face, is it too ugly?" A woman covered her mouth and smiled. She was quite a bit attractive and her body was a bit more impressive, but it made people feel uncomfortable.

Ling Han knows that his strength is too weak, so that everyone can look down on themselves.

Rely on, provoke the little master, and lay a large absolute fairness in the surrounding area, seeing that several people are his enemy!

There is no seizure in Ling Han. The group of people gathered together and did not move on. They were either dangerous in front or difficult to cross, or they were organic here. They did not want to leave.

Sure enough, someone explained to him that there is a cave here. According to historical records, there will be **** stones in it, and even the top Wanxing stone. If you build it into a fairy base, you can have a part of the star spirit.

You must know that the Wanxing fairy body is the top congenital body. If you have this kind of physique, as long as you don't die, you can at least become the master of the teacher level in the future!

Therefore, these people are all staring at the stars.

The problem is that there is a lot of blood in this cave.

The adult blood line can reach the secret, and the blood line is different from other pythons. It is not only powerful, but also highly toxic, so they become very very headaches.

There are not two bloodline snakes in the cave, but at least a few hundred, which is scary. Even those who are self-proclaimed and arrogant are not daring to swear. After finding enough people, this is the only way to sweep.

Ling Han was expropriated by them. Who made him weak?

People are very straightforward, either doing it with them or dying, without a third choice.

——If Ling Han is really looking for a secret, even if he just steps into the open, these people will not dare to threaten him so much, but will invite him to join in, which is beneficial.

Now, the force is going to come out, but there is no benefit.

"Hey, how ugly are you in the end, and your face is not exposed?" The woman had not stopped before, but she still stared at Ling Han, and she had to see him.

Ling Han didn't pay attention to it. He naturally wouldn't expose the true face. There are several acquaintances here, such as Jin Yulu. If he finds him, will he take this opportunity to kill him?

"Kid, do you have the courage to be fat, even if I don't look at it?" The woman showed fierceness.

"Forget it, forget it." Someone on the side advised.

The woman refused to give up and kept screaming in her mouth, saying that she had not seen such an arrogant person, and that she could not close her mouth.

"You don't have to be familiar with him. When he is attacking the snake cave, let him be a pioneer, and the first one will kill him." The adviser said.

Ma Qiuling was willing to give up, but looking at Ling Han's eyes is still not good.

Ling Han snorted in his heart, just looking at the color, he knew that these two people certainly did not have any good intentions.

Can't you die?

When the night falls, there are a few more people here, but it is not a master of the secret world. It is not the sea people who came out of the cage. Now the two places are the youngest.

These people, because of their tyrannical strength, were invited by the guests to attack the snake caves. In contrast, the treatment of Ling Han was really incomprehensible.

Until the night, most people are closed eyes and rested. They are not the King of Iron, and proper rest is necessary.


Ling Han quietly took out the void skin, and put it on his body, and immediately hid into the void.

He looked at the tent where Ma Qiuling was, with a sneer in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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