Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3544: Stealing treasure

At the end of the cave, there is a huge blood snake snake, its trunk is as thick as a bucket, even if it is on the plate, you can see that it is at least ten feet long, and there is a line of blood on it.

This is naturally the origin of the bloodline snake, and these bloodlines are still releasing a stinking smell, which is highly toxic.

Ling Han brow wrinkled, although the bloodline snake also exudes a poisonous breath, but far from being so strong, he has nothing to breathe, but the bloodline snake is too big, the drama is released. The poisonous atmosphere is also more intense.

Moreover, it seems to have been entangled here, so the poison in this area should be more intense, and this is still a distance, Ling Han feels that he has to faint.

Is this the snake king?

Obviously, this big snake is not the level of Xiantu, otherwise it can easily see his disguise, and the void skin is under his control, and it is still invisible in front of the powerful at the Xiantu level.

This is a king in the search for secrets, far more powerful than other bloodline snakes.

Ling Han’s eyes passed over the snake. He saw a strange stone on the edge of the serpent. The interior seemed to contain countless stars, emitting a faint glow.

Wanxing Stone.

Ling Han can immediately conclude that it is the most precious thing in the entire cave.


He saw that there was a purple plant on the edge of the Wanxing Stone, almost one foot high, and the stems were like purple jade, very crystal clear.

This is... Ziyu Lingcao!

Ling Han surprise, this is a good thing, food can be improved.

The problem is that Ziyu Lingcao is on the edge of the snake king. If he walks too close, will he let the snake king discover it?

But he is too eager to promote the realm. Here, if he does not enter the open world, he has to rely on the instrument to chase the secret, and believe that there should be many people holding the implements. He has suffered too much.

Therefore, he has to hurry to find the secret.

Be sure to take it.

Ling Han quietly approached, and when he was a few feet away, the snake king had an induction, and his head stood up and looked around. The tongue spit out, as if he had found something.

Ling Han quickly stopped, and after a while, the snake king pulled down his head again and seemed to sleep again.

The snake, in addition to predation, usually distort rest and not waste physical strength, even if such a strong presence of blood snakes does not change this characteristic.

Ling Han sighed, one is to prevent the invasion of poison gas, and the second is to avoid being touched by the snake king as much as possible.

With his current strength, there is no problem for an hour and a half, but this is not insured. The poison gas still has a strong corrosive effect on his skin, which makes him feel itchy and screaming.

He looked down, and sure enough, the skin was red, and it was slightly red and swollen.

Go faster, or you will be poisoned even if you don't inhale the gas.

Ling Han slightly accelerated a little rhythm, but this immediately caused the snake king to be alert, once again erected his head, and this time is even staring at the direction of Ling Han, the green eyes are full of fierce, let Ling Han have some The feeling of sweating.

Fortunately, the snake king still did not attack, and slowly leaned back on his head.

Ling Han did not dare to speed up again, which caused the attention of the snake king, but the speed is not up.

He walked slowly, like a turtle crawling.

He did not consider sneak attack with the sky jade, but when the snake king was resting, he buried the snake head in his body. It was impossible to directly hit it. With such a huge body and the vitality of the snake, even if it was beaten. In two, it will not hang for a while, and the snake king who started the madness is enough to kill Ling Han many times.

After a long time, Ling Han finally came to the side of Wanxing Stone and Ziyu Lingcao. He grabbed the Wanxing Stone in one hand and the Purple Yuling Grass in one hand. He violently pulled the grass out and ran.

Suddenly, the Snake King immediately reacted, and the snake tail flashed, and he pumped it toward Ling Han. The speed was fast, and the snake king’s mouth spit out the toxic mist, which increased the corrosion.

Ling Han was in a long position, and the front was already at the corner. He immediately folded his body and threw the hoisted gourd into a large stone crevice on the top. Then he slammed and entered himself.

The snake king swam over and naturally lost the whereabouts of Ling Han. It spit out the tongue and sensed the breath of Ling Han, but it was nothing. It wandered for a long time, and many blood lines also swam over, together with their boss. Search.

However, this is all in vain.

Ling Hanyi entered the Yuan Hulu, immediately took out the detoxified medicinal herbs, although it is not specifically targeted to detoxification, but it is always helpful for chemical poisoning.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" The baby's dolls were all surrounded, and the color pigs were only showing signs of gloating.

"Nothing," he said.

The cold-blooded monkey brother works in harmony with the toxins, the heart beats vigorously, and the vitality is spewed out, while the liver is also secreting detoxifying substances, and the efficiency is astonishing.

This is because he has more than a million inscriptions on these two organs, and his performance is naturally far beyond that of other inscriptions.

This is the case, it took him a day to get rid of the toxins.

Ling Han wanted to leave, but he heard the sound of fighting coming from outside.

The gang outside came in?

Ling Han thought about it, decided to hide here for a while, because his stealth is not like the second baby is really into the void, can not touch, but when it is hit, it will show flaws.

In the midst of the chaos, the chance of being hit is too high.

He took out the purple jade grass, and where is refining and chemical refining?

Do you want to cook it?

Ling Han swayed such a thought in his mind, and then laughed, not eating, but also about beauty and not delicious?

He picked up the purple jade grass, bite it down, licked it, and he took a bite, and immediately there was a sour taste spreading in his mouth.

It’s hard to eat.

No matter what, he chewed it up and then swallowed things.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Ling Han felt the heat in the abdomen, and the potency had already worked.

He stopped and ran the monkey brother to practice the medicine.

In the flow of secret power, he promoted the expansion of the meridians.

The movement outside is getting bigger and bigger, but Ling Han is unaware of it, pushing the expansion of the meridian wholeheartedly, so that the secret force can be stored more and the explosive power is more.

When the potion disappears, he chews a few more mouths and then continues.

After one day and one night, he finally repaired the end of the three lines.

The meridians could not be expanded any more, and even if he only expanded a little bit, he felt a sharp pain.

OK, you can hit four lines.

He did not hesitate to start a breakthrough.

The improvement of the small realm is too simple for him. The difficulty is how to engrave more inscriptions on the organs in a limited time.


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