Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3552: Seven lines

Everything is logical, simple, just more than three hours, Ling Han broke through to the six lines.

"It's still a little bit worse."

Ling Han said in his heart, even if he does not break through the opening, as long as he moves into the seven lines, he will certainly have the power to match the secret.

——Do not need to rely on the rituals, the sky jade, the emptiness of the animal skin, etc., and his own strength is really positively confronted with the search for the secret.

And what he has to do is to practice for a few more days.

"Six changes are breaking the limit. My current room for improvement is much larger than when I was up to five lines. Therefore, it takes three to four days to reach the peak." Ling Han looked at himself and nodded.

The higher the realm, the more difficult the leap-level battle is. Part of the reason is that after breaking the limit, the room for improvement is no longer as big as when the realm is low.

When you are in the same vein, you can reach twenty veins and only twelve veins. This gap can be said to be as big as a sky. A 20-pulse is enough to sweep hundreds of twelve veins. Can go to the inscriptions, even if the six lines are also at most three or four five lines.

Therefore, if you want to be enchanting and invincible, you must make a breakthrough on the basis of the limit.

Ling Han continued to simulate the process of the seven lines, he must be prepared for all, and at the same time in all the remaining organs on the inscription, the difficulty is very high, but extremely important, he must be foolproof.

When he was practicing in the morning, Ice Element Stone, which could not be hidden, immediately exposed him. Some people were okay. They did not reach the peak of the secret search. They smashed the light and ran to attack.

However, some people are already searching for the peak of the secret. They do not need to go to practice again. They immediately kill them in a bad way, which seriously affects the cultivation of Ling Han.

Once he even had a face-to-face with Hong Tianbu. This person was very decisive. Although he just stepped into the secret search, he did not want to borrow light. He killed it in the first place.

Here, Ling Han can not use the world of the world, and when it comes to the control of the body shape, Hong Tianbu, this big enchanting, does not lose to Ling Han, and always hangs behind him, can not get rid of.

Or because of the special skill, the influence of the heavens and the earth has changed, affecting the formation. As a result, when Ling Han entered a new flower field, Hong Tianbu suddenly disappeared, as if he had entered another world.

Curious array.

Ling Han captured the mystery of it. After a long time, he shook his head, the realm was too low, and there was no way to comprehend.

If you don't reach Xiantu, you don't see a trace of clues.

Ling Han took the time to use the last bit of time to practice, and then found a place to hide and continue to simulate the seven lines.

One day, two days, three days, the time passed quietly, and Ling Han was not in a hurry. Anyway, his goal has basically been reached. There is a top-level building stone, and even if nothing is obtained, it doesn't matter.

Because it was seriously affected, by the ninth day, Ling Han finally reached the end of the six lines.

finally reached!

Ling Han took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

As long as he passes another level, he can take revenge.


He began to hit the seven lines in the nourishing gourd.

This is extremely difficult. I thought that when the cold reached seven changes, it was the power of the plane's plane that suddenly became powerful. Even he himself was confused. Before that, he did not know that he could reach seven changes.

In the case of the seven bones, he is a self-broken bone, and found a way of life in the extreme death.

What about the seven lines?

Do you have to explode one liver device?

If you want to do this, will he die first?

After all, he can immediately recover his injuries without killing the real liquid, and he will not be able to live again if he is reborn.

Ling Han shook his head, the extreme bones can break the bones, but the inscriptions can never be self-breaking organs, the direction of the two is inconsistent.

He has had many kinds of ideas before. Now I have tried it one by one, and I have been constantly failing. He is not discouraged. If you really want to achieve it, how can there be no legend in the world?

Ling Han made another new attempt. This time, he let the six inscriptions of the organs interlock, trying to resonate with other organs, thus taking a step before the ancients.

After a long time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the organ in the stomach was actually responding!

But after he tried it, he found that the response was too weak and could not cause a jump in life.

How to do?

The direction is correct, but the heavens and the earth seem to have been restricted. The ultimate emergence of the "seven" is never allowed. Whether it is seven, seven or seven, it is impossible to achieve by normal means.

However, Ling Han has special means.

When he was motivated, the whole world's living beings responded in unison, and they released their minds and merged with Ling Han's thoughts.

Although these minds come from hundreds of millions of people, all of them come from the inner world of Ling Han, which can be regarded as a part of him. It is naturally no problem to integrate, and Ling Han’s mind is getting stronger and stronger.

This can only be temporarily borrowed. If you endlessly extract it, then his inner world will become a living dead.

Boom, this huge literary surging, only acts on the inside of Ling Han, but it seems to open up another world, to exclude the rules of this world or similar existence.

My territory? I'm the ruler!

Seven lines, give me a free!

Boom, the world of heaven and the earth suddenly started to be thundering, it seems to be full of anger against this kind of big act of Ling Han.

Ling Han made a long shout, using this moment of opportunity to ignite the jump of life.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

On the mountain of the peak, suddenly there was a violent storm and rain, and the clouds were rolling over the head. There were lightnings continually crossing, as if something had happened to the evil to the evil in the world, and it was necessary to drop the thunder and punish it.

This is not a fantasy. There are many powerful evils in the legend that have been killed by Tianlei.

In the flower field, everyone is in the heart, because this is the flower field, so that their hearts are cold, in case they really have to drop the punishment, how can they survive with their strength?

They want to run, they can get lost in this flower field, they can't get out.


On the stomach of Ling Han, there was a golden pattern.

Seven lines!

Although there is only one grain, it also means that this is a seven change.

Booming and banging, mad thunder and bang, but the gradual rise of the cold life has begun, this is what God can not stop, and his body is also undergoing dramatic changes, this is a dramatic change in the level of life.


“Suddenly, I was shocked, as if it was targeted?” Hong Tianbu murmured. “According to ancient borrowing, there are only two possibilities.”

"There is a congenital deity to come to the world, or ... there is something against the sky."

"This anti-day thing can mean that a living creature has made a reversal of the heavens and the earth, or it may have violated the heavens and the earth by its own existence."

"Is it... is it cold?"

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