Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3543: Snake cave

Men are more casual, sitting on the ground, will be one night and two nights.

But women are more delicate, while others are reserved. They think that sleeping is not suitable for outsiders, so they will bring a tent, which is quite convenient anyway.

Ling Han quietly walked and touched Ma Qiu Ling’s tent.

He launched the scorpion, and easily penetrated the tent, found her head, and then took out the tombstone fragments and slammed the past.


A muffled sound, how can Ma Qiu Ling think that someone would attack himself at this time?

They have all reached an agreement and formed an alliance. Whoever is a public enemy at this time will be destroyed by joint efforts. Therefore, she sleeps with great peace of mind. Anyway, some people are on the outside.

It was photographed by the tombstone fragments, and it was useless for you to use the fork, and immediately fainted, and will be ruined by bad luck for a long, long time.

However, this muffled sound also awakened people in the vicinity. After all, they are all looking for a secret level. They can wake them up with a little bit of wind and early action.

"What happened?" They were all exclaimed. Anyone could see the tent collapsed. Ma Qiuling had a big swollen bag on his very beautiful face, completely ruining the beauty.

Obviously, this big bag is not Ma Qiuling himself knocking himself, but a human attack.

Who did it?

To know that they have formed an alliance, and now someone is secretly shooting, is this not destroying the alliance? Who else can trust others?

Jin Yulu came out, she is a disciple of the spirit of Zhenjun, naturally quite majestic, after carefully looking at it, she showed a strange color: "It seems to be knocked out by the stone, there are words on it. ”


Everyone is weird. Take a stone monument and swear. What does this murderer mean?

Is the shame of red fruit?

"Everyone is up, this is a very bad thing, you must find out the murderer!" There is a sea of ​​evil spirits.

"Check it out first, is there anyone missing?" Jin Yulu said with a deep sigh.

"The murderer will not be so stupid?" Someone said, this is a slap in the face of people, how can it reveal a sense of rogue?

This finding is really one less person.

Ling Han!

"This Hanlin must be the murderer!" Everyone is very sure. During the day, I saw that there was a conflict between Ling Han and Ma Qiuling. Now Ma Qiuling is stunned, but Ling Han is missing. The answer is naturally very obvious.

"The strange thing is that this person's strength is very weak, how can he sneak attack?" Someone raised questions.

"Nature is that Ma Qiuling is not prepared. After all, it is in sleep, and the defense is weakest." Someone immediately replied.

"No!" Someone shook his head. "I remember that Han Lin was lying here. It is a distance of seven feet from Ma Qiuling. Although it only needs a swept, if he does, I have not heard the movement?"

"If Han Lin is quietly covering up, it is even more incredible. Will there be no one to discover when I am waiting for it?"

Listening to his analysis, everyone feels strange, because the strength of Ling Han is really weak and weak, a person so weak can actually cover up the distance of seven feet and not be found?

How is this possible?


At this moment, Ma Qiu Ling actually put a ringing fart.

Everyone said that the fart is not stinky, the stinky fart is not loud, but her fart is stinky and loud, so that everyone quickly picks up the nose, and does not reveal the color of disgust.

This beautiful woman puts a bad smell in public, which is also a very shameful thing, greatly reducing points.

Undoubtedly, Ma Qiu Ling’s bad luck has already begun.


Ling Han could not understand how much these people could not figure out. His goal was the stone in the cave.

Others can't get in, it's just a bunch of secrets to find a secret. They don't dare, but it doesn't matter if they are cold. He has a void skin, and even, let the six baby carry a gourd, and he can come and go in the cave.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to give Ma Qiu Ling a brick, and then drifted away, leaving a bunch of people holding their heads but could not think of why.

Ling Han entered the canyon and soon found the cave.

In fact, there is a blood line in the entire canyon. If you want to harden the past, you will have to go through a bitter battle, but it is not impossible to pass through, you can enter the cave, and you still want to go all the way. The terrain is different. More complicated, the light is darker and it is easy to be attacked.

Ling Han did not hesitate to enter the cave. Although the blood line here has reached the secret search, but the IQ is a serious problem, far from being called the Yaozu, but can only be called the monster, very incomparable Get the original.

He entered the cave and walked all the way. The first was to be afraid of the snakes, and the second was to miss the stone.

After a half-mile road, Ling Han really found a piece of **** stone.

This is too obvious. It shines in the dark caves. He picks it up and looks at it. It is a red stone that feels hot and seems to be burning.

It must be the **** stone of the fire system.

Ling Han did not think much, directly put the stone into the gourd.

The people outside said that the most valuable thing here is the Wanxing Stone, which is hidden in the depths of the cave, so this is definitely not a star stone.

Ling Han continued to move forward, and soon found a second piece of **** stone. This whole body was dark, but it was even more bleak than the dark itself. Instead, it was highlighted, and it was also taken into the gourd by Ling Han.

He just wanted to move, but he stopped immediately because he felt the movement.

Soon, a big snake swam over and spit out a tongue and a squeaky voice.

When the serpent swam to the vicinity, he swelled his body and stretched his head as if he was puzzled. But after two turns, he never found anything, and then he re-visited and disappeared at the corner.

Ling Han breathed a sigh of relief and came out of the gourd. Although the fierce snake did not open up wisdom, it was very primitive, but the sensory force was very amazing. It just noticed its own trace.

Fortunately, he hid in time, and with the "stupid" of the big snake, he did not find the strangeness of raising the gourd.

If you change someone, suddenly there is a gourd on the ground, and he will inevitably have a curiosity.

Ling Han continued to move forward, and his harvest was more and more, and soon he discovered a piece of **** stone.

If you let outside people see it, it will definitely envy him and be jealous.

Hey, take all the shrines here and clean them up, and then wait for those outside to try their best to kill them. The result is that the farts are not caught, and their faces will be very ugly.

Well, some look forward to it.

Ling Han is careful, so many blood snakes gather together, it is very likely that there will be a snake king, and the snake king will definitely be stronger than other blood snakes.

He found twelve stone stones all the way, but he never found the most precious star stone.

However, the cave is finally coming to an end.


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